Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your love and support! I have had several people asking about my blog and wanting to follow it based on my food and recipe choices. You all have been so kind and I am overwhelmed and blessed that you would want to follow any example I lead, I am a flawed woman. So, again, thank you! I love you all! Since a few people have expressed interest in my blog and particularly in the food and recipes, I am going to try to do better about posting regularly and sharing meals and recipes with you all. I am also going to attempt to make some healthier choices, July wasn't the best food month, because you all have inspired me with your own desires to be healthy! Thanks for the challenge, Guys!
Here are a few goals I'd like to accomplish in the next month, I encourage you to come up with 1-3 attainable goals for this month as well. Let's do this together, encourage each other, be successful, and not sweat the slip-up moments. :)
1. Drink enough water.
This morning I weighed 138 lbs (which is up because I went to a birthday party yesterday and drank soda, ate chips, and ate cookie cake). Half of 138 is 69.
***Sidenote: Common Core Plug - I that out in my head without using long division. I broke 138 into smaller parts which were easier to divide in half. This is a strategy teachers are teaching kids using Common Core. It is awesome! I didn't learn via Common Core, but this is the way my brain works, and it makes sense! Here are my steps...
138= 100+30+8
It's just different, folks. And just because it's different, does not make it wrong. Common Core is a good thing. I encourage you to get behind it and ask a teacher to explain more to you about this cool system. :)
***Stepping down from my soapbox now...
I have 16 oz glasses in my home. 69 oz is 4 glasses + 5 oz per day. I'm going to round that to 4.5. I want to drink 4.5 (16oz) glasses of water EVERY DAY during the month of August! What about you? Want to join me on my water challenge?? Should I post about it on facebook too? What do you guys think?
2. Be more active!
This one is more difficult to measure, and I don't want to set myself up for failure because I know myself, so I'm going to start with this easier goal of being more active. I would say I more or less fall into the sedentary lifestyle category. I would like to change this. I'm going to aim for going out and doing something active every day, but overall will consider my goal accomplished if I'm being active more often than not. Maybe September I'll make this goal a bit more quantitative. ;)
3. Stick to healthy meals.
Ok, Friends, this is going to be the most challenging goal for me this month. I tend to be a cheater. I have cheat weekends and cheat days and cheat meals and cheat snacks and all of that tends to add up. When Michael and I first started changing our diet over a year ago I stuck with our meal plan fiercely. I want to do that again during the month of August. Please wish me luck, because this one takes TREMENDOUS will power that is sometimes hard for me to muster.
That's enough for one month! Lots of big goals and plans! You don't have to set three goals (or any for that matter) but I encourage you to find one thing to find one thing you'd like to focus on and really work hard on it this month. You guys feel free to hold me accountable on these things as well! Let's make August a healthy and happy month together!
Love you all! Thanks again for your love and support! Have a blessed Sunday!
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