Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tugfest is coming!!!!

For those of you not on facebook, Tugfest is coming!!  For those of you who are really not in the know, allow me to explain Tugfest...

Tugfest is a tug-of-war over the Mississippi River between the states of Iowa and Illinois.  LeClaire, Iowa and Port Byron, Illinois play host to this festival.  The tug is just a part of the 4 day long celebration in these 2 towns.  Each day and night is filled with activities!  From carnival rides and food to bands, 5k run to pancake feed, parade to fireworks, Tugfest is the event of the year (In LeClaire, anyway).

We are headed to LeClaire on Thursday, August 8th where we will stay, enjoy the festivities, and get to spend lots of good quality family time with all of Michael's extended family.  This is the one time each year when the family is sure to get together.  We'll head home on Sunday, August 11th.

I look forward to Tugfest every year!  I love having all the family together and getting to chat, eat, play games with, and generally hang out with everyone!  There are always lots of kiddos there and I'm looking forward to introducing Avery to the family.  This will also be Avery's first vacation and her first extended car trip (beyond the 2 hour drives to Manhattan or Topeka).  So I'm preparing well in advance for every possible contengency we might face along the way.  I know I'll look like a new, novice mom when I show up to Iowa with anything and everything Avery could possibly need or want on the trip.  But hey, if you can't do it when your only baby's under a year old, when can you?  ;)

Here are just a few of the things I'm looking forward to (in no particular order): checking in with Grandma Jean before going anywhere, seeing Grandma Judy after her extended trip to India, playing games and cards with Kim, hopefully chatting with Kyle if he comes again this year, introducing Avery to all of the family(!!!!), enjoying Howards homemade popcorn while watching the fireworks, going wine tasting with Michael, walking up and down the main stretch of LeClaire and shopping, enjoying truffles from the chocolate shop, eating carnie food, listening to bands, dancing with my hubby, watching Michael take Avery down the big carnival slide, drinking southern-style sweet tea, touring the distillery, seeing friends and family we haven't seen in a year or more, and enjoying my first vacation as a family of 3!  It's going to be so great!  I can't wait!!

I'm sure people on facebook will get tired of seeing and hearing about it, so I'll try to post the more detailed summary of our trip here!  Stay tuned as it gets closer and I talk more and more about the exciting time to be had and all the preparations I'm making for our trip.  :)

Happy Wednsday, everyone!!  Hope you're having a great day!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Life Updates

Not much new going on in our lives, but I figured I needed to post more pictures of Avery, so here's a short life update to go with it...

Michael is doing well and working a lot, as usual, to keep us in our beautiful home.  He's been working on the yard and sprinkler system to try to keep the grass green.  We have 2 trouble spots, but otherwise it looks great!  He helped me with my flowerbed the other day.  :)  He's awesome like that.  He's going to training at the end of October in Vegas.  I might be able to go with him!!  We will see...

I worked a lot last week.  With a few of our regulars out of town on vacation, my boss needed me a little extra.  It's hard to believe I used to work 70+ hours/week.  I worked 25 at the jewelry store this last week and I still feel like I'm recovering, lol!  My projects are at a standstill for the moment.  I need some more paint to work on the fram decor for Avery's new room.  I need the dresser and paint to work on for her new room.  I need the chair to get started on reupholstering.  So for the most part I've just been trying to keep the house clean and the babies fed.  My life can be kind of boring at times, lol.

Avery took her first step the other day!!  She took one step before she realized what was happening and sat down, lol!  She did this 5 times!!  (So I know it wasn't a fluke)  She took one step for me yesterday, but that's all I could get out of her.  Today she's taken one step so far, but I'll keep working on more.  We practiced walking today with me only holding one of her hands instead of both.  She did REALLY well!  I think we both were surprised!

We're going to Iowa in less than a month!  I'm pumped!!  I look forward to this trip every year!  It's so much fun!  I look forward to having Avery there this year and introducing her to the extended family.  :)  I've already made plenty of lists of what we need to pack and bring.  I've even begun packing a few things!!  Can't wait!!

Ok, now for the part you've all been waiting for:

Pictures of Avery!!!!  :D


Thursday, July 11, 2013


I have written a lot about how I'm blessed by Michael.  Lately I've been blogging and thinking a great deal about how Avery is a blessing to my life.  Today I'm writing about my parents, who blessed me in a big and powerful way yesterday.

I am so thankful for my loving, caring parents.  They keep no record of wrong or list of things owed, and for that I am extremely grateful.  They want what's best for me and my family and they take care of us when we struggle.  Even when we don't ask for help, or say we don't need it, they are there generously giving, expecting nothing in return.

