Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Potty Wars...

When I hear the lid slam down on the toilet, I know it's already too late. Even so, I run into the bathroom to find my son covered in water. My sweet boy loves playing in the water, toilet water is no exception. My beautiful 3 year old daughter has been potty trained for some time now, but doesn't understand the importance of flushing the toilet every time yet. Yes. It was as bad as you think. Time to start focusing on the importance of flushing the toilet every time. And keeping the bathroom door shut when you leave. Ah the joys of parenthood! How's your day going?

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Passing along an article

I read this article today, and it completely summed up my views on gun control.  Maybe I'm to much of a pacifist for today's crime ridden world, but I truly believe that as a Christian, my job is not to tote a gun for my protection or anyone else's.  I won't rant, the article says much more eloquently how I feel on the subject.  Give it a read of you feel so inclined.  :)


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Life By Amazon

I was reading an article today that talked about how this girl's Amazon orders told the story of her life better than she cared to tell.  How when you make everything look good on facebook, Amazon really knows how things are.  The girl went through her order history and told the story of her years on Amazon.  I thought that sounded interesting and enlightening, so I'm going to check out my own history and see what it says about me.  :)

Age: 18
Orders: 4
In 2005 I graduated high school and moved to Manhattan to start college.  As a poor college student, books were expensive and someone suggested to me that Amazon had them for cheaper than the bookstore.  (Anything had to be cheaper than the bookstore, right?!)  So, my relationship with Amazon began...
For one semester I studied Kinesiology, exercise science.  Didn't take me long to decide it wasn't for me.  Back in 2005 there were no Kindles or any sort of EReaders.  You couldn't rent books.  I always bought from the lowest priced vendors, not always from Amazon.  So although my 4 orders were all placed on the same day, they were all through different people and, therefore, I'm sure I paid shipping out the wazoo, but the books were cheaper.  :\  You can rent this book now for half of what I paid for it 10 years ago.

Age: 19
Orders: 12
By the time 2006 rolled around I was onto Secondary Education, with an emphasis in Math.  After my freshman year, my childhood/high school/college best friend, Cara, and I moved into our own apartment.  I got a job at K-State and for the first time I was really learning how to manage my own money (though not very effectively).  In 2006 I also realized that Amazon was a good place to buy gifts and that I could even have them shipped to my friends and family.
High Risk: Children Without a Conscience
Looking for a read to scare you away from all children, try this one on for size!  Yikes!  I think reading this book is what made me interested in the minds of sociopaths, serial killers, killers, addicts, and gang members, it made me curious about the way their minds work and what makes them tick.  Probably a morbid fascination for a 19 year old girl.  :\
The 88
Placed a gift order for this CD on April 4th.  Definitely a birthday gift for Cara.
The Notebook
A Time to Dance
As a girl who'd had a grand total of 3 boyfriends in my life, all in the course of about 17 months, and who had been single for the passed 4 months (and 17.5 years before that 17 month stint) I was excited to be in college and to find someone new.  Someone I hadn't known all my life.  Someone who would complement me, who I could have a long and lasting relationship with.  You know, the kind from a Nicholas Sparks book.  ;)  I ordered these books at the beginning of my sophomore year of college.  Maybe this would be the year.  Yes, one year into my college experience I was looking for my MRS.  :P
**Note: For anyone who doesn't know, when I talk about getting my MRS, that's what we said about the girls who only went to college to get married.  They weren't interesting in actually getting a Bachelor's (BA or BS), they wanted their MRS (Mrs.).  ;)
Western Civilizations
Cost me over $50 (would have been more at the bookstore) and now you can rent it for FREE on Amazon!!  EReaders have to be saving college students a BUNDLE in book costs!!
Chris Tomlin
Blue Like Jazz
Instant Karma
More focus on God and being a good person in general.  Less focus on boys.  Let them come to me, right?  I remember something the beautiful and wonderful Lacey Mackey said when she was leading our Bible Study group, "Run as fast as you can towards God.  Then, while you're running, look around, and see who's running just as fast as you are."  :)  I would go to my second DCC (Denver Christmas Conference) a couple months after this purchase.
Project Runway, Season 2
Phil was practically a roommate at this point.  He was always over watching TV with us.  He loved Project Runway as much as I did!  This was his Christmas gift.  :P

Age: 20
Orders: 16
At DCC I met Michael.  We met on January 5th and were dating by the 18th.  I guess Lacey had given me some pretty good dating advice.  Michael almost didn't pursue me, since it seemed I was dating Phil (like I said, we were close, he basically lived with Cara and me), but when I made a comment about how I wasn't interested in dating right now, Michael knew I wasn't dating Phil and made his move.  :P  At the end of my sophomore year I switched majors again from Secondary Education to Elementary Education.
How to Get a Date Worth Keeping
I was surprised to see this on my history since Michael and I had been dating for 4 months at this point and had already decided we were going to marry each other.  Then I realized I had it shipped to Cara.  Makes sense.  I was in the first great relationship of my life, one that had the potential to last a lifetime.  She had a front row seat to the show as we dated and fell more and more in love, all the while, was single and frustrated to not have the same happiness.
Cultural Anthropology
Spent $100 on this puppy.  On Amazon now for $12.  Wonder how much the book store was charging?!  This was an amazing class that I would recommend to everyone!  Loved it!
Art for Elem Teachers
Sideways Stories
Where the Wild Things Are
Elementary Education classes started.  Since Elementary teachers teach everything, I was no longer getting all math books, but Art and Reading books as well.  I was actually pleasantly surprised to be learning about all the subjects instead of just math.  I still have all 3 of these books/sets.  :)

Age: 21
Orders: 6
In 2008 I went to my third (and final) DCC.  I decided to go on a summer project and applied to go to Yaounde, Cameroon, Africa for 6 weeks over the summer.  Michael proposed shortly after I got back from project, and he got back from the Philippines where he'd spent 4 weeks of his summer while I was away.  We began planning our wedding and life as a married couple.  I think the reason there is less ordered here on Amazon this year is because, as we were planning the wedding, I used a bunch of different sites to get the best deals on things like invitations, save the dates, decor, etc.  My Vista Print Life and My Personalization Mall Life might have to be sequels to this blog.  ;)  My time at K-State didn't officially end at the end of 2008, but my time in it's classrooms did.
Wow Christmas: Green
Wow Christmas: Red
My excitement for Christmas season begins early.  I purchased these on September 10th.
Being engaged now, I needed to buy something from my future in-laws for Christmas.  Back in 2008 Glenn and Linda were talking about building a log cabin, so I bought Linda this Forest Decor quilting book for Christmas.  Now, 7 years later, their house is being built and we'll celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in their new home this fall and winter!
Marvin Gaye
This was a joke for Sis.  She and Adam also got engaged in 2008.  We came across a wedding registry back in the day on Amazon.  All it had on it was this CD and a set of knives.  It was the oddest wedding registry.  So I got her this when she got engaged.  I received a copy from her at one of my bridal showers as well.  ;)
Third Day
The first sign of Michael in my Amazon Life.  I bought him this CD for Christmas.

