Saturday, August 3, 2013

Good Morning!!

Good Morning, Friends and Family!  I hope you're looking forward to a wonderful Saturday!  Not much going on around here.  I have to work today 11-7:30.  I like this shift because I don't have to get up early to open, but as you may have noticed by the timestamp on this post, it doesn't really matter, as I am awake before 8am anyway.  Oh well.  I do get a little time with my family before I leave for the day, and I'll get a little more time with them at the end of the day before bed, so all is well.

We are down to 5 days before Iowa!!!  I am soooooooooooo excited!!  Michael's family is already on the road on their way up!  We'll show up on Thursday, along with some other family member, and then the rest of the group will be joining us on Friday!  I can't wait!!!

It looks like Michael, Avery, and I will be driving up by ourselves!  I'm excited about this because I know we'll be able to make good time without having to stop much and by taking the major highways and interstates as our route there.  :)  We're planning on leaving Topeka no later than 8am and being in LeClaire by 3.  Maybe we'll be able to gain some time in there, but I figure if we plan for a little longer, I will be pleasantly surprised if we arrive early!  ;)

We are almost completely packed (which shouldn't be a surprise, as I've been packing for almost 2 weeks now).  We just have a few last minute items that we need on a daily basis to pack at the last minute.  We still need to buy snacks and drinks, which my mom has very generously offered to take us shopping for.  She's the greatest.  :)  She blesses my life over and over.  I am so thankful for her.  Then, we'll just need to put everything into the car (good thing I've been playing lots of tetris lately!!) and we'll be ready to go!

We've been trying to prepare Avery for the trip.  She's been sleeping in the pack and play for her naps and bedtime for the past week and a half.  I figure this will acclimate (sp?) her to sleeping in there, and hopefully she won't have any trouble napping and sleeping while we're in Iowa.  As for the drive, well, that's something we might have to just suffer through.  I have packed a bag of toys for her to play with.  Hopefully she'll stay entertained and won't get too grumpy on the car ride.  She can run pretty hot and cold on the car.  Hopefully everything goes smoothly.  :)  If she does get irritable, I can always hop in the back seat and settle her down.  She's such a good baby, I'm sure she'll do great!

The only prep we need to do now before our trip is getting the house cleaned.  I love coming home after a trip to a nice clean house.  It's nice to not have to worry about picking up more than our trip stuff when we get home.  So that's what I've been working on, and will continue to be working on until we leave.  I've gotten things pretty well taken care of, and Michael's helped a bunch too when he's home, so I know things will be all ready soon.

Alrighty, I'm going to head out and get my family some breakfast now.  I love you all!  Have a wonderful Saturday!!  Enjoy these adorable pictures of my sweet girl until I post again more about our exciting vacation coming up!  :D  Have a good one!!

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