Thursday, July 16, 2015

Life By Amazon

I was reading an article today that talked about how this girl's Amazon orders told the story of her life better than she cared to tell.  How when you make everything look good on facebook, Amazon really knows how things are.  The girl went through her order history and told the story of her years on Amazon.  I thought that sounded interesting and enlightening, so I'm going to check out my own history and see what it says about me.  :)

Age: 18
Orders: 4
In 2005 I graduated high school and moved to Manhattan to start college.  As a poor college student, books were expensive and someone suggested to me that Amazon had them for cheaper than the bookstore.  (Anything had to be cheaper than the bookstore, right?!)  So, my relationship with Amazon began...
For one semester I studied Kinesiology, exercise science.  Didn't take me long to decide it wasn't for me.  Back in 2005 there were no Kindles or any sort of EReaders.  You couldn't rent books.  I always bought from the lowest priced vendors, not always from Amazon.  So although my 4 orders were all placed on the same day, they were all through different people and, therefore, I'm sure I paid shipping out the wazoo, but the books were cheaper.  :\  You can rent this book now for half of what I paid for it 10 years ago.

Age: 19
Orders: 12
By the time 2006 rolled around I was onto Secondary Education, with an emphasis in Math.  After my freshman year, my childhood/high school/college best friend, Cara, and I moved into our own apartment.  I got a job at K-State and for the first time I was really learning how to manage my own money (though not very effectively).  In 2006 I also realized that Amazon was a good place to buy gifts and that I could even have them shipped to my friends and family.
High Risk: Children Without a Conscience
Looking for a read to scare you away from all children, try this one on for size!  Yikes!  I think reading this book is what made me interested in the minds of sociopaths, serial killers, killers, addicts, and gang members, it made me curious about the way their minds work and what makes them tick.  Probably a morbid fascination for a 19 year old girl.  :\
The 88
Placed a gift order for this CD on April 4th.  Definitely a birthday gift for Cara.
The Notebook
A Time to Dance
As a girl who'd had a grand total of 3 boyfriends in my life, all in the course of about 17 months, and who had been single for the passed 4 months (and 17.5 years before that 17 month stint) I was excited to be in college and to find someone new.  Someone I hadn't known all my life.  Someone who would complement me, who I could have a long and lasting relationship with.  You know, the kind from a Nicholas Sparks book.  ;)  I ordered these books at the beginning of my sophomore year of college.  Maybe this would be the year.  Yes, one year into my college experience I was looking for my MRS.  :P
**Note: For anyone who doesn't know, when I talk about getting my MRS, that's what we said about the girls who only went to college to get married.  They weren't interesting in actually getting a Bachelor's (BA or BS), they wanted their MRS (Mrs.).  ;)
Western Civilizations
Cost me over $50 (would have been more at the bookstore) and now you can rent it for FREE on Amazon!!  EReaders have to be saving college students a BUNDLE in book costs!!
Chris Tomlin
Blue Like Jazz
Instant Karma
More focus on God and being a good person in general.  Less focus on boys.  Let them come to me, right?  I remember something the beautiful and wonderful Lacey Mackey said when she was leading our Bible Study group, "Run as fast as you can towards God.  Then, while you're running, look around, and see who's running just as fast as you are."  :)  I would go to my second DCC (Denver Christmas Conference) a couple months after this purchase.
Project Runway, Season 2
Phil was practically a roommate at this point.  He was always over watching TV with us.  He loved Project Runway as much as I did!  This was his Christmas gift.  :P

Age: 20
Orders: 16
At DCC I met Michael.  We met on January 5th and were dating by the 18th.  I guess Lacey had given me some pretty good dating advice.  Michael almost didn't pursue me, since it seemed I was dating Phil (like I said, we were close, he basically lived with Cara and me), but when I made a comment about how I wasn't interested in dating right now, Michael knew I wasn't dating Phil and made his move.  :P  At the end of my sophomore year I switched majors again from Secondary Education to Elementary Education.
How to Get a Date Worth Keeping
I was surprised to see this on my history since Michael and I had been dating for 4 months at this point and had already decided we were going to marry each other.  Then I realized I had it shipped to Cara.  Makes sense.  I was in the first great relationship of my life, one that had the potential to last a lifetime.  She had a front row seat to the show as we dated and fell more and more in love, all the while, was single and frustrated to not have the same happiness.
Cultural Anthropology
Spent $100 on this puppy.  On Amazon now for $12.  Wonder how much the book store was charging?!  This was an amazing class that I would recommend to everyone!  Loved it!
Art for Elem Teachers
Sideways Stories
Where the Wild Things Are
Elementary Education classes started.  Since Elementary teachers teach everything, I was no longer getting all math books, but Art and Reading books as well.  I was actually pleasantly surprised to be learning about all the subjects instead of just math.  I still have all 3 of these books/sets.  :)