Age: 22
Orders: 6
I started 2009 with Student Teaching.  I was working in a 2nd grade class in Manhattan.  Michael and I had the wedding planning done shortly after the year began and then just had to wait until May for the actual wedding.  We went to Florida for our Honeymoon and I had a job interview as soon as we got back.  In August I began my teaching 4th grade in Junction City while Michael finished school.  Sis and Adam got married that summer as well and in the Fall bought their first house.  I was extremely jealous that they were moving on with their adult lives while I was stuck in an apartment in a college town with dumpster dive furniture.  :\  Not my proudest moments.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful man who loves me more than he should, and he put up with my envious nature and loved me none-the-less.  I got pretty lucky with him.  Not so many orders again this year because we were college students, then a newlywed couple living on one income.  We've basically always been broke.  :P
First Days of School
First Year Teacher's Survival Guide
Young and excited I entered my first year of teaching.  But before the school year even officially started I had a parent attacking me.  Should have been my first clue...
Talent is Overrated
Twilight Princess
Phil Wickham
Being married meant not just buying for my family at Christmas time, but for Michael's family too.  Nick always has a great list of books that he wants to read.  Michael and I had also got our Wii during this time, so I ordered him a Zelda game (and a CD) as a part of his Christmas present.  Our orders in 2009 were limited to a couple books at the beginning of the school year, and Christmas gifts.  Absolutely nothing else.  Seriously, we were broke as a joke.  By this time in my life I'd figured out the managing money thing.

Age: 23
Orders: 2
Michael and I began 2010 by getting our first puppy, Allie.  She was a Beagle and the sweetest thing you'd ever met.  However, before the school year came to a close, Allie died of unknown causes (although I worry that the woman we bought her from was running a puppymill, and therefore, our puppy was not healthy).  People asked if we had a autopsy done, but we were barely making ends meet and it wouldn't change the outcome.  Michael buried her in the trees, passed the field across from our apartment overlooking a small river.  We were heartbroken.  After a couple months we couldn't take the quiet any more, because every little sound reminded us of the sweet girl we'd lost.  We went back to Kansas City and got Harlee when she was 9 weeks old.  This time I checked the place out, met the man at his house, saw Harlee's parents, and made sure all my ducks were in a row.  I couldn't go through that grief again.  I end my first year of teaching.  We celebrated one year of marriage.  That summer my car crapped out on me and it was going to cost close to $1000 to fix.  It was already 13 years old at this point, and Michael and I had a big decision to make, start putting money into repairs (I'd spent virtually nothing on the car up until this point) or call it a wash and get a new one.  On our way to Tugfest that year we stopped in Chilicothe, Missouri to look at a 2006 Mercury Mariner Hybrid.  We were back a few short weeks later to pick it up!  :D  I still love (and own) that car to this day!  Michael begins his final year at K-State and I begin my second year as a 4th grade teacher.  Nick and Maggie got engaged and began planning their wedding.
Halo 3
Settlers of Catan
Apparently we got more broke than we already were.  :P  The only thing we ordered all year were these Christmas gifts, and a CD I got for Michael.  I'm not sure if this Settlers game was for us or Sis and Adam.  I'm sure the game was for Nathan.  He played a lot of video games back then

Age: 24
Orders: 4
In 2011 Michael graduated from K-State!  Nick and Maggie got married that summer.  We moved to Wichita hoping he could find a job.  Unfortunately, neither of us could.  That didn't stop us from getting Harlee a playmate though!  Shortly after we moved to Wichita and into an apartment that (actually) allowed pets, Gabby joined our family.  :)  I ended up working at Belden Jewelers, a jewelry store in the mall.  When the school year started I also began working as a Para in Augusta.  All the while, Michael continued to look for Engineering work, to no avail.  After much humbling, Michael looked for drafting work.  When, still, nothing appeared, he was truly humbled and took a job at Toys R Us to help us make ends meet.  I didn't like how Butler County Special Education treated their Para's, so I left to become a substitute teacher.  This worked out perfectly for Sis, who was pregnant, and due with a baby boy at the end of March.  She had it all worked out that I would be her long-term sub.  ;)  Finally, in November, Michael got a drafting job.  Not Engineering, but a step in the right direction.  2 weeks later he was offered an Engineering job at a different company.  I was ecstatic!  He finally had a real Engineering job, which meant I was off my birth control!  :P
Oh the Places You'll Go
Part of my gift to Michael for his graduation.
Pirate Rubber Duckies
Decor for Sis' baby shower.
Sake Set
Christmas present for Adam.  I bought Christmas gifts for several people on Amazon this year.

Age: 25
Orders: 3
Shortly after the new year began, Michael and I found out we were pregnant!  4 days later we put an offer in on a house.  March came and went with no new nephew.  Finally, on April 3rd, Dayton arrived!  His arrival meant it was time for me to sub for Sis.  On our 3 year anniversary Michael lost his job.  4 hours later he had a new one, Praise the Lord!  We found out we were having a baby girl and began preparing for her arrival.  On October 5th Avery was born!  Madison was born on November 29th!  It was an amazing year!
Charlie's Soap
In our preparation for Avery I decided to use cloth diapers.  I bought this cloth diaper safe soap.  It cost me just over $100 (now it's up to $135!) and it lasted me 2.5 years!  I washed EVERYTHING in that soap!
The rest of my purchases that year were Christmas gifts except...
Tea Tree Oil
Grapefruit Seed Extract
When Avery started getting diaper rash so bad her bottom was bleeding, I had to do something.  I figured out she had a yeast rash and these items were all recommended to help rid the diapers of yeast.  They did the trick!  And while Avery was still prone to rashes, these significantly reduced the incidence.

