Friday, July 25, 2014

Avery Anecdotes

My daughter is so silly!

*Holds up one finger*
A: Minute!
J: Just a minute!
A: Second!
J: Just a second!

*Climbs up one side of the couch, gets down, runs to the other side*
A: Other side!

*Running back and forth between her room and our room*
A: Running!  Faster, faster, faster!

*Brings me two mismatched socks and a pair of socks*
A: Toes
J: Do you want me to help you with your socks?
A: Socks, help
J: What do you say?
A: Please, Mommy
J: Ok, I'll help you.
*Avery insists the mismatched socks go on her feet and the matching pair goes on her hands.  I assist her in getting them all on*
A: Thank you!
*Runs off.  Comes back with her toy computer in her sock hands.  Takes socks off of her hands and feet.  Puts mismatched socks on her hands, continues to play with her computer*

*Dayton runs back and forth through the house.  Avery stands aside, watching*
A: Yay, Dayton!
*Begins clapping*
(I see a cheerleader in the making)

Just a few of the silly things Avery's done today.  She is so smart!  I just love her!  She learns so much every day!  I am amazed!!  :D

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