Thursday, May 23, 2013

4 Years

Today is Michael's and my 4 year wedding anniversary!  We have been through quite a bit in the last 4 years!  We have had ups and downs with jobs, school, family, and money.  But we have stuck by each other's side and each trial is easier, each blessing deeper, because we are together.  Michael is my best friend.  I can tell him anything, and I do, because I suck at keeping secrets from him.  He's the one who holds me up when I don't know what to do or where to turn, when I feel like falling apart.  He's the one I share my joys and triumphs with.  He's the one I look to for the voice of reason and calm, cool, collected advice.  He makes me want to be a better person.

Since we've been married Michael has completed his last 2 years of school and graduated from K-State with a degree in Mechanical Engineering.  This is something that people worried wouldn't get done with us getting married, but we both knew the end goal and worked to achieve it.  While Michael finished those 2 years of school, I taught 4th grade in Junction City.  It was hard work, but the kids made it worth it.  The parents, administration, and legislators were who drove me away from the profession in the end.  But someone had to pay the bills while Michael finished school, so I taught.  Michael worked so hard those 2 years!  He taught and graded for a Solid Works class to bring in some extra money to help out, he soothed my tired soul after long days of teaching and parent-teacher conferences with parents who made me want to crawl under a rock and die, and he kept me laughing each and every day.  He was my knight in shining armor the day he stopped studying (for a test he had the next morning) to take me to the emergency room when I had gall bladder attacks.  I have never felt unloved with Michael.  He shows me and tells me every day how much I mean to him.

When Michael graduated we moved to Wichita.  Neither of us had a job, but we moved none-the-less.  To keep the bills paid I got a job at Belden Jewelers.  Michael kept looking for an engineering job, but as time went by, he widened his search to drafting jobs, machining jobs, and eventually any job at all.  Michael eventually took a humble job at Toys R Us to help pay the bills.  With 2 college degrees, these were not the jobs we imagined we'd have when we left Manhattan.  But we perceviered.  Michael kept me entertained, even when we didn't have much money to spend.  We made the most of what we had and ended up spending more time with each other because we just didn't have the money to spend on other forms of entertainment.  We went on walks or to the dog park.  We drove around looking for Christmas lights.  We turned the radio up loud and drove in circles until our favorite songs were over.  Even when things were tough, coming home, being with my husband, our marriage, has always been easy, has never been work, has always been safe.

It didn't take long for Michael to finally get in th engineering field, first with Bunting Magnetics, then with Dell.  After a few months at Dell we learned that Avery was on her way.  We were so excited!!  We bought a house a week later and began planning our happily ever after for our growing family.  On our 3 year anniversary Michael lost his job with Dell.  They didn't have enough work for the other people, and he was one of the last hired, so was one of the first to go.  Thankfully God provided another job that day and he began working at Aerospace Turbine Rotables the next week.  What a relief!

I am so blessed by Michael.  He's an amazing father and husband.  Our anniversary is so special to me because it marks an important day in our history to look back on and see how far we've come.  I look back and see how much our love has grown since that day.  I am so blessed.  So happy anniversary, My Love.  I didn't think it was possible, but I love you now more that that sweet day 4 years ago.  Thank you for blessing my life with your own.  :)  I love you, Michael.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Well, since I haven't updated on here in over a month, I should probably say some nice things.  I just use the blog to vent so I don't do it on facebook.  I don't want to be one of those people.

So here's what's going on in Avery's life!  At 7.5 months old she's crawling like a pro!  She rolls her left wrist under when she crawls on the carpet, but has both hands out flat when she's on the tile.  She's getting around very fast now!  We have to keep the gate closed when she's on the floor because in the blink of an eye she's off.  :)

She is pulling up all the time!!  Avery has loved standing for a couple of months now.  But it's just been in the last 3 weeks or so that she's been pulling herself up to stand on her own.  Of course, this comes with some tumbles and cuddles, but she's doing great!  She gets over the bumps quickly and is back on the go!