Age: 21
Orders: 6
In 2008 I went to my third (and final) DCC.  I decided to go on a summer project and applied to go to Yaounde, Cameroon, Africa for 6 weeks over the summer.  Michael proposed shortly after I got back from project, and he got back from the Philippines where he'd spent 4 weeks of his summer while I was away.  We began planning our wedding and life as a married couple.  I think the reason there is less ordered here on Amazon this year is because, as we were planning the wedding, I used a bunch of different sites to get the best deals on things like invitations, save the dates, decor, etc.  My Vista Print Life and My Personalization Mall Life might have to be sequels to this blog.  ;)  My time at K-State didn't officially end at the end of 2008, but my time in it's classrooms did.
Wow Christmas: Green
Wow Christmas: Red
My excitement for Christmas season begins early.  I purchased these on September 10th.
Being engaged now, I needed to buy something from my future in-laws for Christmas.  Back in 2008 Glenn and Linda were talking about building a log cabin, so I bought Linda this Forest Decor quilting book for Christmas.  Now, 7 years later, their house is being built and we'll celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in their new home this fall and winter!
Marvin Gaye
This was a joke for Sis.  She and Adam also got engaged in 2008.  We came across a wedding registry back in the day on Amazon.  All it had on it was this CD and a set of knives.  It was the oddest wedding registry.  So I got her this when she got engaged.  I received a copy from her at one of my bridal showers as well.  ;)
Third Day
The first sign of Michael in my Amazon Life.  I bought him this CD for Christmas.

Age: 22
Orders: 6
I started 2009 with Student Teaching.  I was working in a 2nd grade class in Manhattan.  Michael and I had the wedding planning done shortly after the year began and then just had to wait until May for the actual wedding.  We went to Florida for our Honeymoon and I had a job interview as soon as we got back.  In August I began my teaching 4th grade in Junction City while Michael finished school.  Sis and Adam got married that summer as well and in the Fall bought their first house.  I was extremely jealous that they were moving on with their adult lives while I was stuck in an apartment in a college town with dumpster dive furniture.  :\  Not my proudest moments.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful man who loves me more than he should, and he put up with my envious nature and loved me none-the-less.  I got pretty lucky with him.  Not so many orders again this year because we were college students, then a newlywed couple living on one income.  We've basically always been broke.  :P
First Days of School
First Year Teacher's Survival Guide
Young and excited I entered my first year of teaching.  But before the school year even officially started I had a parent attacking me.  Should have been my first clue...
Talent is Overrated
Twilight Princess
Phil Wickham
Being married meant not just buying for my family at Christmas time, but for Michael's family too.  Nick always has a great list of books that he wants to read.  Michael and I had also got our Wii during this time, so I ordered him a Zelda game (and a CD) as a part of his Christmas present.  Our orders in 2009 were limited to a couple books at the beginning of the school year, and Christmas gifts.  Absolutely nothing else.  Seriously, we were broke as a joke.  By this time in my life I'd figured out the managing money thing.

Age: 23
Orders: 2
Michael and I began 2010 by getting our first puppy, Allie.  She was a Beagle and the sweetest thing you'd ever met.  However, before the school year came to a close, Allie died of unknown causes (although I worry that the woman we bought her from was running a puppymill, and therefore, our puppy was not healthy).  People asked if we had a autopsy done, but we were barely making ends meet and it wouldn't change the outcome.  Michael buried her in the trees, passed the field across from our apartment overlooking a small river.  We were heartbroken.  After a couple months we couldn't take the quiet any more, because every little sound reminded us of the sweet girl we'd lost.  We went back to Kansas City and got Harlee when she was 9 weeks old.  This time I checked the place out, met the man at his house, saw Harlee's parents, and made sure all my ducks were in a row.  I couldn't go through that grief again.  I end my first year of teaching.  We celebrated one year of marriage.  That summer my car crapped out on me and it was going to cost close to $1000 to fix.  It was already 13 years old at this point, and Michael and I had a big decision to make, start putting money into repairs (I'd spent virtually nothing on the car up until this point) or call it a wash and get a new one.  On our way to Tugfest that year we stopped in Chilicothe, Missouri to look at a 2006 Mercury Mariner Hybrid.  We were back a few short weeks later to pick it up!  :D  I still love (and own) that car to this day!  Michael begins his final year at K-State and I begin my second year as a 4th grade teacher.  Nick and Maggie got engaged and began planning their wedding.
Halo 3
Settlers of Catan
Apparently we got more broke than we already were.  :P  The only thing we ordered all year were these Christmas gifts, and a CD I got for Michael.  I'm not sure if this Settlers game was for us or Sis and Adam.  I'm sure the game was for Nathan.  He played a lot of video games back then

