Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quick Update

Good morning friends and family!  First off, let me say that I have not had any coffee yet this morning, so if this comes off as disjointed and/or rambly, that is why.  ;)

Daylight Savings Time...  I love having the extra sunlight, but it makes my mornings rough.  When I began babysitting Dayton it was hard to get up in the morning when it was still dark outside.  But over the past couple months it's been getting brighter and brighter in the morning, making it easier (with the help of my good 'ol friend coffee) to start my day.  After Daylight Savings this weekend I'm struggling again.  *sigh*  Probably doesn't help that I was up until almost midnight last night watching Michael play Lego Harry Potter.  ;)

Avery is doing great!  Getting bigger and reaching new milestones every day!  At 5 months she weighed 13 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 25.25 inches long!  That's over an inch of growth in the past month!  And we didn't even have any noticable growth spurts.  She's growing up way too fast!  She is trying to sit up on her own, stands well with someone helping her balance, and transfers objects from one hand to another!  I'm so impressed with her!  She still sleeps great, 10-12 hours a night!  She doesn't nap super well during the day unless she's being held.  She's also drooling and chewing a lot.  I'm thinking we might begin to see some teeth soon!

Well, I wanted to write more, but Avery is wanting to be held and played with, so I better run.  Here are some pictures of the babies for you to enjoy.  ;)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh my goodness!  It's been over a month since I posted!  That stinks!  Sorry about that, guys!  Remember way back when I was pregnant and had no babies to take care of and I posted multiple times a day?!  Yeah, those days are long gone (obviously).  :P 

Here is a little of what has been going on in my life:
-In January I began babysitting Dayton.  Never realized how easy it was caring for one baby until I added a second one to the mix.  Now, weekends with just Avery are a breeze!
-I went down to 15-20 hours/ week at work.  This way I'm not stressed with too many hours and I get to be home with the babies during the day.  Michael takes care of Avery at night and on the weekend when I work.
-I have decided to plant a vegetable garden this spring/summer.  It will be a salsa garden, growing tomatoes, onions, and peppers to make fresh salsa all summer.  I'll also think about canning tomatoes and freezing peppers so that nothing goes to waste.  Let me know if you'd like any veggies!
-To go along with my veggie garden, I have decided to start composting!  Will let you know how this goes as we progress.  From what I've read, it takes a good 4-6 months for compost to be ready to use.  So we probably won't be able to use it on the garden this spring/summer, but I'm going to start and try it out now.

Here's a little of what has been going on in our family:
-On Feb. 17th we had Avery's baby dedication.  It went very well.  We appreciate all of the family who were able to make it.
-We went to KC for the weekend of Feb 22-24th for Dave Colmer's wedding.  Dave lived on Michael's floor his freshman year and went to Cru with us.
-We all had lots of fun playing in the snow after the storm a couple weeks ago (puppies included).  I got 2 days off of work, Michael took one.  It was nice to have some extra, unexpected family days.

Here are a few updates on Avery:
-She's growing like a weed!  I take her in tonight to get her 5 month weight.
-She's holding her bottle on her own!
-She's rolling front to back and back to front!
-She's pulling her legs up under herself and starting to scoot.  She hasn't figured out how to incorporate her arms into this movement yet.
-She smiles, laughs, and giggles a bunch!  Such a happy baby!!
-When she's not happy, she screams at the top of her lungs.  I'm hoping that she grows out of this phase quickly.
-No recent growth spurts to speak of.
-We're looking at starting solids in about 1 more month!

Finally, a couple random things:
-Cloth diapers are still awesome!  Expecting 10 more in the mail very soon!
-I've got the baby bug again and want to start trying for baby number 2, but Michael says not yet.
-When composting, check whether something is allowed BEFORE shredding it all up and dumping it in.  This will save lots of time digging through the compost removing the unwanted stuff.
-I'm becoming more environmentally aware.  I'll be hugging trees any day now.  ;)
-K-State's last home game of the season is tomorrow.  Looking forward to it.
-Michael and I want to move back to Manhattan when we retire
-Avery just woke up from her nap, so I'm done blogging.  ;)

Have an awesome Monday!  Will try to write again soon!  ;)