Monday, August 13, 2012

Childbirth Class and Another Sonogram!

Tonight's class was good, as usual.  :)  Can't believe we only have 1 week left!  We're almost ready to dive headfirst into this and come out the other side with a beautiful baby girl in our arms.  :)  Tonight's lesson was about medication and c-sections.  I found out about an interesting epidural called a light epidural where I'll be able to feel more and be more active in the labor process.  There's also an option where I can decide how much of the medicine I get, and only give it to myself when I need it.  Haven't decided yet which one I want, but I'm thinking one of these medication methods will be the one for me.  What's nice about an epidural as opposed to a narcotic earlier on in labor, is that the baby won't get any of the medication, only I will feel it.  This is good because with narcotics the baby feels the medication as well which can make her sleepy.  So sleepy, in fact, that she might not want to breath when she's born, which is not good.  So I like the idea of an epidural better than the narcotics anyway.  We will see what ends up happening that day.  Either way, I like being informed.  :)

Tomorrow we have another doctor's appointment and our last sonogram.  I have been looking forward to this appointment since our 20 week sonogram when we found out we would get another one!  :)  It has been a long 12 weeks of waiting, but the day is almost here!  :D  Can't wait to get more pictures of our baby girl and to see how much she's grown in the last 3 months.  :)  Should be a very exciting appointment.  :)  Of course, you can expect an update from me tomorrow on how everything went and maybe even some more pictures.  ;)

Until then...  Happy Monday!  :D

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