The Tree

The Christmas Dishes
I don't remember for sure who I stole this tradition idea from, but it worked out perfectly to start it in our family since we just got married. The tradition we began is that each year we would buy a set of Christmas dishes. The set includes a dinner plate, a salad plate, a bowl, and a coffee cup. Each year I get a different matching set and write the year on the bottom of each piece. This is our second Christmas as a married couple, so this year I bought our second set of dishes. The reasoning behind this tradition is that one day long into the future, we will have a family and will host a Christmas dinner for all of our family members. Then, based on the number of Christmas' Michael and I have spent together, we will have an different, individual place setting for each person who comes to have dinner with us. :) Last year we only had one setting, so we didn't get to use our nice new dishes. But, now that we are on Christmas #2 and I bought a second set, Michael and I will both have nice, special dishes to eat off of on Christmas Eve (because that's when we'll be in Manhattan together). If you are a single person, maybe you'll be the lucky one invited to join us next year when we have a set of 3! (Don't get any funny ideas, we won't be "making" our own 3rd person by then.) And in another 2 years we'll be able to invite a couple to join us! :) I'm pretty pumped about this tradition. The dishes I picked out this year are from the St. Nicholas Square "Let it Snow" collection at Khols.
The last Christmas tradition I have to talk about is our ornaments. All Michael's life his aunt sent him and his brothers a new Christmas ornament every year. Michael's ornaments were a classic car collection from Halmark. We have decided to continue this tradition and to change it just a little bit. Each year, Michael and I will pick a new ornament for each of us that will go on our tree and be a little something about each of us. Last year I got a teacher ornament, as it was my first year of teaching. Michael got a snowman playing basketball because, as you can see from all of his posts... He likes basketball. :) This year I got a little Starbucks cup. :) I'm pretty jazzed. We're still on the look-out for a new ornament for Michael, so keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you see something that screams "Michael!"
We can't wait to see everyone for Christmas!! We'll be in Topeka the weekend of Christmas, and then in Wichita the weekend of New Years. See you then!!
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