Sunday, January 30, 2011
Apartment Shopping
Michael and I were in Wichita this weekend visiting. We enjoyed some time with Sis and Adam, hanging out, watching tv, doing laundry... Then, yesterday we went apartment shopping. We saw about 6 or 7 different apartments. Some were pretty nice, other weren't as great. This was the first time we've ever looked at apartments in Wichita, so we'll certainly do some more shopping around. But we did find a couple that we really like. It's nice going from Manhattan to Wichita, the cost of living is much lower. So all the apartments that we were looking at were within our price range. :) I've got mixed feelings about moving to Wichita. I'm excited to be close to my family again, 6 years in Manhattan has been enough, but at the same time, I'm worried about neither of us having jobs yet. Hopefully we'll get those things resolved in the next couple of months. I'll keep you updated as we conti he to look at apartments and as we look more into jobs in the area. :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Cute Kid Quote
While most of you know, kids say the darndest things, and in a job like mine, you hear a lot of those things. Yesterday we were writing in my reading class. The students were trying to persuade a teacher or family member that they should be allowed something, a toy, game, allowance, extra recess, etc. Before I allow my kiddos to start writing they have to do some pre-writing/brainstorming to make sure they have enough ideas to complete the assignment. I check the pre-writing, then all them to begin their rough draft. One student came to me and was showing me his pre-writing about why his class should have extra recess. In one of the reason spaces he had written "extra size". I was very confused and asked him what he meant by extra size and how that was going to convince someone to let him have more recess. He responded, "You know, we go out to recess and get extrasize." That's when I realized he meant exercise. :P It made me smile, so I thought I'd share it with you. :)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Anyone else having a blech week? This is the first week since school started back at the beginning of January that I've had to go to work all week... It's Wednesday and I'm pooped. Teaching is physically and mentally exhausting, and this week I'm done and ready to check out.
Hope your week is going better than mine! Happy Wednesday! You made it halfway through the week! I hope I can make it the rest....
Hope your week is going better than mine! Happy Wednesday! You made it halfway through the week! I hope I can make it the rest....
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Despicable Me
Kylee came over to hang out last night. I made dinner of tomato soup and chicken and swiss pockets (see previous post). After sitting around and talking for a while we decided to watch a movie. Kylee had gone to the redbox and rented Despicable Me. I wasn't sure how I'd like the movie. I head some people say that it was horrible, and others say that it was awesome. I knew that my students liked it (They watched it the day before Christmas break), so that made me think I'd enjoy it... But my students also like SpongeBob, so what do they really know?? Anyway, we watched it, and I thought it was adorable. :) Michael enjoyed it too. I thought it was rated G, because they showed it to the kids at school, but apparently my school doesn't always have it's ducks in a row, because I just looked and it's rated PG. It's got this rating because of rude humor and mild action. Seems silly to give it a PG for that, but whatever. It's a cute movie that kids will love. I think I'll probably end up buying it at some point. :) So if you haven't seen it, go check it out. I hope you enjoy it too. :)
Week 3: Mouthwatering Pancakes, Doctored Tomato Soup, and Chicken and Swiss Pockets
I've noticed that I do a lot of my cooking over the weekend, then Michael and I tend to live on leftovers the rest of the week. Maybe next week I'll look into some dump-and-go crockpot recipes that will make cooking in the middle of the week a little easier and more appealing... We shall see! Here's what I cooked up this week!
Mouthwatering Pancakes
I made these pancakes for Michael on one of my days off this week (it's been kind of a mess of a week, so I can't really remember). I use a basic Bisquick pancake recipe, but I dress it up to make the pancakes even better than usual. I add vanilla, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, and allspice to my recipe to really make these pancake irresistible! They come out even fluffier than usual with a hint of Autumn to them. I also love going out and getting pancakes and having that dollop of butter on top that sinks into the pancakes, so after I've flipped them, but before they come out of the skillet, I put a pat of butter on them and let it soak into the pancakes. Scrumptious! I'm constantly changing this recipe to make these pancakes better and better, so don't be surprised if you see pancakes show up on my weekly cooking recipes again. :) Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I got a new 13.5 inch skillet for Christmas and tried it out with these pancakes, it holds 4 small/med pancakes!! My other skillet only held maybe 2! Awesome!!
Michael and I give this recipe 3.5 thumbs up. I'm still holding out a half thumb, because I know this recipe can get better! :)
Doctored Tomato Soup
This is another recipe I've taken and altered to my liking. This recipe changes every time I make it based on what ingredients I happen to have around. It calls for half and half, which I don't keep on hand, so this time, I simply added more milk. It turned out a little more watery that I would have liked, probably because I use skim milk instead of 2% or whole. Basically this recipe is condensed tomato soup, milk, vegetable broth (I used water and a bullion cube... Like I said, whatever I have around), basil, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and Parmesan cheese. Tomato soup is really just about warming, no cooking is really required. This recipe originally called for sun dried tomatoes and tortellini as well. I've made it with the tortellini, but not with the tomatoes before, although I'd like to try it with them. This is always a favorite of mine, as I simply love tomato soup! This recipe gives a little more flavor to a tradition recipe and I think it's awesome!!