Age: 26
Orders: 10
I had a miscarriage during the summer of 2013.  It was devastating.  When my doctor released me to try again, we quickly got pregnant again.  However, I was not excited the way I had been.  Scared I would have another miscarriage we waited until 18 weeks to tell people.  I've never prayed so much in all my life as I did in those first weeks of my pregnancy, hoping my baby would be ok.  Finally, at Thanksgiving, we shared our news with our friends and family.  By Christmas we had found out and were telling people that we were expecting a baby boy.
Mother's Milk Tea
I was desperate to keep my milk supply going in an effort to nurse Avery until she was a year old.  The Fenugreek was the only thing that helped, and I made it the full year.
Diaper Sprayer
Solid food means solid poops.  Gotta spray those cloth diapers off before you throw them in the wash.
Kids Quilt Book
Another book for Linda.  This time, a book to make a quilt for Avery's first birthday.  We decorated her room in owls and wanted a blanket to match.  I looked all over online and found a pattern I liked.  I bought the book it was in and all the fabric and Linda put it all together.  :)
Avery was Tinkerbell for her second Halloween!

Age: 27
Orders: 5
Connor was born!  I quit working all together and became a stay-at-home-mom.  Money went back to being tight.
Pumping Bra
Ice Packs
Determined to be prepared for Connor's birth, I stocked up on the supplies I wished I'd had more of after Avery was born.  With the exception of the bra, I didn't use any of them.  :\  Every pregnancy's different.  Every birth too, apparently.  :P

Age: 28
Orders: 3 (so far)
We have a niece on the way!
Silk (feeling) Sheets
I planned a fun Valentine's Day that was better in thought than in execution.  :P  The sheets felt great, but a few nights sleeping in them made us realize they weren't extremely practical.  The blankets slipped and slid all over the bed.  Most nights they ended up on the floor.  I also learned that cheap lingerie is cheap for a reason.  The straps to this nightgown weren't even sewed down!  I literally had to tie a knot in the straps to keep it on.  Oye!  I even got the sheets and lingerie to match!  Oh well, you live, you learn.  ;)  Next time I'll stick to Victoria's Secret.  Pricey, but it LASTS!

So there you have it!  My Amazon Life!  A small view into my head, thought process, struggles, and joys over the years as told by my Amazon purchases.  :P  Stay tuned, I was serious about possibly doing ones on my Vista Print and Personalization Mall lives as well.  ;)  Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Here's what's going on in our lives...

Good morning, World!  I haven't been on here in a bit, just to blog.  I was talking to an old friend on facebook last night who said she liked the recipes I was posting!  It was so good to hear that someone was even reading the blog, lol!  I know people read more when I was pregnant with the kids.  Truth be told, that was the reason I started this blog in the first place was so that I could "journal" during my pregnancies and while the kids were growing.  It's shown quite the progression as Michael and I have made our way through the years and our marriage.  :)

Here's a little of what's been going on in our lives lately:
SAHM - As (almost all of) you know, I am a Stay at Home Mom!  It has been 14 months since I worked at Belden's.  I (almost always) love staying home with my kiddos and my nephew.  Potty training has been a special challenge to my patience.  :\  Fortunately, I think (most) of that is behind us now.  Dayton seems to be completely potty trained, it's been ages since he's had an accident for me, and Avery is well on her way, nearly having it mastered.  Of course, not working means I am in the house, literally ALL THE TIME!  And for those of you who don't know, I'm not really an introvert.  I need to be out, to get out of the house, to see people, to entertain.  So I've been making an effort to get out of the house to maintain my sanity.

Baseball - The Wichita Wingnuts are our local minor league baseball team.  We've enjoyed several games already this season.  On Mondays they have "Dollar Night" where you can get in to the game for a dollar, and select concessions (hot dogs, small popcorns, small sodas, ice cream cones, and ice cream sandwiches) are also a dollar.  This makes for a pretty affordable family night.  On Thursdays they have dollar beers as well as dollar wings.  This last Thursday we went and Avery got to run the bases after the game!  She had so much fun!

Zoo - Michael and I renewed our family membership to the zoo this year.  We'd managed to get the whole family in under the "Member Plus" membership for the last 4 years (we had our membership long before the kids were around).  The member plus means there is one named person on the membership (me) and I could get in one guest (usually Michael), kids 2 and under are free, so we haven't had to pay for our kiddos yet.  However, since Avery turns 3 in a few months, we would have to start paying for her.  So we upgraded to the family plus membership.  We can get in 4 kids, our two, and Sis and Adam's two, since I babysit them and will be taking them with us.  Michael and I both have our own membership cards, and we can get in one additional guest.  So when we have people visit, we can get in at least one other person in for free.  We love the zoo!  We haven't gone as much since the weather got hot, but anytime there's a nice day, we like to try to get out there.  We get our money's worth out of that membership!

There's a lot more that we've been up to lately, but I need to attend to the kiddos now, and if I don't publish this now, I'll forget and another half finished blog won't get posted.  :P  Maybe more later (or eventually).  Love you all!  Have a great Monday!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dieting Update

So much for keeping up with this!  Guess you didn't expect anything less.  Life is busy with 3 kiddos to watch, plus a house to clean and cooking diet food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day!  The bad news is, as you can tell, I haven't blogged about how things are going and some of the delicious recipes we've discovered.  The good news is, we've stuck with our diets and are making tremendous progress!  :D  So, without further adeau...
*****drumroll please*****
I am down 14.6 lbs in (almost) 6 weeks, and
Michael is down 15.8 lbs!
Yyyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!  :D  I'm so proud of us for sticking with this and making big strides towards our weight goals!  We are very encouraged as we keep seeing the pounds melting away on the scale.  I've noticed qualitative differences in my body since I started this diet with Michael.  And today, for the first time in years, I was able to fit into the dress that I wore when Michael and I left our reception and headed off to our honeymoon!  :)  We both still have a long ways to go.  I think Michael would like to lose 19-24 more pounds.  As for me, I'd like to lose another 24-29 pounds.  It won't be any easy task, but at 6 weeks in, we have good habits in place, and we're eager to stick with our diet and goals for the sake of our continued progress.  When we've finished all the recipes (we skipped some due to church dinners, lunches out, leftovers, and holidays) I'll get lists posted here with the links to our favorites.  :)  Have a great Thursday!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Day 4 - Wednesday

