Good morning! It's been a couple weeks since I blogged, here's what's been happening...
The holidays went well! Everyone stayed healthy! We didn't get together the way we normally would have in Topeka, but with having a couple weeks off for Christmas break, we were able to enjoy our weekend there without masks. We were also missing Nick & Maggie, Nathan, and their families, but we made it work and everyone stayed safe and healthy and that's much more important.
School and work started back up and is going well. Since I only work 3 days/week I don't really need long weekends anymore, but the kids are excited about their 4 day long weekend this weekend. They got yesterday off and will have Monday off too. Michael is working both of those days, of course. I have those days off, plus Thursday, so I'm up to a 5 day weekend now, lol. But, in order to get my hours in, I'm going to work on Thursday next week, so next weekend will only be 3 days for me. *shudders* The horror!
I am making a temperature blanket for 2021! It was coming along great until my cord on my rounded needles broke off of the needle. I have new needles coming in from Amazon. They should be here today. I have 3 rows to catch up on and 2 more for today. I may have to bring my knitting to Towanda tomorrow to finish up how much I got behind.
Sis, Mama, and I are planning Superbowl foods, should be super fun! Hoping the Chiefs are in it again this year. We all had THE BEST time last year! We're also talking Pro-Bowl food when I'm inaugurated as Fantasy Football Champ!! Woohooo!! We're having Xing Xing for lunch that day and I am STOKED!!
Speaking of Inaugurations, we're getting a new President this week!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!! I'm excited to have Joe work across the aisle and hopefully heal some of the division in our country over the next 4 years. I'm excited about Kamala and the example she's setting for women, people of color, and immigrants. Her roll in Executive Branch is a monumental moment. It's not the highest spot, but I'm thinking we could see her on the ticket again in 4 years in a different roll. 🤞 4 years ago I kept Avery up late on election night because I wanted her to see when the first woman was elected president. It didn't work out then. And shortly after that election we, as a family, participated in our first ever political march, The Women's March, here in Wichita. I was so distraught that our country had elected a leader with such disrespect for women that he would have ever uttered the words, "When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything," that I had to go out and say this isn't right. He isn't right. I wasn't hoping the election would be overturned. I just needed to go out there, with my 4 year old daughter, and say you are valuable, you are important, you are worthy of respect. So I demonstrated that day, for her, that she will never come across a man who feels like he has the right to say or do anything like that to her. I demonstrated that day to show her that all women are important and that no one can tell her she can't do or achieve something because she's a girl. And that's what we told her that day. And we have begrudgingly put up with that leader for the last 4 years, spreading lies and hate and division. I am so glad to be done with him. And I hope the Senate impeaches him and that he will never again be able to run for office. I want him to fade into the background of history as the president who was impeached twice, tried to undermind our election system, who incited riots, and who was never heard from again. The United States will be a better place without him in the White House. I have prayed for him more than for any other president in my life, and maybe my prayers were answered, maybe the last 4 years were better than they would have been without so many people praying over Donald Trump. Only God knows that. I know I won't be crying, for the women of our national, this Wednesday, tears of sadness for the massive steps backwards we've taken. I will be crying tears of joy as Kamala Harris, a woman of color and daughter of immigrants, stands beside Joe Biden, and becomes the Vice President of our nation. Keep an eye on her the next 4 years. She is a force to be reckoned with! ❤
Wow, didn't see that soapbox coming... Just get riled up when I think of the deplorable things our current President has said. And I struggle to see how the community of faith can back someone like that... But I'm letting that go for now...
I get to start working in my garden again soon!! Strawberries should be going in in the next month or so! My garlic is looking good from what I can see from the window, lol! I'm very much looking forward to getting out and tending to it all again. Get excited for lots of posts and pictures about my garden again soon. :)
Andover BOE has basically all but said we will not go all remote again. This is, I think, best for the kids, being in school. But, I fear, this decision wasn't made in the best interests of the kids, but because the BOE cowtows to boisterous parents. Either way, our numbers have been pretty good because we insist on following the rules and guidelines, unlike many members of the public. Sunflower actually has the smallest number of positive cases of any elementary school in the district, which is a huge pat on the back to our administration, teachers, staff, and custodians for all the hard work we've done all year. Hopefully things stay good and healthy and we can finish the year strong. I already know several people (not locally) who have gotten their COVID-19 vaccine. I'm hopeful that school staff will be on the list soon. I'm hopeful that life will be getting back to normal fairly soon. It has been a weird year to say the least.
We're going to ORLANDO in 9 MONTHS!!!!! I'm so excited about our trip!!! We have put $2600 down towards our trip so far and we have $5,600 more saved up so far. That should be enough to pay for it, but we're going to keep saving until the day we leave for spending money and fun stuff like that! Since we're not taking that vacation until October, we plan to do a little OKC weekend this summer. I haven't started looking into fun for that trip yet, but I might start today because I'm in a good mood and trip planning is super fun!! I'm also hopeful that we can make it to a Royals game again this summer! Not to mention, Mama, Sis, and I want to do a girls weekend in Vegas for our birthdays this year!!! Lots of travel plans in the works for 2021!! Screw you, 2020 and COVID! You guys suck! We're taking our lives back! ❤✈
I have been playing on my new Cricut A LOT lately! Stay tuned for some of the fun projects I'm working on! 😁
Alright, that's all I've got for now! Love you! Have an awesome Saturday!