Michael and I give this recipe 3 thumbs up. Michael is too sleepy right now to explain why he took away a half a thumb (I should really switch this to a star system), and I took away a half thumb because this time it was a little watery, I needed more fat in the milk.
Chicken and Swiss Pockets
This is the only recipe this week that I've never tried before, the other 2 were things I've made, but continue to change. I served these pockets with my tomato soup and I think they went quite well! For this recipe I used a small onion, 1/2 cup mushroom, butter, chicken, honey mustard, lemon-pepper seasoning, Italian seasoning, salt, Swiss cheese, and frozen dinner roll dough. I rolled the dough out into small circles, inside each pocket I put 1/4 cup of the cooked chicken mixture, then I covered the mixture with another dough circle and sealed them together. I made 6 pockets total. The recipe also called for roasted red peppers, but I couldn't find them in the store, so we did without. I wouldn't have chosen to make this recipe if I hadn't thought it looked good in the first place. Michael, however, wasn't too crazy about them when I first started making them (I think it was the mushrooms that he didn't like the idea of). But when I had leftover chicken mixture and no more thawed dough, I decided we could just eat the remaining mixture by itself. Michael was surprised when he tried it, finding that he actually liked the taste of the mixture! He said something to the effect of this after trying it, "I would have eaten it, but now I've gone from giving it 1 thumb up, to giving it 2 thumbs up and I might actually request it sometime!" High praise from Mr. Picky-Eater!! I was delighted that it went over so well! Kylee came over for dinner and liked the pockets and soup as well! Woohoo! Great night!
Michael and I give this recipe 4 thumbs up! It was great! Hopefully I can find the red peppers next time and make this recipe even better!
The Chicken and Swiss Pockets recipe came out of my Dec/Jan Taste of Homes Magazine
Mouthwatering Pancakes
I made these pancakes for Michael on one of my days off this week (it's been kind of a mess of a week, so I can't really remember). I use a basic Bisquick pancake recipe, but I dress it up to make the pancakes even better than usual. I add vanilla, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, and allspice to my recipe to really make these pancake irresistible! They come out even fluffier than usual with a hint of Autumn to them. I also love going out and getting pancakes and having that dollop of butter on top that sinks into the pancakes, so after I've flipped them, but before they come out of the skillet, I put a pat of butter on them and let it soak into the pancakes. Scrumptious! I'm constantly changing this recipe to make these pancakes better and better, so don't be surprised if you see pancakes show up on my weekly cooking recipes again. :) Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I got a new 13.5 inch skillet for Christmas and tried it out with these pancakes, it holds 4 small/med pancakes!! My other skillet only held maybe 2! Awesome!!
Michael and I give this recipe 3.5 thumbs up. I'm still holding out a half thumb, because I know this recipe can get better! :)
Doctored Tomato Soup
This is another recipe I've taken and altered to my liking. This recipe changes every time I make it based on what ingredients I happen to have around. It calls for half and half, which I don't keep on hand, so this time, I simply added more milk. It turned out a little more watery that I would have liked, probably because I use skim milk instead of 2% or whole. Basically this recipe is condensed tomato soup, milk, vegetable broth (I used water and a bullion cube... Like I said, whatever I have around), basil, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, and Parmesan cheese. Tomato soup is really just about warming, no cooking is really required. This recipe originally called for sun dried tomatoes and tortellini as well. I've made it with the tortellini, but not with the tomatoes before, although I'd like to try it with them. This is always a favorite of mine, as I simply love tomato soup! This recipe gives a little more flavor to a tradition recipe and I think it's awesome!!
Michael and I give this recipe 3 thumbs up. Michael is too sleepy right now to explain why he took away a half a thumb (I should really switch this to a star system), and I took away a half thumb because this time it was a little watery, I needed more fat in the milk.
Chicken and Swiss Pockets
This is the only recipe this week that I've never tried before, the other 2 were things I've made, but continue to change. I served these pockets with my tomato soup and I think they went quite well! For this recipe I used a small onion, 1/2 cup mushroom, butter, chicken, honey mustard, lemon-pepper seasoning, Italian seasoning, salt, Swiss cheese, and frozen dinner roll dough. I rolled the dough out into small circles, inside each pocket I put 1/4 cup of the cooked chicken mixture, then I covered the mixture with another dough circle and sealed them together. I made 6 pockets total. The recipe also called for roasted red peppers, but I couldn't find them in the store, so we did without. I wouldn't have chosen to make this recipe if I hadn't thought it looked good in the first place. Michael, however, wasn't too crazy about them when I first started making them (I think it was the mushrooms that he didn't like the idea of). But when I had leftover chicken mixture and no more thawed dough, I decided we could just eat the remaining mixture by itself. Michael was surprised when he tried it, finding that he actually liked the taste of the mixture! He said something to the effect of this after trying it, "I would have eaten it, but now I've gone from giving it 1 thumb up, to giving it 2 thumbs up and I might actually request it sometime!" High praise from Mr. Picky-Eater!! I was delighted that it went over so well! Kylee came over for dinner and liked the pockets and soup as well! Woohoo! Great night!