Good Morning, Again!  Sorry for the brief post yesterday.  After I got done making dinner and we all ate, Michael took the kids with him to church for Winds of Worship.  While they were gone I cleaned up dinner and got lunch for today all prepared and packed Michael's lunch box.  I thought I was done for the day when I realized breakfast could be made ahead of time, then thrown in the oven in the morning.  I know how much I hate getting up early, so I did Future Jen a favor and stayed in the kitchen.  We got the kids to bed and Michael helped me.  It was nice not having to prep this morning.  Thanks, Past Jen!  ;)  I tried to post pictures last night, but they never posted.  I'll try again today.

Breakfast - Goat Cheese and Asparagus Breakfast Tart
Oh my goodness!  4 thumbs up!  Michael said this could be his favorite dish since we began dieting!  High praise from my favorite picky eater!  The kids aren't awake yet, so no idea how they'll like it, but Michael and I were crazy for it!  Asparagus, Goat Cheese, Caramelized Onion, and Cherry Tomatoes, all lightly salted and baked!  Yum!  The first bite I took had mostly puff pastry, my first thought was, this is going to be dry and taste like it's missing something.  But when you take a bite and get a bit of everything, all the flavors come together and it's delicious!  I highly recommend you try this recipe! 

I started this blog Wednesday, just never got it finished.  Lunch and Dinner will not be as elaborate since I've done plenty of blogging tonight instead of playing with my family, but at least you'll have the recipe if you want them.  :)

Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad
Yuck.  You know what's really not good?  Unseasoned, poached chicken.  Yuck.  Michael gave this a generous one thumb up.  I couldn't even do that.  I can't find the recipe, but that's probably to your benefit.  :\

Easiest Baked Fish
This is almost the same recipe as one we make on the grill.  Good recipe!  Three thumbs up.  Served with rice and leftover veggies from before we started dieting.

Week 1- Thursday

I'm behind!  Sorry!  Trying to catch up!  These will be brief!

Whole Grain Crepes
Eww.  I don't know if there's a difference between whole grain flour and whole grain pastry flour, but I used regular whole grain flour when the recipe called for pastry flour.  Thick, not good flavor, not a crepe, Eww.  I'll post the link in case you're feeling ambitious and have some pastry flour laying around that you need to get rid of.  But we weren't fans.  One thumb up, Michael's too kind.

Pesto Egg Salad
Yum!  Much better!  This was leftovers from earlier in the week.  Good recipe.  3 thumbs up.  Kids weren't impressed though.

Philly Cheese Steak Wrap
Yum!  I needed to cut the steak into smaller strips.  Otherwise very good.  Kids didn't eat much.  3 thumbs up.

Week 1- Friday

Ugh!  Just typed an entire blog, then switched screens on the tablet to get the recipe links and lost it all.  :(  This might be a little shorter than the last one, lots to catch up on.  I'll start with today and backtrack the days I missed.

Huevos Rancheros Tacos
Great Breakfast!  Connor ate most of his food, Avery ate her egg yolk.  :P  Four thumbs up!

Turkey, Corn, and Sun-Dried Tomato Wrap
Excellent Lunch!  The kids ate out for lunch today, so they didn't try this recipe yet.  Michael and I really enjoyed it though!  Four thumbs up!

**Note**  Michael and I both found ourselves hungry today.  This has been the first time since we started dieting.  I'll have to check the nutrition facts on these two recipes and see what we're missing.  Next month I won't put them on the same day.  Snacking isn't bad, in fact, is a good habit to keep your metabolism going while you're dieting, but being hungry will lead to over snacking which can be disastrous to a diet.  So I'll need to make some changes.  Making an effort to make dieting easy, delicious, and filling.  :)  Fortunately, dinner filled us up!

Balsamic Chicken Salad
Yum!  Another great recipe!  Two thumbs up from me, one from Michael.  The kids were not interested, as has been their habit with salads.  Oh well!  Peanut Butter sandwiches are fine with me.  :P

Overall, 11/12 for the day!  Yum!  Check out these delicious recipes!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Pesto Egg Salad on Whole Wheat Bread
-No Mayo!  Super healthy!  Yay!  :)
-Yesterday's Lunch

Baby Kale Sesame Chicken Salad
-Lots of food per serving, great for dieting when you feel like you're starving yourself
-Dinner last night

Spinach, Artichoke, Egg Casserole
-Meh, we weren't crazy about the artichoke, you might like this if you like artichoke.
-Breakfast Monday

Steak Tacos with Lime Mayo
-Yum!  Tasted like authentic Mexican with lime and corn tortillas!
-Roasted mini peppers!  Colorful!
-A few alterations might help our family like it even more.
-Dinner Monday

Apple, Banana, Oatmeal Muffins
-Yum!  A great tasting healthy snack with things you probably already have in your home!  Bonus!  :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 3

It's getting late, 10 PM, I am so old...  So short and sweet....

Breakfast - Leftover Egg Casserole
Better after the eggs baked a little longer and had time to set up more.

Lunch - Pesto Egg Salad
3 thumbs up.  Good recipe.  Maybe a little less bread next time (we put it on slices of whole wheat).  Kids weren't offered this for lunch because my mom had a Sonic shop, so the kids ate Sonic.  Little turds.

Dinner - Baby Kale Sesame Chicken Salad
Awesome!  4 thumbs up!  Even from my picky, non Asian eating husband!  High praise!  :)  Kids picked at it, but weren't impressed.

I cook soooooo much.  :P

Monday, June 1, 2015

Diet Day 2

Day two has begun!  (And, by the time I post this, will probably have ended.)  We are officially in diet mode!  So far I'm feeling very motivated!  I'm taking my calories using the MyFitnessPal app.  In order to keep myself from snacking throughout the day, I'm working more on the house, watching less TV during down time, especially while the kids are sleeping, and working on other little projects.  :)  Hopefully this will keep my snacking to a minimum.  However, when I am ready for a snack, I have some healthy choices available!!

