Thursday, October 7, 2021

Two Days to Disney!!

So I think I'm excited about our trip...  🤣  I have been waking up before 6am for days now.  😳  And the bigger problem is that once I wake up, my mind is going full speed thinking about vacation prep and I can't fall back asleep.  🤦🏼‍♀️  Well, if you do that enough days in a row, you eventually need to get to bed earlier to compensate for the lack of sleep.  Of course, this just tells your body to get up even earlier.  So I was exhausted yesterday after prepping for the book fair for a couple weeks and working on packing and keeping our trip a secret, and Avery's birthday, and such...  As a result I went to bed before 9pm.  Usually I'm more of an 11pm kinda person.  Thinking and feeling that I needed more sleep, I laid down early.  Well, my plan backfired.  Today I woke up before 5am.  At this rate, getting up early Saturday to wake the kids up at 3am should be no problem at all!  🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤪

I don't have to go to work today because the fair didn't get delivered as early as we wanted.  It won't be delivered until Friday and there's nothing more to do until then.  So I'm taking today off after all.  This works, because I can really finish up the majority of our packing with no one else here.  

There's not really much left to pack, but I haven't really started packing the kids' Backpacks with entertainment and snacks, so getting that finished will be good.  Still can't decide if I want to buy myself a new pair of shoes before we go.  I know breaking in new shoes over vacation is a bad idea, but my current pair are so old I wonder if they're a wise choice either...  Decisions, decisions....  

I'll also run laundry today, specifically masks, to make sure the house is about as clean as it can be before we leave.  The dining room table is kind of a hot mess at the moment with Connor's pumpkin project still in the works.  However, he asked for a "Dragon Free Day" yesterday, so we granted it.  It's coming along well, and isn't due until a week after our trip, so even if we don't finish it before we leave, there will be time when we get home.  

Avery's teacher is planning on sending home homework tomorrow, but Connor's isn't.  However, Avery's teacher volunteered a time after our trip for conferences and Connor's teacher said we could Zoom from vacation.  I thought this might happen as they're a little older going on this trip and getting out of school.  The stuff they miss is more important the older they get.  However, when we set the dates (really the year) for this trip 3+ years ago, the intention was to make sure Laney was in Kindergarten so she'd have a decent shot at remembering the trip and the other kids were still young enough to appreciate the Magic.  Of course, the specifics changed when Sis and Adam took their trip a year earlier, but I think it will work out for the best.  Our trip is going to be almost double the time (which Laney may not have been physically able to keep up with), our kids are just now tall enough to ride EVERYTHING if they want to, and we can do what's best for us and our family on this trip without worrying about timing things the way other people want it.  This trip may have been too ambitious to do with a family who had a much different "vacation speed" than we do.  😉

2 more days!  I can't believe it!  I'm sure they're going to fly by!  Today will be all cleaning, packing, and running errands.  Tomorrow will be setting up the book fair, then getting to bed early (Yay!).  Then Saturday we'll be up bright and early!  😳🤪  I can't wait!  ❤

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