Michael and I give this recipe 4 thumbs up! It was great! Hopefully I can find the red peppers next time and make this recipe even better!
The Chicken and Swiss Pockets recipe came out of my Dec/Jan Taste of Homes Magazine
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Harlee's first snow!
Sorry I didn't get these pictures up last week. Here's what Harlee thought of the snow! :)
Here's Harlee, running at top speeds through the snow. We never let her off the leash because we simply can't trust her not to run off, but she REALLY enjoying running around in circles at the end of the leash.
Someone was trying to start their car in the parking lot across the street and Harlee stopped for a moment to watch. But after a few seconds she'd lost interest in the noise and was running around again.
On a side note - Remember our flood this summer?? See the fire hydrant? It was nearly under water this summer! Funny how that hydrant has made it into so many pictures. :P
Trying to get her to hold still long enough to take a picture... Once again, running at full speed. The snow seemed to give her more energy. :P
Digging in the snow... When she came up her nose was completely covered in snow. The temperature didn't seem to bother her this first day. However, when we take her out now (a week and a half later) she steps very gingerly on the snow and tries to walk on top of it. She stays on the path as much as possible. Apparently dogs are like people, enjoy the magic of the first snow, then are more annoyed with it that it's not gone a week later.
Did I mention she's sort of a pointer? Haha! Silly puppy! When her feet get cold she hops so all of her feet aren't on the cold wet group and it looks like she's limping... But she's ok, just doesn't like wet feet. :)
What a cutie! She enjoyed her time in the snow, but now she's ready for spring and summer to be back so she can be out in the sun more often, can go on more walks, and can play outside more.
Thanks for checking out what Harlee thought of the first snow of her life. I hope you enjoyed it. But to really get the true idea of what the day was like, you had to be there... I hope the video below will help you imagine what it was really like and to see how truly excited she was to be enjoying the snow. :) Bye!!
Here's Harlee, running at top speeds through the snow. We never let her off the leash because we simply can't trust her not to run off, but she REALLY enjoying running around in circles at the end of the leash.
Someone was trying to start their car in the parking lot across the street and Harlee stopped for a moment to watch. But after a few seconds she'd lost interest in the noise and was running around again.
Trying to get her to hold still long enough to take a picture... Once again, running at full speed. The snow seemed to give her more energy. :P
Digging in the snow... When she came up her nose was completely covered in snow. The temperature didn't seem to bother her this first day. However, when we take her out now (a week and a half later) she steps very gingerly on the snow and tries to walk on top of it. She stays on the path as much as possible. Apparently dogs are like people, enjoy the magic of the first snow, then are more annoyed with it that it's not gone a week later.
Did I mention she's sort of a pointer? Haha! Silly puppy! When her feet get cold she hops so all of her feet aren't on the cold wet group and it looks like she's limping... But she's ok, just doesn't like wet feet. :)
What a cutie! She enjoyed her time in the snow, but now she's ready for spring and summer to be back so she can be out in the sun more often, can go on more walks, and can play outside more.
Thanks for checking out what Harlee thought of the first snow of her life. I hope you enjoyed it. But to really get the true idea of what the day was like, you had to be there... I hope the video below will help you imagine what it was really like and to see how truly excited she was to be enjoying the snow. :) Bye!!
Snow Day 2.0!!!
Well, we got another one! Apparently the mild winter we were experiencing through November and December was all building up to let loose here in January. Junction City, Manhattan, all the way to Topeka have got pounded with the last 2 snow storms, as well as being subjected to sub-zero wind chills. I've heard that in the past Geary County hardly ever cancels school if they can help it. I found that to be true last year when I was forced to drive to school, even though every other school district in the area was closed, including the city I live in. They ended up releasing after a half day of school. I was lucky to have stayed safe. Many teachers drive from out of town and got into wrecks that day. But our Super seems to have learned his lesson since then... We had about 3.5 days off for bad weather last year, and today makes day 2 this winter. Michael doesn't have toteach today, so he has the day off as well!! It's going to be a great snow day! Please stay safe, thoseof you who have to go to work. And those who are enjoying a day at home today, stay warm. :) Love you all!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
4 Wonderful Years
Today is a special day for Michael and I. It was on this day 4 years ago that Michael told me he'd been thinking about it and praying about it, and that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. He'd asked me out about a week before, but since we'd only known each other a week at that point, I said we needed to get to know each other and be better friends before we started a relationship. So, after knowing each other a mere 13 days, we decided we would date. While I wasn't sure at the time if it was a good idea or not, I know now that is was one of the best decisions I've made in my life. Michael has been with me through the toughest situations of my life, and come through the other side with flying colors. He makes me happy when I'm sad, he keeps me strong when I'm weak, he's there for me no matter what. I love him sooo much!! I just wanted to let all of you know that today is a very special day for us. I hope today is a great day for you as well. :)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Week 2: Sweet Potato Fries, Savory Baked Chicken and Veggies, and Better Than Sex Cake
These are the two recipes I tried this week! Enjoy!!