Snack - Cauliflower Pizza Bites
I made these yesterday so we would have them to snack on throughout the week.  They are DELICIOUS!!  Michael and I each have the recipe two thumbs up!  They were a little crumbly, so there is room for improvement, but the recipe is awesome!!  Next week we're going to try a different recipe in the same style and see if we like it better.  :)  Michael and I made these after the kids went to bed.  We sampled them, but the kids haven't tried them yet.  We might save these for ourselves this week and give the kids some when we figure out how to keep them together a little better.  ;)

Snack - Raw Chocolate Energy Bites
I know I've said to people that I'm following the recipe to the T, and for our meals this month, I am.  The snacks, however, I'm trying to use ingredients we already have and not have to buy a whole lot extra.  I altered this recipe a little.  I used 1/2 cup sunflower seed kernals, and 1/2 cup pistachios for the nuts.  I also only used 4 dates, because somewhere between looking up the recipe and going to Whole Foods (the greatest store ever, but that's a post for a different day) I got it in my head that I needed exactly 4 dates.  :P  Oh well!  These turned out really yummy!!  I think they'll be great when I'm craving something sweet!  :)  Michael and I gave these 4 thumbs up too!  Yay for delicious snacks!!

Breakfast - Spinach and Artichoke Egg Casserole
Today's breakfast was just OK.  I think the biggest problem I had with it was that it wasn't quite set when I pulled it out and Michael and I agree breakfast together before he left.  I put it back in the oven, which was still hot, but no longer on, with the remaining 4 servings, which seemed to set the rest of the eggs great!  Michael gave this recipe 1 thumb up, he said it was OK, but want sure about the spinach and artichoke combo.  I gave this recipe 0 thumbs up.  I know, right!?!?  The picky eater gave it more thumbs up!!  So here's why I gave it a 0...  I bought whole artichokes instead of a jar of artichoke hearts - mistake #1.  Breaking down an article is a HUGE pain!  I will not make that mistake again.  I didn't leave it in the oven an extra 5 minutes to make sure the eggs were completely set - mistake #2.  While it tasted fine and was cooked through, it was just a little under where I prefer my eggs to be.  The edges where the eggs were more browned and crispy were better.  Finally, I thought to myself, do I want to eat this again?  My answer: not really.  The artichokes weren't really my thing.  But hey, you never know until you try.  :)  Avery want a fan of this one either.  Although she did easy a few bites in order to get her juice.  (I wanted her to at least try it before she decided she didn't like it.  My great little eater, version 1.0, did!)  Redeeming qualities for this recipe: I originally gave it 1 thumb up, because it didn't taste bad, just want my favorite.  Connor loved it!  Ate his whole piece!  If you like spinach and artichoke (especially artichoke), you might like this recipe, but it wasn't my cup of tea.  :\

Lunch - Shrimp Caesar Salad
This recipe gets 3 thumbs up total.  One from Michael, two from me.  I'm a bigger shrimp eater than Michael is.  I also handle salad a little better.  Connor ate most of his salad, except a few bigger pieces of lettuce.  Avery only ate the shrimp.  ;)  She is sooo my daughter.  :P  I can't find the link again for this recipe, so here are the instructions:
-Thaw 12 oz ready to eat shrimp by running under cool water
-Combine 12 cups romaine lettuce, 4 chopped tomatoes, and 4 tbsp chopped onion in a large bowl.  (I used about 1/2 of a red onion sliced really thin on my mandolin)
-Top with 4 tbsp shredded parmesan cheese
-Add shrimp to salad
-Finish with 8 tbsp lite Caesar dressing
Makes 4 servings

Dinner - Steak Tacos with Lime Mayo
This recipe gets 3 thumbs up too!  Michael and I were both on the 1-2 line, so we decided to split it.  ;)  There were a couple things that we'd like to improve upon on this recipe.  I thought the lime was a little overpowering (although it tasted INCREDIBLY authentic, took me right back to eating tacos off the street in Mexico City!) and Michael thought the steak should have been cut up more (my fault, not the recipes) and he wasn't sure about the corn tortillas (again, this truly took me back to Mexico, yum!).  Avery wasn't nuts about this recipe.  She ended up eating a banana for dinner (I did offer her more, but that was all she wanted, and she did eat a snack later).  Connor wasn't as crazy about the peppers, but he did eat some of them, most of his meat, and all of his tortilla (he and Avery eat had 1/2 a serving, one taco).  Overall, it was a success and we'll happily have it again!  :)

Snack - Apple and Banana Oat Muffins
I made another snack today (remember those other two were yesterday).  We eat a lot of muffins in this house because they are basically baking casseroles, just throw in whatever you have on hand and it'll be great.  :P  I had a recipe for these, but, with the exception of the apple, I had everything in the house already!  I used whole wheat flour because I have no clue what 60% wheat flour is.  :P  These were also a hit!  Avery, Michael, and Connor all ate one after dinner (getting crumbs all over my freshly swept and mopped kitchen floor, no less).  ;)  This is just one of MANY muffin recipes I can recommend and intend to try as we diet.  :)  If you like muffins, you should keep an eye out!  There will be many more to come!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Diet Day 1(ish)

I just realized it's been MONTHS since I blogged!  Sorry about that!  As always, life is busy with 3 kiddos during the week, 2 kiddos during the weekend, baby birthday, anniversary trip, and other summer travel plans.  I might update on all that later. 

For now, here's a brief description of what's going on...  Michael and I have decided to diet.  I'm making 3 homemade meals/day.  These are more than just peanut butter or turkey sandwiches or a bowl of cereal.  I have new recipes for (nearly) every meal for 5 weeks straight.  I have carefully calculated the number of calories in each meal, day, and snack, as well as the appropriate number of calories for Michael and I to safely lose weight (~2lbs/wk).  We have set some goals for ourselves and have some substantial rewards for when we meet our goals and significant progress.

