Here's Harlee, running at top speeds through the snow. We never let her off the leash because we simply can't trust her not to run off, but she REALLY enjoying running around in circles at the end of the leash.
Someone was trying to start their car in the parking lot across the street and Harlee stopped for a moment to watch. But after a few seconds she'd lost interest in the noise and was running around again.
Trying to get her to hold still long enough to take a picture... Once again, running at full speed. The snow seemed to give her more energy. :P
Digging in the snow... When she came up her nose was completely covered in snow. The temperature didn't seem to bother her this first day. However, when we take her out now (a week and a half later) she steps very gingerly on the snow and tries to walk on top of it. She stays on the path as much as possible. Apparently dogs are like people, enjoy the magic of the first snow, then are more annoyed with it that it's not gone a week later.
Did I mention she's sort of a pointer? Haha! Silly puppy! When her feet get cold she hops so all of her feet aren't on the cold wet group and it looks like she's limping... But she's ok, just doesn't like wet feet. :)
What a cutie! She enjoyed her time in the snow, but now she's ready for spring and summer to be back so she can be out in the sun more often, can go on more walks, and can play outside more.
Thanks for checking out what Harlee thought of the first snow of her life. I hope you enjoyed it. But to really get the true idea of what the day was like, you had to be there... I hope the video below will help you imagine what it was really like and to see how truly excited she was to be enjoying the snow. :) Bye!!
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