Sweet Potato Fries
I made these before when I needed to get my gall bladder taken out and had to eat low fat. I cut up sweet potatos and put them into a big plastic bag. I mixed egg white with onion powder, garlic powder, salt, chili powder, and cumin. I changed the recipe to include a little less cumin and chili powder because I don't like things too spicy. I tried baking them on wax paper to make clean-up easier... It just made them stick to the paper. Michael and I give this recipe 3 thumbs up. They didn't turn out as crunchy as I would have liked, and Michael prefers regular fries to sweet potato fries. I'll make a few changes next time and make then even better!
Savory Baked Chicken and Veggies
This recipe was from my new Bisquick cookbook. I cut up red potatoes, onion, and green pepper and covered them in a mustard-water mixured, then baked them. I brushed mustard onto chicken strips, then coated them in bisquick. I baked the chicken and veggies a little longer. Oh yeah, there was also parmesean cheese and paprika sprinkled over the veggies and chicken. Michael and I give this recipe 2 thumbs up (out of 4). It was ok, but not a flavor I was really crazy about and Michael isn't crazy about veggies, so it wasn't really his thing either. We'll finish he leftovers, but probably won't make this one again.
Better Than Sex Cake
I didn't name it, I just made it! :) This is a regular devil's food cake mix, after it's baked and cooled a few minute you poke holes in the cake, then pour a can of sweetened condensed milk over it, let it seep into the cake. Then I poured ice cream caramel and chocolate ice cream sauce over the top of that. Put the cake in the fridge and let it cool all the way through. Lastly, top with whipped cream, more caramel and chocolate, and crushed Heath bars! Yum! Michael and I give this cake 4 thumbs up!! We both love sweet things, so this was a big hit for us! I highly suggest you try this one!
If you want any of these recipes, shoot me a text, leave a comment, or send me an email and I'd be happy to pass them on. Love you all!!!
The Sweet Potato Fries recipe came from, the Savory Baked Chicken came from my Bisquick cookbook, and the Better than Sex Cake came from
Sweet Potato Fries
I made these before when I needed to get my gall bladder taken out and had to eat low fat. I cut up sweet potatos and put them into a big plastic bag. I mixed egg white with onion powder, garlic powder, salt, chili powder, and cumin. I changed the recipe to include a little less cumin and chili powder because I don't like things too spicy. I tried baking them on wax paper to make clean-up easier... It just made them stick to the paper. Michael and I give this recipe 3 thumbs up. They didn't turn out as crunchy as I would have liked, and Michael prefers regular fries to sweet potato fries. I'll make a few changes next time and make then even better!
Savory Baked Chicken and Veggies
This recipe was from my new Bisquick cookbook. I cut up red potatoes, onion, and green pepper and covered them in a mustard-water mixured, then baked them. I brushed mustard onto chicken strips, then coated them in bisquick. I baked the chicken and veggies a little longer. Oh yeah, there was also parmesean cheese and paprika sprinkled over the veggies and chicken. Michael and I give this recipe 2 thumbs up (out of 4). It was ok, but not a flavor I was really crazy about and Michael isn't crazy about veggies, so it wasn't really his thing either. We'll finish he leftovers, but probably won't make this one again.
Better Than Sex Cake
I didn't name it, I just made it! :) This is a regular devil's food cake mix, after it's baked and cooled a few minute you poke holes in the cake, then pour a can of sweetened condensed milk over it, let it seep into the cake. Then I poured ice cream caramel and chocolate ice cream sauce over the top of that. Put the cake in the fridge and let it cool all the way through. Lastly, top with whipped cream, more caramel and chocolate, and crushed Heath bars! Yum! Michael and I give this cake 4 thumbs up!! We both love sweet things, so this was a big hit for us! I highly suggest you try this one!
If you want any of these recipes, shoot me a text, leave a comment, or send me an email and I'd be happy to pass them on. Love you all!!!
The Sweet Potato Fries recipe came from, the Savory Baked Chicken came from my Bisquick cookbook, and the Better than Sex Cake came from
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Where do you rank?
Jen and I were talking last night about basketball fans and how they rank. It goes anywhere from the bandwagoners to the uber-fans. Where do you rank?