Each day I am putting LOTS of work towards these meals.  So, of course, I'm taking pictures!  Michael and I are also rating each meal with 0, 1 or 2 thumbs up.  Anything that gets 2 thumbs up from either of us is a keeper!  We'll incorporate those recipes into our regular menu.  Anything that gets 0 stars from either of us is automatically out.  It's hard enough to diet, much less eating food you hate.  Those recipes will be thrown out and replaced with something new.  Any recipe that receives 1 thumb up from each of us is given another month to grow on us, changes can be made to improve upon the recipe if need be.  If we try the recipe for 3 months and it only gets 2 thumbs up each time, we'll throw it out and look for something new.  Get the idea?  I'll explain more later.

Day 1(ish)
We were supposed to start our diet today (May 31st) because I planned the weeks Sunday-Saturday and I didn't want to start dieting before vacation.  However, we had a wedding yesterday, and spent the night in Kansas City, so we weren't going to be home for breakfast or lunch today, but we were yesterday.  So I made Day 1 breakfast and lunch yesterday (Saturday) and Day 1 dinner tonight (Sunday).

Breakfast - Broccoli and Sun Dried Tomato Quiche
4 thumbs up!  Awesome!  The kids gobbled it up too!  Connor ate more than anyone!

Lunch - Turkey, Apple, Chutney Sandwich
3 thumbs up!  I was a little critical because breakfast was AMAZING and lunch was just good.  ;)  The kids liked this one except for the spinach.

Dinner - Smoky Pork Stir Fry
2 thumbs up.  Meh.  I thought the pork tasted really good.  Michael doesn't really care for Asian food, so giving it one thumb up was generous.  The kids weren't crazy about this meal.  Avery ate her pork, but no veggies, Connor didn't eat any of it.  The lack of a response from the kids made Michael and I each put a thumb down.  Ya can't win them all.  :\

So overall, not too bad of a day!  9/12  In case you're worried about our kids, they are not on a diet.  They are given an opportunity to eat each meal, and a serving is made of each meal specifically for the kids.  But if they don't like it and want something else, they can have other things to eat.  I forsee this especially being an issue for salads.  They'll also have ample opportunities for snacks.  :)  Here's to a new, healthier diet!

I have turned the titles of each meal into links to the recipes.  Ifit looks good or sounds good to you and you're interested in the recipe, you'll have them right here!  :)  I HIGHLY recommend the quiche!  :D

Friday, March 6, 2015

Chill out, People!

So I posted a rant like this probably a year or so ago.  Avery got into the dryer and I took pictures and people freaked out.  I've included some of my thoughts from that time in this rant.  But first, let me set the stage...

My Aunt Cathy posts all sorts of different pictures and memes on facebook.  She also watches Avery and Connor for Michael and I so we can have an evening out or a day off from kiddos here and there.  I have every confidence that my kids are extremely safe and well cared for in her loving hands, arguably more so as she has them for a brief time and therefore devotes all her time and energy into them, where as I also have a house to run so my time is divided, she's also a nurse so, should something happen, she is better equipped to deal with a situation.  All that being said, she posted a picture on facebook that is putting some people into a panic and getting people all bent out of shape.  It's not a picture of my kids or anyone I know, but I sincerely do not see why people are panicking so much.  The picture shows a sleeping infant in a roasting pan laying inside an open oven.  The caption on the picture says something to the effect of, "Overprotective parents leave newborn with grandma and grandpa for the first time, so they send pictures like this every five minutes.  Funny or wrong?"  Cathy also added her own note saying to Sis and me that SHE wouldn't do something like this, but no promises on what Uncle Ed may or may not do.  People then proceded to comment on how wrong and sick it was.  Now, I suppose, people are entitled to their opinion.  And the picture did ask people what they thought of the picture, so it did call for their opinions, so I suppose I have no right to be upset.  But having been called out in this way in the past, it struck a nerve and really pissed me off.  It also brought up a lot of anger and frustration at people who had reprimanded me before, when I didn't then, and still do not believe I've done anything wrong.  Anyway, I wrote this rant on facebook and decided it might be a bit too strong for on there, with so many eyes.  Also, I didn't want to open up a commenting can of worms with people and have to respond or defend myself on the way I parent.  So I took my thoughts off and I'm posting them here instead, where the readers are silent, though the don't necessarily have to be, just the general track record, and I can say my piece.  I am a good parent.  I watch my kids very closely.  I teach them right from wrong and they are safe with me and with my Aunt Cathy.  So everyone needs to just lay off!

Oye to the ve, I think people are too sensitive.  It's meant to be funny and cute.  Obviously this child was in no danger.  When Avery first started climbing I was working on laundry and she climbed into the dryer.  I knew she was there, she was in no danger, and I snapped a couple pictures because she looked cute.  People freaked out about it.  I know there are bad people in the world who do horrible things, and when my child was of age to understand, obviously I taught her not to climb in the dryer, the same way I'm teaching her to stay away from the oven when I'm opening it to bake.  Why do we need to make people feel bad when they've done nothing wrong and the kids are safe?  I know there are stupid people in the world who are reckless with their children, but I am not one, so don't lay the guilt trip on me for taking a cute/silly picture.  If you need to condemn or say someone did something look at the neglegent parents, not me and not the people who took this picture.  Rant over.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Travel Challenge

So Michael and I decided today to challenge our family to travel throughout the kids' lives.  :)  I remember when I was a kid going on some great family vacations.  We want to do that for our kids to, only bigger!  :D  Michael and I decided we'd like to try to visit all 50 states with the kids before they graduate from High School!  :)  I'd like to incorporate this challenge with a pinterest craft where you take a picture in each state you've been, cut it out in the shape of the state, and pin it to a US corkboard map!  :D  Obviously, Alaska and Hawaii will be big trips as they are not in the continental US.  That's when I got the idea that those two trips could be celebration trips for when each of the kids graduate!  :D  As the kids grow up we'll see differences in their personalities and be able to figure out who would love each trip more.  Then, when Avery graduates, the four of us will pack up for a week in (I'll go ahead and guess this one) Hawaii!  Then, a year later, when Connor graduates and Avery will have time to be home from college we'll all go (again, just my guess) on a cruise to Alaska!  :)  Michael and I love to travel and we're anxious to share this joy with our kids!  Plus, it gives Michael and I an excuse to get out and see a little more of the country than we've seen ourselves.  ;)  For now it will be little trips to Iowa for Tugfest or Missouri for a Royals game.  But as the kids grow we'll venture farther from home.  :)  I personally can't wait to see the Smithsonian, a musical on Broadway, the Pacific ocean, and Nashville!  There is so much to see and do!  I can't wait!  :)  Wish us luck!  We've got a little over 17 years to get it all done (except for Connor's graduation trip)!

