It doesn't make you look very intelligent when you share pictures and memes on your facebook with mispelled words and incorrect grammar.
You look like an attention seeker when you constantly post sad pictures, song lyrics, and vague statuses about how the world is unfair to you. I imagine you sitting at your computer waiting for someone to ask you what's wrong.
Your vocabulary must be extremely limited if your posts need to include so much profanity. Then I see an adult in your life post the same type of thing on your wall and I realize it's not entirely your fault. The previous generation failed you.
It makes you look crazy when you share note after note and picture after picture from the TeaParty, claiming their opinions to be good for the country.
You look naïve when you site FoxNews as you unbiased news source. They are just as biased as MSNBC. However, when FoxNews has democrats on their show, they yell at them. On MSNBC everyone gets a chance to say their piece. They might not agree with your opinion, but they at least give you the respect to allow you to speak. An intelligent person can look at both sides.
You look ignorant when you forward me emails about how our President is sending our country to hell in a handbasket. I voted for him. I stand behind my vote. Someone once told me you don't have to respect the person, but you do have to respect the job. You would do well to remember that.
Yes, I post way too many pictures of my daughter on there. When my phone was stolen, I lost most of the pictures from her first 3 months of life, including her first Christmas. All I had left were what I posted on facebook. So I will continue to post them so I don't lose them forever. I'm sorry if you don't like that. There is a way to keep my pictures and updates from always showing up on your site. Believe me, I've taken a few of you off of my feed for the same reasons.
I live in the wrong colored state. Call me a crazy liberal. Call me the grammar police. I like facebook, but sometimes it's just irritating.
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