- Bandwagoners -
These are the sorts of fans that only show up when a team is doing well. It can range from the person that watches no basketball, to just watching key games while channel surfing. A bandwagoner can name the Couch, and a few key players like Jacob Pullen or Curtis Kelly, but none of the bench players. When a team struggles, they jump ship.
- Casual Fan -
Casual fans are the majority of the crowd. These are people who watch most of the games, and even go to some of them. At least a few a season (if they live in town). They can name most of the players except maybe a few walk-0ns or freshmen, but not necessarily their positions. They know the schedule and know what teams are rivals. To be a casual fan, you must know local news about the team. Like the Dillards scandal at KSU, or Mario Little's arrest for KU fans.
- Super Fans -
Jen and I are Super fans. These are the people that can name every player and their positions. They can tell you which players have good free throw percentages, and what bigs can shoot the 3. They can tell you the talking points of the coaches and even name the Assistant Coaches. They can also name a few upcoming recruits. They watch every game, and attend every game (if they live nearby). Super fans are fans of basketball as a whole. They will appreciate a good game.
- Uber-fan -
Being an Uber-fan is an honor. It's also hard fought and requires almost an insane amount of dedication. These are the people that can tell you what our Kenpom ratings are, they can tell you everything you need to know about our 2013 recruits, they know the plays we run, and the names of the plays. They know all of the percentages for all of the games for the past 3 years and to be an Uber-fan, someone needs to have been cheering for the team for like 10 years. They have season tickets and if they are a student, they are there 5 hours before every game. 10 hours for the important games. These people start their brackets in June.
So where do you stand? Take my poll to the Right!
- Bandwagoners -
These are the sorts of fans that only show up when a team is doing well. It can range from the person that watches no basketball, to just watching key games while channel surfing. A bandwagoner can name the Couch, and a few key players like Jacob Pullen or Curtis Kelly, but none of the bench players. When a team struggles, they jump ship.
- Casual Fan -
Casual fans are the majority of the crowd. These are people who watch most of the games, and even go to some of them. At least a few a season (if they live in town). They can name most of the players except maybe a few walk-0ns or freshmen, but not necessarily their positions. They know the schedule and know what teams are rivals. To be a casual fan, you must know local news about the team. Like the Dillards scandal at KSU, or Mario Little's arrest for KU fans.
- Super Fans -
Jen and I are Super fans. These are the people that can name every player and their positions. They can tell you which players have good free throw percentages, and what bigs can shoot the 3. They can tell you the talking points of the coaches and even name the Assistant Coaches. They can also name a few upcoming recruits. They watch every game, and attend every game (if they live nearby). Super fans are fans of basketball as a whole. They will appreciate a good game.
- Uber-fan -
Being an Uber-fan is an honor. It's also hard fought and requires almost an insane amount of dedication. These are the people that can tell you what our Kenpom ratings are, they can tell you everything you need to know about our 2013 recruits, they know the plays we run, and the names of the plays. They know all of the percentages for all of the games for the past 3 years and to be an Uber-fan, someone needs to have been cheering for the team for like 10 years. They have season tickets and if they are a student, they are there 5 hours before every game. 10 hours for the important games. These people start their brackets in June.
So where do you stand? Take my poll to the Right!
Starting off the Big 12
lol, as I was starting this, Harlee jumped up and hit the enter key on the keyboard and it posted this early!
Anyway, lets talk some Basketball.
- Oklahoma State -
As most of you know, KSU lost to OSU the other day. It was a hard fought game that we lost on our own right, but the refs did not help the situation. Seriously 4 of our players fouled out and two more had 4 fouls. In my opinion the refs called the game too closely - giving out tick tack fouls and missing others entirely (See Moses' foul on Jamar before the T).
KSU hasn't won in Stillwater since 1993, which is not good, but it is a tough place to play. If Curtis was available to play, I think we would have won this game. Our biggest problem was at the end of the game when all of our bigs besides "Podejock"(sp) were fouled out. That's when OSU pulled away. If Curtis was in, we would have been able to keep our bigs in for longer and I believe we could have held the lead.
- Colorado -
Anyway, that's the end of that for now. Lets move on to tonight's game. It is our Home Big 12 opener against Colorado. I know what you are all thinking. Colorado? Gonna be a cake walk. Not so fast sports fans. Alec Burks is one of the best players in the Big 12 and thoroughly tore apart Missouri the other night. To give you a perspective, Mizzou is ranked #8 (though they haven't played anyone good just like KU.... just saying). This all being said, I think Mizzou is ranked too high, (same with KU) and I think we beat Colorado, but I think it will be a whole lot closer than most casual fans would think.
Anyway, lets talk some Basketball.
- Oklahoma State -
As most of you know, KSU lost to OSU the other day. It was a hard fought game that we lost on our own right, but the refs did not help the situation. Seriously 4 of our players fouled out and two more had 4 fouls. In my opinion the refs called the game too closely - giving out tick tack fouls and missing others entirely (See Moses' foul on Jamar before the T).
