Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pregnancy Update - 31 Weeks

How far along:  31 weeks, which is hard to believe!  He'll be here before we know it!  Our weeks are into double digits!!  Crazy!  Only 63(ish) more days!!  :D

Due date:  May 9, 2014

Next doctor's appointment:  March 19, every 2 weeks now for the next 3 appointments, then they'll be weekly!!  :D  All signs point to a baby is on his way!  :D

Our baby is the size of a veggie/fruit/food:  A bunch of asparagus, 4 naval oranges, a coconut, or a pineapple

Our baby in man terms:  A basketball or a loaf of bread

Total weight gain/loss:  +10.6 lbs, down a couple pounds from the last couple weeks.  Don't know how I managed that, especially after Michael's and my Anniversary/Valentine's Day weekend.  But my doctor said my weight was great just 2 days ago, so I'm not going to worry.  I can feel Connor kicking me and I know he's getting strong.  If there's something to be concerned about, my doctor will let me know.  ;)

News:  I had a doctor's appointment this week.  He said my weight is "great", my blood pressure is "great", and my urine dip is "great" (his exact word).  Nothing makes me feel better than hearing that!  :D  I had my blood drawn at my last appointment for my gestational diabetes test.  My glucose was at 81, which is said was good, low even, not concerning low, but good low.  My hemoglobin (iron) was 11, which he said was also good and normal (this had been low with Avery, and I've struggled with low iron all my life, so hearing that this number was in a normal range made me very happy).  :D  Then, I asked him about my platelet count.  Keep in mind, a normal platelet count is 150,000-400,000, mine started this pregnancy at 134,000 (7 weeks).  At my last blood draw, my doctor said, my platelets were at 124,000.  He wasn't concerned by the drop, but did tell me that because they are on the low side, we will have to do blood draws every appointment from here on it.  As long as they stay above 100,000, I can go to the Birthcare Center to deliver.  As long as they stay above 80,000, I won't need a shot of steroids to bring them up.  So that will be what we're looking at over the next 9 weeks as we reach the home stretch in our anxious anticipation of Connor's arrival.  :)

Best moments this week:  Getting to go see the doctor, hear Connor's heartbeat, and giggling at Connor for giving the nurse a hard time keeping track of his heartbeat (little wiggle worm, just like his sister)  ;)

Milestones:  Hitting the bi-weekly appointment time in our pregnancy, hitting 31 weeks (down to double digit number of weeks left)

Symptoms:  Heartburn, stretch marks, insomnia, nesting

Maternity clothes?  Yup

Stretch marks?  Yup

Belly Button in or out?  In

Movement:  Yup, as I type this he's working his tiny feet up under my ribs.  :P

Gender:  Boy

Sleep:  Would be better if I didn't go to sleep unable to breathe, wake up in the middle of the night to pee, and with heartburn, and then end up awake for good thanks to the insomnia, lol, but carrying this little boy is a joy, so I'm not complaining (much)  ;)

Food cravings:  Everything, really enjoyed my Chunky Money ice cream!  ;)  Milk helps with the heartburn if I have some before bed.  :)

Food aversions:  Nothing, I'll eat it all!  ;)  Although I do try to avoid spicy or greasy foods before bed because they tend to make the heartburn worse.

What I miss:  Being able to roll over and breathe easily, having energy

What I'm loving:  Feeling my little guy move inside of me and making plans for his arrival

What I'm looking forward to:  Having a cuddly newborn again and baby smell  :D

Thoughts and feelings about Michael:  I'm so thankful to have Michael around to help me.  I feel less than useless lately.  He's great with helping me around the house and with Avery.  I appreciate all his help so very much!  We've tried to go out and spend some time together the last 2 nights, but by the time Beth gets home, I've been asleep.  He doesn't mind and just lets me sleep and cuddle at his side.  :)  I love him so much!  He's already such an amazing dad, and I know that he's going to love and care for Connor just as dearly as he does Avery.  I am blessed to have such an amazing partner in life to help me raise my babies.  :)  Love you, Michael!

Thoughts and feelings about Avery:  I can't believe Avery will only be an only child for 9(ish) more weeks!  Where did time go!?!?  Not only that, but she's rapidly transitioning into a little girl and no longer a baby.  Michael and I have been noticing it for a while now, her hair's getting longer, she's walking, running, and climbing, she's talking and comprehending, and she's developing her own sweet, wonderful personality!  She's such a blessing!  She's a great kid and we are incredibly blessed to have such an easy baby.  Here's hoping Connor is just as easy and well behaved as his sister!  :)

Labor signs:  Nope

Goals:  Keep the house clean, fold Connor's clothes and get them put away in his room and closet, catch up on laundry, and spend some time of myself

Weekly Wisdom:  Don't be afraid to ask for help.  More often than not, people are happy to lend a hand if you humble yourself and admit that you need them.

Still a little shocked that so much time has passed and we are so close to having our son in our arms.  We are so excited about his arrival!!  I know that having two babies is going to be a lot more work than just the one that we currently have, but I'm excited to begin this new phase in our lives.  Beyond this it will just be watching our kiddos grow, as we won't be having any more.  I'm trying to enjoy all of these final moments in my pregnancy, and I pray that I'll soak in all the happy moments while Connor is small before, all too soon, he'll grow up into a little kid like Avery is.  I can't wait to find out what Connor's hair and eye color are!  Avery looks so much like me, I wonder if he will too or if he'll look more like Michael.  I guess only time will tell!  :)  Since having Avery I know that we'll have good days and bad days, every parent of a new baby does, and if they tell you they don't they've either blocked it out, or are lieing, lol.  But I also know, from Avery, that she adds so very much to our lives.  We are happier, we laugh more, we love deeper, because she's a part of our family.  I know these feelings will only get stronger as Connor arrives.  I'm just so excited to meet him and continue our journey together.  :)  Thank you all for reading along with us as we've gone through this pregnancy.  We appreciate your thoughts and prayers in the next 9 weeks and beyond as we welcome Connor into our family.  :)  Stay tuned for more pregnancy updates as we close in on the exciting time that Connor makes his appearance!  :D

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