Monday, February 23, 2015


It has definitely been a long Monday morning, and it's only 10:45am.  :\  This has the makings of a very long day...

When Avery woke up she was soaked through her diaper, through her jammies, and all over her sheets and blankets.  Fabulous.

Dayton was chasing Avery with a shovel, making her scream.  I told him to leave her alone and asked him to go play in Avery's room (so the two would be seperated for a while because they were getting on each other's, and my, nerves).  Fake cry turns into a real meltdown.  Perfect.

Out of eggs to make breakfast, so I try to adapt and give Avery a biscuit.  She grinds it into crumbs in the carpet, rug, and loveseat.  Awesome.

After making her help clean up her mess, I grab the vaccum from downstairs.  It's apparently full, and leaves a pile of rocks and dust on the landing and the top of the stairs when I sit it down.  Ugh.

I vaccum up Avery's mess, but the noise wakes Connor up early from his nap.  Why me?

Finally we have a moment of everyone getting along, playing nicely, not fighting, whining, or crying.  Avery unzips Connor's jammies and says, "Arms up."  I tell her not to pull his arms up (he's standing by the coffee table in the breakfast nook and doesn't have excellent balance yet), but it's too late.  She says it again, pulls his arms up, and he falls to the tile floor.  Is it naptime yet?

Avery is sent to her room.  After a few minutes of crying, I hear the snaps of her diaper coming open.  I race in to put it back on.  Mom win.  Close the door behind me again, more crying.  Who even cares at this point?  I'm about ready to melt down myself.

Connor is tired from a short nap.  He's still working on a couple of teeth and is plenty fussy and cranky.  He's also nice and needy right now and fusses if I'm not in eye sight and/or holding him.

So what I'm going to need is two people...

One person needs to take my kids tomorrow morning.  I plan on sleeping in.  You'll need to pack the diaper bag yourself, dress them, change them, feed them.  I'm taking the day off.  Also, take them out of the house, because I plan on being here and frankly, don't want them here for my day of freedom.  Get the carseats in your car yourself, I'll be resting.  When you bring them back at bedtime, you can get them in their jammies and to bed.  I'm aiming for a full 24 hrs for myself.  I know all you other moms are laughing your heads off at the idea.  I know I signed up for this.  I'm just grumpy.

The other person is going to need to clean my house.  I need time for myself, but if the kids are gone, I can't help but want to take advantage of that and get some much needed cleaning done.  Start with the dishes and laundry, both of which will need to be done to completion throughout the day including folding and putting things away.  Clean the kids' rooms, sweep, mop, vaccum, windex the doors and windows, pledge the wood furniture and ledges shampoo the carpets, bleach the kitchen and bathrooms, clean out the fridge and make dinner.  That should be good on the house.  But since I'm taking the day to myself, please don't talk to me or try to chat.  Just focus on the house, I'll worry about me.  Checking in if I'd like lunch is fine.  Discussing the dinner menu is fine too.  In fact, it would be best if I didn't know this person at all, then I won't feel quite as rude when you're doing my work and I'm not even talking to you.

Grrrrr!  I'm a grump!  This morning has not gone well and it makes me think of other things that haven't gone well and here we are.  Ugh.  Mondays.  Thanks for listening.  I'm back to the real world and off my dream island now.

<Rant Over>

Monday, February 16, 2015


Because I should post something positive considering my poor behavior on that last post, let me tell you about the vacation Michael and I are taking...

In May Michael and I will have been married for 6 years (together for 8.5).  I know that the 6 year anniversary is typically not a big, exciting, or highly celebrated anniversary (although, why not, right?!?).  It wouldn't have been a particularly special day for us either, as we wanted to celebrate our 5 year anniversary in a big way.  However, we celebrated our 5 year anniversary with a two week old baby boy, so it wasn't an ideal time for a vacation.  In May Connor will be a year old and he and I will be ending our time of nursing.  That seems like a much more appropriate time to leave my kiddos for a week.  :P  Not to mention, Michael and I have two beautiful kids, we work hard, and we deserve a nice break to kick back, relax, and just be in love.  A week devoid of responsibilities, just to focus on us, to celebrate us, to revive us.  :)

Well, as I mentioned above, we'll be going in May, specifically the 19th-24th.  I wanted to make sure we were on vacation on our actual anniversary so we could enjoy the day and not worry about travel or anything.  Not sure what we'll do on our actual anniversary, snorkeling with green sea turtles, swimming in the cenotes, catamaran tour, or a candle lit lobster dinner on the beach, but we'll be together, so it'll be awesome!  :)  Another great thing about the date of our trip is that we'll get back on a Sunday and then Monday will be Memorial Day, so we'll have the day off to spend exclusively with the kids when we get back.  :)

Well, I've mentioned the beach, but in case you haven't heard (or aren't on facebook) we're going to Mexico!  :D  We'll be going to an area about an hour outside of Cancun called Tulum.  Our resort is the Catalonia Royal Tulum.  Look it up on TripAdvisor, it's a beautiful place!  Should be nice and quiet, as it's an adult-only resort.  I decided if we're vacationing all the way in Mexico to get some quality time away from our (wonderful) kids, I certainly don't want to have to deal with other people's (far less well behaved) kids while we're there.  18 and over!  Yay!  :D  It's not a big party spot either, so it should be a very nice, relaxing place.  :)  And they have a spa!  So I can get a massage and be even more relaxed!!  :D  Yay!!  Finally, it's an all-inclusive resort.  So once we get there, everything is taken care of, the flight, the transportation, the room, tips, taxes, it's all covered.  Of course, we'll bring some spending money with us, but it will be for souveniers.  :)

Obviously, Michael and me.  :)  We'll have a family vacation in August when we go to Tugfest.  This one will be just the hubs and me.  :)  Can't wait!