KSU hasn't won in Stillwater since 1993, which is not good, but it is a tough place to play. If Curtis was available to play, I think we would have won this game. Our biggest problem was at the end of the game when all of our bigs besides "Podejock"(sp) were fouled out. That's when OSU pulled away. If Curtis was in, we would have been able to keep our bigs in for longer and I believe we could have held the lead.
- Colorado -
Anyway, that's the end of that for now. Lets move on to tonight's game. It is our Home Big 12 opener against Colorado. I know what you are all thinking. Colorado? Gonna be a cake walk. Not so fast sports fans. Alec Burks is one of the best players in the Big 12 and thoroughly tore apart Missouri the other night. To give you a perspective, Mizzou is ranked #8 (though they haven't played anyone good just like KU.... just saying). This all being said, I think Mizzou is ranked too high, (same with KU) and I think we beat Colorado, but I think it will be a whole lot closer than most casual fans would think.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
It's COLD!!!
Hello blogosphere. I just wanted to let you know that it's freakin' cold outside and I don't like it one bit! Nope, I really don't.
< end post >
< end post >
Monday, January 10, 2011
No School!!! Snow Day!!!
Thank you to all of you who crossed your fingers for me and wished for a snow day, because we got it!! I was laying in bed at a quarter to 6, dreading the idea of having to get up in 15 minutes, bundle up, and head to work. We have an alarm clock that projects the time onto the ceiling, so I just kept looking at it, thinking, "Ugh! I don't want to go to work!". Then right as 6 am was getting here I got the alert text from my school district saying that school was canceled!!! Wooohooo!! I quickly texted my 2 school best-friends to let them know the good news! Katie had actually already texted me a few minutes earlier, frustrated that Manhattan had called off school, but Junction City hadn't. So she was excited to hear we actually had school canceled too! Then after all my calls to and from the phone tree, the excited texts from my co-workers, and my own giddyness about school being canceled, Michael ended up wide awake. Sorry, Honey! Anyways, hope you all stay safe and warm today. Happy snow day!! :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Week 1: Chocolate/Strawberry Cake and Cheeseburger Bake
I tried 2 new recipes this week, here's how they turned out!
1 - Chocolate/Strawberry Cake
As most of you know, Michael's birthday was Wednesday this week. So, to celebrate I tried a new recipe as well as a new Christmas present for his cake. Mama bought me a "Big Top" giant cupcake mold for Christmas. It has various recipes in it's instruction guide, as well as suggested ways to decorate. Michael said he wanted either chocolate or strawberry for his cake, so I got an idea to mix them together. The cake mold cake with an insert that allows for a filling inside of the cake, so I decided that between the filling and frosting, as well as the cake mix itself, I could make a cake with both flavors. Long story short: chocolate cake with a strawberry jam/diced strawberry filling and strawberry frosting.
Rating - 3.5/4 thumbs up!!
I took off a half thumb because I didn't think it looked very pretty when I was done frosting it. Another thing to note is that after a couple days the jam all seeped into the cake, making it very rich and moist! It only gets better with time! Yum!!!
2 - Cheeseburger Bake
Tonight for dinner I tried out a new recipe from my Bisquick Cookbook. It's sort of like a cheeseburger pizza/quiche. The bottom layer is Bisquick, water, eggs, and cheese. The topping is ground beef, cream of mushroom soup, onion, green pepper, tomato, and cheese. It actually turned out exactly like the picture!
Rating - 4 thumbs up!!
It's sooo tasty! You should totally try out this recipe!
Write me a message, shoot me a text, or send me an email if you're interested in either of these recipes. We loved them both!
P.S. - Look at the picture in the cookbook! Doesn't it look exactly the same?!?!
The Chocolate/Strawberry Cake was my own concoction (no recipe) and the Cheeseburger Bake was from my Bisquick cookbook
1 - Chocolate/Strawberry Cake
As most of you know, Michael's birthday was Wednesday this week. So, to celebrate I tried a new recipe as well as a new Christmas present for his cake. Mama bought me a "Big Top" giant cupcake mold for Christmas. It has various recipes in it's instruction guide, as well as suggested ways to decorate. Michael said he wanted either chocolate or strawberry for his cake, so I got an idea to mix them together. The cake mold cake with an insert that allows for a filling inside of the cake, so I decided that between the filling and frosting, as well as the cake mix itself, I could make a cake with both flavors. Long story short: chocolate cake with a strawberry jam/diced strawberry filling and strawberry frosting.
Rating - 3.5/4 thumbs up!!
I took off a half thumb because I didn't think it looked very pretty when I was done frosting it. Another thing to note is that after a couple days the jam all seeped into the cake, making it very rich and moist! It only gets better with time! Yum!!!
2 - Cheeseburger Bake
Tonight for dinner I tried out a new recipe from my Bisquick Cookbook. It's sort of like a cheeseburger pizza/quiche. The bottom layer is Bisquick, water, eggs, and cheese. The topping is ground beef, cream of mushroom soup, onion, green pepper, tomato, and cheese. It actually turned out exactly like the picture!