I am so thankful, and extremely blessed.

Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July Weekend

Looks like it's been a few days since I posted.  Here's what our 4th of July weekend looked like:

Wednesday, took Avery to the doctor for her 9 month check up.  She's a healthy, happy baby girl!  Doctor said we were doing everything right.  :)  She is up to 27 inches long and 17 pounds!  No wonder it's getting harder to carry her around for long periods of time!  I'm glad she's growing so well!  :)  We talked about switching to milk and a sippy cup at 1 year.  She already uses a sippy cup some.  The doctor also said that studies have shown advantages to nursing up to 9 months, though a year is recommended.  She commended me for keeping it up to the 9 month point.  I told her the plan is up to a year.  The doctor was also impressed that Avery is practically walking.  She's getting so big!!  Love her!!!

Thursday, Happy 4th of July!  Michael had the day off and Dayton was with his family, so we got a nice quiet day with just the 3 of us.  We went to the dogpark so Harlee could enjoy part of the day, because she hates fireworks, so we thought she'd enjoy the dogpark for a while.  Avery tried to eat rocks before being confined to her stroller.  It was fun!  :)  We went shopping and got stuff to grill for dinner.  Beth came over for dinner and fireworks.  We only shot off a few things because the neighbors were keeping the skies well lit, so we mostly watched their stuff.  ;)  We turned the radio on and watched the sky as everything went dark.  Michael and I danced in the driveway.  It was perfect.

Friday Avery and I went to visit Michael at work.  He decided to save his floating holiday vacation day for our trip to Iowa, so he went to work on Friday.  Sis and Adam had the day off, so Dayton was at home again.  Avery and I went and had lunch with Michael.  It was a nice quiet day otherwise.

Saturday, I worked.  Michael was home with Avery and got TONS of housework done!!  I love him so much.  The help that he gives me with the house means so much to me.  We both work and are both tired in the evenings and on the weekends, so for him to spend a good chunk of his Saturday cleaning and making the house look beautiful, it just means the world to me.  He's so amazing.  I love you, Michael.  Work went well Saturday, I sold a $1,200 diamond.  Not much, but enough to more than make my day.  Saturday night Michael, Avery, and I went out to the farm to meet up with Sis, Adam, and Dayton.  We shot off more fireworks and put the babies to bed.  The adults stayed up late hanging out and playing games.  It's not often that we get to do this anymore since both families have babies who each need to be in their own beds by 9pm.  So this was a special treat for all of us!  :)

Sunday, we came home and I went to work.  It was a GREAT day at work because Danielle, Alia, and I were working together when Danielle sold a $9,400 diamond!!  We all ended up with over $3000!!  That was stellar!!  Then, in the evening Michael worked on the sprinklers, I worked on the garden, and Avery played in the sprinklers.  It was a great evening.

My life is basically a fairytale.  :)  I like that.  :)

Hope your 4th of July weekend was good too!  :D

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Yes, I'm aware that it's only Wednesday.  But today is my Friday!  No work or Dayton tomorrow for the 4th of July, and then no Dayton on Friday (although I do have to work in the evening on Friday).  Looking forward to a nice 4th of July with my family!  I think we're going to stay here at home (maybe invite Sis and Adam over if they don't have plans).  Maybe we'll grill for dinner!  And then we'll probably spend the evening shooting off a few fireworks (before coming inside and reassuring Harlee that everything is ok).  Friday Avery and I will go visit Michael at work (we're saving his floating holiday for Tugfest).  Then I'll work through the weekend.  I'm tired and already ready for morning naps.  Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.  Happy Wednesday!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Why is Dayton crying?

On the internet and on facebook there are sites and pages called "Why is my son crying".  The idea of these pages is that parents are doing the right thing and what their children want, and the kids end up crying.  The kids are crying because they got what they wanted, were given things they've always liked, were reminded of a family or social rule, or simply because things were not exactly the way they wanted it at that particular moment in time.  Usually the children are between 1 and 4.  Well, Dayton is getting to that age and starting to cry about silly things, so I've decided I'm going to start my own segment, Why is Dayton crying?  I'm going to do it here on the blog because it's less public and I don't want people thinking I'm picking on him.  Believe me, when Avery gets to this stage, I will do the same thing with her, lol!  It's just too silly not to share.  ;)  This will be the only blog where I explain everything.  From now on I'll just post the picture and one or two sentences explaining why Dayton is crying.  ;)  Enjoy!!

Episode 1:
I read him the Puppies book he brought to me.