Before we left to take the gator around the pasture, Avery helped my mom mix up some sugar cookie dough. We didn't anticipate being gone as long as we were, so Mama ended up cutting the cookies into cute shapes and baking them on their own while we were gone. When we got back we washed our hands! After both digging cow bones out of the mud and playing near the pond, the kids definitely needed it. Then, Mama had the cookies all ready for them to decorate (after we all ate some lunch). The kids had so many colors of frosting and sprinkles and fun stuff to choose from! I think we opened every different decorating tool that Mama had! The kids had a blast decorating! And their cookies turned out beautiful! Mama and I were both really impressed! I don't think I've ever decorated a cookie so nicely in my life! I guess when you have lots of supplies and options, you can create some really nice cookies! Also, they are absolutely delicious!! I'm not really a big sweets eater, but these cookies rock! We had so much fun on Friday! Staying home for two weeks was totally worth it! And there was more fun to come on Saturday! (See next blog or two or three...) Looking forward, already, to the next time (probably in another 2 weeks or so) when we can go over and see them and spend time together again. Maybe next time Michael will get to come with us too. :)

Avery decorating. Isn't her bunny amazing?? I love it!!
Hard at work!
Connor decorating. He really got creative with the sprinkles and candy!
So focused!
They are so cute! I just love them so much! Thank you, Mama, for suggesting such a fun activity! They loved this!
He's so proud!!
Connor's cookies
Avery's cookies
It was the perfect way to end our exciting day, with something sweet! We've been slowly working on these treats the last few days and they are just wonderful! Happy happy happy!! :-D
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