Friday, July 3, 2020

Voss Vaca 2020 - Day 4 - Kenny's Farmhouse Cheese

Good morning, again!  The kids are awake, but they're quietly playing upstairs.  Michael is still sleeping.  I've got breakfast made for everyone, and a lot of our food packed up and ready to go.  I also got a couple blogs posted, and my app hasn't crapped out on me once yet this morning!  Not bad for being up a little over an hour.  Now, in the quiet, peaceful morning, I thought I'd get caught up on my blogging and telling you about yesterday and us arriving at the cheese farm!

The farm is probably the number one thing the kids have been looking forward to on this trip.  When someone asks them about what we're doing on this vacation, the first thing they mention is always the farm.  We arrived yesterday afternoon, and I have to tell you, the farm does not disappoint!  ❤🐄

We arrived at the farm a little before our 3pm check-in.  We checked out the shop where they were selling cheese, as well as in the back where we could see them packaging the cheese.  They weren't making any cheese yesterday, but there were signs up showing the process they went through to make the cheese as well as the packaging and shipping process.  We sampled a few different cheeses and bought some gifts for friends and family.  😉😉😉

After checking out the shop, we headed over to the barn and the milking parlor.  They have an observation deck over the barn where you can see all of the cows.  The cows walk themselves into the milking area where they're given a treat.  They are identified by a microchip in their collar, and then are milked using the automatic machine.  The whole operation was very fascinating.  One cow did not want to go in and be milked, as you can see in the pictures above.  We got to talk to this worker as well as Kenny himself when we were wandering around the farm later.  It was pretty neat!

I got distracted this morning and didn't finish this blog.  Will have to post more pictures later, but I better publish this so I don't lose it.  ❤

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