Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cold Season

Well, it's about that time of year again.  Time to put boogie wipes on the shopping list.  If you are the parent or grandparent of a little one, let me tell you (later) how wonderful these little contraptions are!  ;)  But that's not my point now...

Connor woke up this morning with a cough and a runny nose.  :(  Normally I wouldn't think this was because of anything but the rapidly approaching cold and flu season.  However, my sweet little boy has never been sick.  And, to top it all off, he had one minor change in his routine this week...  He went to the nursery during church on Sunday, two days ago.

So I can't help but wonder...  Did Connor get his little cold from being in the nursery on Sunday?  Chances are, he did.  However, we did go to the Pumpkin Patch and had a guest at the house this week, which he could have picked something up from as well.  Who can really tell?  I just can't help but point my finger at the nursery, where there were over half a dozen babies, and Connor was laying on the floor with a toy in his mouth when I walked in.  :\  But who knows?  I suppose it's cold and flu season, and this was bound to happen eventually.

That being said, I've learned a little about myself as I look for the reason my son is dripping from the nose.  I'm much more of a "Granola Mama" with Connor than I was with Avery.  If you were around us when Avery was a baby, I didn't worry about germs much with her.  I always said they'd build up her immune system.  Being born at the beginning of fall, she hit cold and flu season at an early age.  We were in the doctor's office on Christmas Eve with her first cold (because we were still new parents and it was worth the $35 copay for the peace of mind to hear the doctor say she had a cold).  Avery had formula at less than one month old.  Most of the reason for that was that I wasn't producing enough to keep her satisfied.  I continued to nurse, but not exclusively, I gave up on that dream.  Everyone knows I use cloth diapers for our kiddos, but because of diaper rashes here and there, Avery has spent month long stints in disposables before, although I always return to the cloth in the end.  That was the story of our first child...

Then Connor came along.  Connor is the baby, and always will be, as he is our last child.  Born in the late spring/early summer, the cold and flu season took much longer to get to him.  Connor hasn't been sick until now, for the first time, at 5.5 months old.  My milk lasted longer, and I'm proud to say I'm still exclusively nursing him, and that he's never had formula before (despite a stockpile of freebies I received when I was pregnant with him).  Connor hasn't had to be in disposables much, because he's never really had any issues with diaper rash.  Once his circ healed up, he's been almost exclusively a cloth diaper baby (with the exceptions of when I haven't got diaper laundry done, when I need his diaper to fit into a smaller pair of pants, or when we're going out for the day or an extended period of time, and disposables are just going to be easier.  See what I mean??  I'm a crunchy, granola Mama!  :P  Add to that the fact that my kids don't get sugar (if I can help it) for the first year of their lives and the fact that I make their own baby food (which Connor will start in a couple of week), and the fact that I've never bought a SINGLE jar of baby food for my kids, and you'd think I was close to a full blown hippy.  And that's fine.  Because I still vaccinate, I'm going to send them to public school, I'm going to buy them new toys and clothes when I can, and we'll eat fast food on long days when I just can't stand the idea of cooking dinner.  :P

This post has turned in a different direction than I was originally anticipating.  :P 

I think the nursery made Connor sick.  :(  He's my baby.  I don't like him being sick.  :(  He doesn't seem to know or mind.  He's always such a happy baby.  He also doesn't have a fever, so that's good.  Just not fun seeing my little one under the weather.

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