We have been saving for close to a year for this trip.  We've saved garage sale money, babysitting money, Christmas and birthday money.  It's a big deal for us to spend this kind of money on something as frivilous as a vacation, but you need to treat yourself every now and then and not simply work and save your life away.  So we're doing something nice for us.  :)  Mama is going to watch the kiddos for us while we're gone.  I'm so thankful for her and her willingness to help, constantly, and at a moments notice.  I am very lucky to have her in my life and that she's so close.  :)

I think that about covers it all.  :)  We're very much looking forward to our vacation together!  Should be a nice break from life and a fun, quiet week together.  :) 

We're going on two other substantial trips this year, one to Tugfest in August with Avery and Connor and one to Vegas in October with Michael's work.  It's going to be a busy year!!


Someone posted a meme on facebook that said, "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."  I wanted to comment, "That reminds me, you shouldn't get together with more than two of your friends at a time."  But I didn't.  Good thing my brain-to-mouth (or hands in this digital age) filter works (most of the time) or I'd get myself into a lot (more) trouble.  :P  ;)  Shame on my snarky brain.  But not many people read the blog, so this is a fun tidbit just for you.  :P

Friday, January 16, 2015

My Food #momlife

Friday I decided to log (as best I could) my day.  I read an article about stay-at-home-moms that talked about one cup of coffee all day that was just reheated 1,000 times.  I laughed because I totally do that.  So I decided to keep track for the day.  ;)  Mybe I'll start blogging a #momlife series in different things...  We'll see...  Enjoy.  ;)

7:15 am - Pour a cup of Wednesday's coffee (that's still in the coffee pot), Reheat
8:45 am - Reheat 2/3 cup of coffee
9:15 am - Finished first cup of coffee!!  Yay!!  (Earlier than usual)  Pour a second cup of old coffee, Reheat
10:00 am - Still haven't taken my coffee out of the microwave, Reheat, Add creamer and sugar, Finally take a sip of cup number two
10:15 am - Finished cup number two!!  Yay!!!  I'm hungry, but there's a lot of housework that needs done, so it's off to work I go!  Breakfast will come eventually
12:15 pm - First meal of the day, leftover Pork Parm (1/3-1/4 of a chop is all that's left for me after cutting off some of it for each kid) and Veggie Pasta
1:00 pm - Praise the Lord!  Naptime has arrived!  Time for a Dr. Pepper (because it was on sale instead of Pepsi this week) and watch an episode of Bones before I'm back to cleaning (can't waste the motivation and cleaning energy on the rare days that I have it)  ;)
2:15 pm - My soda isn't done, but I finished my episode of Bones from yesterday and another full episode, so it's back to cleaning
6:00 pm - My amazing hubby grilled burgers and dinner is served (after I feed Connor his peas, of course)
6:45 pm - Eat 1/2 of an orange, left over from Avery's dinner
8:45 pm - The kids are in bed and I get a glass of sweet, red wine

Just another day in paradise.  :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Catching Up

Well, since it's been a month since I blogged, I figured I should get back on here and say what's been going on.  I'll try to keep it brief.

Christmas Baking
The last few years through November and December Mama has come over and we've made treats once or twice a week throughout the holiday season.  We continued the tradition again this year.  We had lots of yummy treats and everyone gained plenty of weight thanks to them.  ;)  I love doing this every year!

Advent Gifts
At the beginning of December I wrapped 24 Christmas books and put them under the tree.  Each night Avery got to open a gift before bed.  It didn't take long before she realized they were all going to be books.  Even on Christmas morning when she was unwrapping her presents we'd ask what they were and she'd say "A book!"  It was a fun new tradition.  I got several new books and am looking forward to continuing this tradition for years to come.

Many Christmas Celebrations
We went all over seeing various people for Christmas this year.  Our celebrations included a dance with Grandma and Grandpa Counterman in ElDorado.  Sis and Adam came too, and all the kids had a great time!  The following day, on Friday, we had Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Heorman's house in Benton.  It was fun getting together with everyone, especially with Sis' jello shots!  ;)  On Christmas Eve, Sis, Adam, Dayton, and Mama came over to do our Christmas together.  We had Chinese from the best place in town, Pho Chopstix!  Yum!  As always, Mama spoiled us all rotten.  :)  Later that night we went to Church where Avery played games, made a snack, and made a craft.  We also took family pictures (which will hopefully be delivered to my email soon).  On Christmas Day we got to stay home!!!  This was the first time since Michael and I have been married (6 Christmases) that we haven't driven to Topeka on Christmas morning after we opened our gifts.  I must say I enjoyed the quiet day with Michael and the kids.  That night we went to Sis and Adam's for dinner with them and Grandma and Grandpa Counterman.  Again, a nice, low-key get together was very nice and relaxing.  Mama even stopped by for a bit, so we got to see her for Christmas too, which was great!  :)  The day after Christmas we went to Topeka.  It was great seeing all of Michael's family.  The kids were well spoiled again!  When it was all said and done, I was glad to get back home and relax for a bit.  The holiday season was a busy one this year, but great!

New Years Eve
We spent NYE at Sis and Adam's again this year.  We've gone over to their place for a few years now.  It's another low-key get together, which is awesome after the chaos of Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We had food, drinks, Dr. Who, and we narrowly flipped the channel in time to hear "3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!"  Of course, we only managed to find the Dallas celebration...  Guess they weren't replaying New York.  :P  One of these years we'll spend NYE in Manhattan and watch the Little Apple Ball Drop!  Looking forward to it!

A Look into 2015
With no babies on the way, us already being settled into our house, Michael stable at his job, me happy as a SAHM, and our roommates happily in their places, I think 2015 ought to be a quiet year in the Voss family.  Connor will turn a year old in 4 short months.  That completely shocks me.  Where has my baby's first year gone??!??!?  Michael and I are planning a trip to Mexico for our 6th anniversary in May (because we missed the trip on our 5th anniversary due to having a 2 week old).  Avery will turn 3 this year, and then we'll take another trip to Vegas a couple short weeks later.  Apparently that's how I cope with my children growing up.  :P  All in all, I'm looking forward to this year, but most importantly, I'm looking forward to who I get to spend it with.  :)