Rating - 4 thumbs up!!
It's sooo tasty! You should totally try out this recipe!
Write me a message, shoot me a text, or send me an email if you're interested in either of these recipes. We loved them both!
P.S. - Look at the picture in the cookbook! Doesn't it look exactly the same?!?!
The Chocolate/Strawberry Cake was my own concoction (no recipe) and the Cheeseburger Bake was from my Bisquick cookbook
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Year's Resolution
Well, I've hinted at it already, but I thought I'd let you in on my plans for my New Year's Resolution. Hopefully it will benefit you as well as Michael and I. Inspired by the movie Julie and Julia and the fact that I got 5 cookbooks for Christmas, plus a monthly cooking magazine; I have decided to try 2 new recipes every week of this year. This will help me get into my new cookbooks and see what I like and don't like. I plan to post about my experiences here on the blog. If something turns out really well and I think others might like it too, I'll even post the recipes. :) Michael will be helping me in my adventure by being a taste tester and rating what he thinks of the recipes. But, as many of you know, Michael has a more "sofisticated" pallete and doesn't necessarily enjoy all the things that I would enjoy, so I will be rating the recipes as well. We will each give the recipe up to 2 thumbs up, for a possible total of 4 thumbs up. I hope you'll stay tuned for the tasty recipes to come! :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Back to work...
Well, I was dreading it, but I knew this day would come... The day I had to go back to work. I had a great Christmas break with all of my family and a few friends. Now I'm back at school, hitting the books hard, getting ready for state testing.
Today has actually been a pretty good day. My reading class is down to 15 students (from 22 last quarter), and 3 were absent today, so I had 12 in reading. Things ran so much more smoothly!! Some of my problem kids went to other classes, so the disruptions were fewer and farther between. One of my kiddos who is kind of a bully moved, so that's a relief (even though she can be a very sweet girl... sometimes). And I'm getting a new group of kiddos for math starting today, so I'll get a chance to meet even more of the 4th grade class. Overall, a very good start to the 3rd quarter. I hope things continue to go so well.
Tonight is another K-State basketball game, and the first one with Jake Pullen returning. Jake said in an interview that he feels like after the suspension that he has to prove himself all over again (Jake had to work really hard his first 3 years under Frank). I'm hoping he has a really good night tonight. Although, we'll see if he's earned his place back as far as Frank is concerned... Just because the NCAA says he can play again, doesn't mean Frank does. We'll see... Watch out Savannah State! :P
Hope you're all getting along ok as you head back to work! Stay tuned to the blog as I begin my New Years Resolution/Experiment. :)
Today has actually been a pretty good day. My reading class is down to 15 students (from 22 last quarter), and 3 were absent today, so I had 12 in reading. Things ran so much more smoothly!! Some of my problem kids went to other classes, so the disruptions were fewer and farther between. One of my kiddos who is kind of a bully moved, so that's a relief (even though she can be a very sweet girl... sometimes). And I'm getting a new group of kiddos for math starting today, so I'll get a chance to meet even more of the 4th grade class. Overall, a very good start to the 3rd quarter. I hope things continue to go so well.
Tonight is another K-State basketball game, and the first one with Jake Pullen returning. Jake said in an interview that he feels like after the suspension that he has to prove himself all over again (Jake had to work really hard his first 3 years under Frank). I'm hoping he has a really good night tonight. Although, we'll see if he's earned his place back as far as Frank is concerned... Just because the NCAA says he can play again, doesn't mean Frank does. We'll see... Watch out Savannah State! :P
Hope you're all getting along ok as you head back to work! Stay tuned to the blog as I begin my New Years Resolution/Experiment. :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Christmas 3.0
Well, my holiday break and all of our holiday traveling is over now. It's nice to be back home for a while. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts. It was wonderful seeing everyone. We love you very much! Thanks for having us!
Here's what all we did to finish up our break:
We went to Wichita on Thursday afternoon. Spent a little time with Sis and Adam and the puppies before heading to Mama's house. Mama went WAAAAAY overboard on Christmas presents (does that surprise anyone). We got so many new things! One thing I'm most excited about is my new espresso machine! It works great! I'm working on perfecting my espresso making skills. I'm pretty excited about it. :) Other fun things I got from Mama are sweaters, a new cookbook (Bisquick), espresso cups, toiletries and money for our cruise (or other vacation) this summer, and lots of new flavored coffees. :) Once again, just the highlights, I got too many things to count!! We also did Christmas with Sis and Adam there at Mama's house. I got a fondue cookbook!! I'm soooo excited! As you could probably tell from our Christmas Eve dinner, I LOVE fondue! I'm excited to try out my new cookbooks!!