Age: 24
Orders: 4
In 2011 Michael graduated from K-State!  Nick and Maggie got married that summer.  We moved to Wichita hoping he could find a job.  Unfortunately, neither of us could.  That didn't stop us from getting Harlee a playmate though!  Shortly after we moved to Wichita and into an apartment that (actually) allowed pets, Gabby joined our family.  :)  I ended up working at Belden Jewelers, a jewelry store in the mall.  When the school year started I also began working as a Para in Augusta.  All the while, Michael continued to look for Engineering work, to no avail.  After much humbling, Michael looked for drafting work.  When, still, nothing appeared, he was truly humbled and took a job at Toys R Us to help us make ends meet.  I didn't like how Butler County Special Education treated their Para's, so I left to become a substitute teacher.  This worked out perfectly for Sis, who was pregnant, and due with a baby boy at the end of March.  She had it all worked out that I would be her long-term sub.  ;)  Finally, in November, Michael got a drafting job.  Not Engineering, but a step in the right direction.  2 weeks later he was offered an Engineering job at a different company.  I was ecstatic!  He finally had a real Engineering job, which meant I was off my birth control!  :P
Oh the Places You'll Go
Part of my gift to Michael for his graduation.
Pirate Rubber Duckies
Decor for Sis' baby shower.
Sake Set
Christmas present for Adam.  I bought Christmas gifts for several people on Amazon this year.

Age: 25
Orders: 3
Shortly after the new year began, Michael and I found out we were pregnant!  4 days later we put an offer in on a house.  March came and went with no new nephew.  Finally, on April 3rd, Dayton arrived!  His arrival meant it was time for me to sub for Sis.  On our 3 year anniversary Michael lost his job.  4 hours later he had a new one, Praise the Lord!  We found out we were having a baby girl and began preparing for her arrival.  On October 5th Avery was born!  Madison was born on November 29th!  It was an amazing year!
Charlie's Soap
In our preparation for Avery I decided to use cloth diapers.  I bought this cloth diaper safe soap.  It cost me just over $100 (now it's up to $135!) and it lasted me 2.5 years!  I washed EVERYTHING in that soap!
The rest of my purchases that year were Christmas gifts except...
Tea Tree Oil
Grapefruit Seed Extract
When Avery started getting diaper rash so bad her bottom was bleeding, I had to do something.  I figured out she had a yeast rash and these items were all recommended to help rid the diapers of yeast.  They did the trick!  And while Avery was still prone to rashes, these significantly reduced the incidence.

Age: 26
Orders: 10
I had a miscarriage during the summer of 2013.  It was devastating.  When my doctor released me to try again, we quickly got pregnant again.  However, I was not excited the way I had been.  Scared I would have another miscarriage we waited until 18 weeks to tell people.  I've never prayed so much in all my life as I did in those first weeks of my pregnancy, hoping my baby would be ok.  Finally, at Thanksgiving, we shared our news with our friends and family.  By Christmas we had found out and were telling people that we were expecting a baby boy.
Mother's Milk Tea
I was desperate to keep my milk supply going in an effort to nurse Avery until she was a year old.  The Fenugreek was the only thing that helped, and I made it the full year.
Diaper Sprayer
Solid food means solid poops.  Gotta spray those cloth diapers off before you throw them in the wash.
Kids Quilt Book
Another book for Linda.  This time, a book to make a quilt for Avery's first birthday.  We decorated her room in owls and wanted a blanket to match.  I looked all over online and found a pattern I liked.  I bought the book it was in and all the fabric and Linda put it all together.  :)
Avery was Tinkerbell for her second Halloween!

Age: 27
Orders: 5
Connor was born!  I quit working all together and became a stay-at-home-mom.  Money went back to being tight.
Pumping Bra
Ice Packs
Determined to be prepared for Connor's birth, I stocked up on the supplies I wished I'd had more of after Avery was born.  With the exception of the bra, I didn't use any of them.  :\  Every pregnancy's different.  Every birth too, apparently.  :P

Age: 28
Orders: 3 (so far)
We have a niece on the way!
Silk (feeling) Sheets
I planned a fun Valentine's Day that was better in thought than in execution.  :P  The sheets felt great, but a few nights sleeping in them made us realize they weren't extremely practical.  The blankets slipped and slid all over the bed.  Most nights they ended up on the floor.  I also learned that cheap lingerie is cheap for a reason.  The straps to this nightgown weren't even sewed down!  I literally had to tie a knot in the straps to keep it on.  Oye!  I even got the sheets and lingerie to match!  Oh well, you live, you learn.  ;)  Next time I'll stick to Victoria's Secret.  Pricey, but it LASTS!

So there you have it!  My Amazon Life!  A small view into my head, thought process, struggles, and joys over the years as told by my Amazon purchases.  :P  Stay tuned, I was serious about possibly doing ones on my Vista Print and Personalization Mall lives as well.  ;)  Thanks for reading!

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