Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 1 - I'm thankful for weekends with my family

On facebook every year I (as well as many friends and family members) take the month to say what I'm thankful for.  Each day of the month I reflect on one (or more) people, places, things, ideas. blessings, feelings, etc to be thankful for.  I thought I'd try to keep up with my thankful posts on the blog this year as well.  (I might even try to get Michael to join me as well!)  So as I post my one to two sentence thankful thought each day, I'll also try to come over here and at least copy and paste the thought, if not elaborate on it even more.  :)  Wish me luck!!

Today, to begin things off, I'm thankful for weekends with my family.

I love having Michael home on the weekend for a number of reasons. 
I love getting to spend more time with him.  We had so much fun yesterday taking the kids trick or treating at his work, then showing their costumes off while we visited my grandparents last night.  I love watching football together on Saturday and Sunday with him.  We spend most of the days being lazy and watching the games.  I love when the kids take a nap and we can just lay in bed and snuggle with the dull roar of the football games on tv.
I love having some extra help with the kiddos over the weekend.  Yes, I chose the stay at home mom life, but it is seriously a full-time job.  Michael is so great and helps out so much over the weekend.  He helps keep Avery fed and helps with diapers for both kids.  He also helps with bath time (which is almost always his realm anyway) and bed time.
I love being able to cook for him all weekend.  I usually make a big breakfast on Saturday morning for all of us.  It's a special thing for the weekend when the whole family is together.  Sure, it's basically the same stuff that I make for the kids all week, eggs, pancakes, toast, bacon, etc.  But over the weekend I put it all together and we have a big breakfast!  Add that to the fact that it's usually a little later in the day because we sleep in, and we usually have 2 big meals on Saturday instead of 3.

It's nice for me to be home on the weekend.
I love being a stay at home mom.  Thanks to my wonderful husband, who provides for our family, I'm able to stay home with the kids during the week.  When Connor came along I decided I wanted to stay home during the weekend too, and my loving husband agreed that I could.  I no longer have to go to work on the weekends.  I'm so grateful for this opportunity!
It's so much fun to go out and about with the family over the weekend!  Yesterday was Halloween, so we did all of our out and about yesterday.  That means today and tomorrow get to be lazy days.  Michael is grateful for that.  Sometimes our outings are a simple trip to the park, other times we go to the zoo, the museum, the farmers market, or out to eat.  It's nice for me to get out of the house at least a time or two on the weekend.

I'm absolutely crazy about my kids!
Miss Avery is always going!  She is happy and so smart.  She's beautiful and full of personality.  Every day she's learning new things and showing us another facet of her personality.  She's an amazing big sister and a loving daughter.  She's also a turd sometimes, so I'm happy I have her Daddy to pass her off to on occasion.  I'm looking forward to seeing the woman she becomes as she continues to grow!
Connor is such a happy baby!  As long as he's got a full belly, a clean diaper, and a little attention, he's got everything he needs.  I can't believe he'll be 6 months old this month.  He's growing so much every day!  I love seeing his little personality as he gets older.  I can't wait for him to begin walking and talking (I know, I'm crazy).

Well, don't expect a big post like this every day.  ;)  But I'll try to get back on every day.  :)  Happy Thankful November to you all!

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