Friday we spent the afternoon with Sis and Adam at their house. Then, that evening we went to Grandma Heorman's house for our Christmas there. It was nice seeing that side of the family as well. I got another cookbook from Grandma, her friend JaNell put it all together. Uncle Ed and Cathy got me 3 new Glee CD's!! Grandma and Grandpa also gave Michael and I some money to help with our cruise (or other vacation). We're almost halfway to our financial goal now... Hopefully by this summer we'll have enough to go on a nice trip for our 2 year anniversary. Another great thing about Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Heorman is that we have soups for dinner! Not just 1, we have 3 different soups to choose from! (4 if you count the chili without beans or onions) Mama went to Cinnamon's Deli and bought some bread bowls, that made the meal even better! We played some games and hung out before going back to Sis and Adam's house to celebrate New Year's Eve.
Saturday was another Christmas! We went to see Grandma and Grandpa Counterman and spend some time with them. It was nice seeing them again! We don't see them nearly enough, so it was nice to just sit and talk for a while, hear what was going on in their lives. Grandma and Grandpa gave us some money for Christmas. It will really help as we're bouncing back from our holiday spending. We're also going to put some of it away for our trip this summer. I can't wait! Grandma made vegetable soup and turkey and noodles for lunch for us. It was great!! I can never get enough soup! It was a nice afternoon. :)
After a little after Christmas shopping and returning a couple things that we ended up with doubles of Michael, Sis, Adam, and I went to Sal's for dinner. It's a Japanese Hibachi restaurant that we always go to around Christmas, just the 4 of us. It was great, as usual! Michael doesn't really like that kind of food, but he graciously puts up with it because the rest of us like it so much. The guy sitting at the same table as us seemed to be a regular of the restaurant, he even knew our server by name. He bought a large sake for the 4 of us, which burned like warm rubbing alcohol going down your throat... Not my thing. The rest of the meal was excellent! Can't wait to go back next year!!
That was about all we did the rest of my break. We're back home now, relaxing before I have to go back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck! More to come about my New Years resolutions soon! :) (Hint: Julie and Julia)
Here's what all we did to finish up our break:
We went to Wichita on Thursday afternoon. Spent a little time with Sis and Adam and the puppies before heading to Mama's house. Mama went WAAAAAY overboard on Christmas presents (does that surprise anyone). We got so many new things! One thing I'm most excited about is my new espresso machine! It works great! I'm working on perfecting my espresso making skills. I'm pretty excited about it. :) Other fun things I got from Mama are sweaters, a new cookbook (Bisquick), espresso cups, toiletries and money for our cruise (or other vacation) this summer, and lots of new flavored coffees. :) Once again, just the highlights, I got too many things to count!! We also did Christmas with Sis and Adam there at Mama's house. I got a fondue cookbook!! I'm soooo excited! As you could probably tell from our Christmas Eve dinner, I LOVE fondue! I'm excited to try out my new cookbooks!!
Friday we spent the afternoon with Sis and Adam at their house. Then, that evening we went to Grandma Heorman's house for our Christmas there. It was nice seeing that side of the family as well. I got another cookbook from Grandma, her friend JaNell put it all together. Uncle Ed and Cathy got me 3 new Glee CD's!! Grandma and Grandpa also gave Michael and I some money to help with our cruise (or other vacation). We're almost halfway to our financial goal now... Hopefully by this summer we'll have enough to go on a nice trip for our 2 year anniversary. Another great thing about Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Heorman is that we have soups for dinner! Not just 1, we have 3 different soups to choose from! (4 if you count the chili without beans or onions) Mama went to Cinnamon's Deli and bought some bread bowls, that made the meal even better! We played some games and hung out before going back to Sis and Adam's house to celebrate New Year's Eve.
Saturday was another Christmas! We went to see Grandma and Grandpa Counterman and spend some time with them. It was nice seeing them again! We don't see them nearly enough, so it was nice to just sit and talk for a while, hear what was going on in their lives. Grandma and Grandpa gave us some money for Christmas. It will really help as we're bouncing back from our holiday spending. We're also going to put some of it away for our trip this summer. I can't wait! Grandma made vegetable soup and turkey and noodles for lunch for us. It was great!! I can never get enough soup! It was a nice afternoon. :)
After a little after Christmas shopping and returning a couple things that we ended up with doubles of Michael, Sis, Adam, and I went to Sal's for dinner. It's a Japanese Hibachi restaurant that we always go to around Christmas, just the 4 of us. It was great, as usual! Michael doesn't really like that kind of food, but he graciously puts up with it because the rest of us like it so much. The guy sitting at the same table as us seemed to be a regular of the restaurant, he even knew our server by name. He bought a large sake for the 4 of us, which burned like warm rubbing alcohol going down your throat... Not my thing. The rest of the meal was excellent! Can't wait to go back next year!!
That was about all we did the rest of my break. We're back home now, relaxing before I have to go back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck! More to come about my New Years resolutions soon! :) (Hint: Julie and Julia)
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