Avery has been eating solid food for about 6-7 weeks now.  She does great with her veggies!  She's not as crazy about the tart fruits like oranges or strawberries, but she'll still eat the strawberries.  There are very few foods that she'll turn down.  She is NOT a picky eater like her Daddy.  We're both glad for that.

Avery LOVES to talk!  She is constantly making noises and babbling!  It's soooo fun!  She says "Ma", "Da", and "Ga" well.  She'll also just squeal occasionally.  :)  One of her favorite places to talk is in the car.  Especially if Phil (the roommate) or Beth (the coworker) is in the back seat with her.  She also likes to respond to us when we talk to her.  She'll make a noise and we'll talk back, her, us, her, us...  It's so much fun!!

Avery loves being on the move!  It doesn't matter if she's being carried, riding in the car, or riding in the stroller, Avery loves moving around.  One you stop walking, the car comes to a stop, or you pause in the stroller, she knows and she lets you know that the stop is unacceptable.  :P  She loves looking around and is a major people person.  She especially loves when people smile at her.  She enjoys smiling and flirting back.

Avery is learning sign language.  She knows "more" very well.  Every once in a while she'll do "eat" or "milk".  We're practicing those 2 words to get them perfected before we move onto other words.  She's such a smart girl, I know she'll have them down quickly.

Avery has been learning to swim!  She loves the water, especially at bath time.  I think the pool at the Y is a little overwhelming for her.  We have a pool in our neighborhood, so I'm sure we'll be swimming plenty this summer.  :) 

Avery is a sweet, happy baby.  Very few things upset her.  She eats and sleeps extremely well.  She loves her Mommy, Daddy, cousin Dayton, Aunt Steph, Grandma Henrie, Phil, and Beth.  (These are the people that she sees/interacts with the most)  We could not have asked for a better baby!  Michael and I joke that Avery is spoiling us and the next baby we have will be a complete nightmare and we won't know what to do with ourselves.  ;)  I pray the rest of her upbringing goes as smoothly as the past 7.5 months have gone.  I love this tiny girl!  She is my world!  I am blessed to have her in my life.  :)

I hope you've enjoyed this update on Avery.  Be sure to comment so I know if people are still reading this, lol.  Don't comment on the post from earlier today.  ;)  Because I don't want to hear it.  :P

Facebook Rant

It doesn't make you look very intelligent when you share pictures and memes on your facebook with mispelled words and incorrect grammar.

You look like an attention seeker when you constantly post sad pictures, song lyrics, and vague statuses about how the world is unfair to you.  I imagine you sitting at your computer waiting for someone to ask you what's wrong.

Your vocabulary must be extremely limited if your posts need to include so much profanity.  Then I see an adult in your life post the same type of thing on your wall and I realize it's not entirely your fault.  The previous generation failed you.

It makes you look crazy when you share note after note and picture after picture from the TeaParty, claiming their opinions to be good for the country.

You look naïve when you site FoxNews as you unbiased news source.  They are just as biased as MSNBC.  However, when FoxNews has democrats on their show, they yell at them.  On MSNBC everyone gets a chance to say their piece.  They might not agree with your opinion, but they at least give you the respect to allow you to speak.  An intelligent person can look at both sides.

You look ignorant when you forward me emails about how our President is sending our country to hell in a handbasket.  I voted for him.  I stand behind my vote.  Someone once told me you don't have to respect the person, but you do have to respect the job.  You would do well to remember that.

Yes, I post way too many pictures of my daughter on there.  When my phone was stolen, I lost most of the pictures from her first 3 months of life, including her first Christmas.  All I had left were what I posted on facebook.  So I will continue to post them so I don't lose them forever.  I'm sorry if you don't like that.  There is a way to keep my pictures and updates from always showing up on your site.  Believe me, I've taken a few of you off of my feed for the same reasons.

I live in the wrong colored state.  Call me a crazy liberal.  Call me the grammar police.  I like facebook, but sometimes it's just irritating.