Monday, June 8, 2020

COVID-19 Quarantine Day 88 - Thursday Pictures

Michael made the most amazing dinner the other night!  Ribeyes, cooked to perfect medium and medium rare, seasoned with flaky sea salt, fresh ground pepper, fresh ground rosemary, and fresh minced garlic!  Amazing!  Asparagus from Grandma and Grandpa Heorman's garden, seasoned with olive oil, salt, and pepper!  Delicious!  And loaded baked potatoes with fresh chives and green onions straight out of my garden!  Yum yum yum!!!  It was amazing!  Quite possibly the best steak I've ever eaten!  He got the temperature PERFECT!  It was so so good!  I got these steaks right before beef prices skyrocketed.  We've got a little hamburger in the fridge still, but not much.  Guess we'll need a lot more chicken and fish to get us through the summer.  😉

We went to Braums on Thursday and Connor got to have some ice cream and see a couple of his friends from school.  These guys weren't able to make it to his birthday party in May, so getting to see them was an extra special treat!  ❤

Remember that big, beautiful yellow squash bloom from one of my earlier posts?  This was it (and the squash) on Thursday!  This baby is growing so fast!!

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