Thursday, May 1, 2014

Doctor's Appointment Update

Good morning, everyone!  :)  I am up at 7:22am to write this, but I've been awake for a little while already.  My mom has Avery and Dayton at Sis and Adam's house today-beyond Connor's birth.  This is a bit of a change to the original plans because of how our doctor's appointment went yesterday.  Here's the story:

We went to the doctor yesterday for our 38 week appointment.  My weight was good, it shot up a little last week, but remained very similar yesterday, so the two weeks evened each other out.  My blood pressure was good and closer to my low range that it usually stays at, it was 124/70.  Connor was a bit of a stinker and was giving the nurse a hard time with the heartbeat.  He did this last week too.  He kept moving and making things difficult.  But she finally got him to hold still long enough to get a heartrate of 128bpm.  He's slowing down, which is kind of interesting considering all the moving he was doing, lol.  But then again, we were told that as birth approaches, their heartrates tend to go down a little.  Just one more sign that he's on his way.  :)

Eventually my doctor came in.  Normally things go very quick because we're pretty easy going patients, but today we had a few things to discuss.  The first, not really medically necessary was that we got permission for Courtney to be in the delivery room to take pictures for us.  :)  My doctor is so laid back, I wasn't surprised that he had no problem with the idea.  In fact, he said it was a good idea to have her there taking those special moment pictures so we could just enjoy them with our new baby.  :)  So that was good, one more thing checked off the list and ready for when Connor arrives.  :)

Then, we got to talking about the medical stuff.  First he asked me, "So is this going to happen anytime soon?"  To which I responded, "Well, we wanted to talk to you about that."  Since my platelets keep falling Michael and I wanted to discuss induction in case Connor was stubborn and didn't come on his own.  Well, after getting my most recent platelet count, 92,000, we not only wanted to talk about induction, but we also needed to make sure that my platelets would be high enough to get my epidural.  That led to the conversation about steroids.  He told me that he could give me a small perscription for steroids, just 2 doses, that would help bump my platelets up.  He said he usually only perscribes them for people with platelets in their 60's or 70's, but that it's such a low dose it wouldn't do much of anything other than bump my platelet level back up to over 100k.  That way, no matter which anesthesiologist we got, I could still get my epidural.  Then, while we were in the process of intervening to make sure his birth went well, we went ahead and scheduled the induction.  Now, some of you may laugh at me for this, but here's the story on how we picked the date for the induction:

Connor's due date is Friday, May 9th.  I was not opposed to waiting until his due date to induce.  However, Friday didn't work well for my doctor, so that date was out.  My next choice was Monday, May 5th.  That way he'd be a 5th baby just like Michael and Avery.  He'd also be a Cinco de Mayo baby!  :P  However, Monday didn't work well for my doctor either.  That left Tuesday, May 6th, Wednesday, May 7th, and Thursday, May 8th for us to choose from.  Any of those days worked for Dr. Kauffman.  So I asked Michael what day he thought, because he'll be taking off work.  He'll take off the rest of the week that Connor's born and possibly a little of the next week as well.  I liked the idea of Wednesday, May 7th because then Connor and I would be 7th babies and Avery and Michael would be 5th babies.  But I wondered how that would work with Michael and work.  He told me that Wednesday would work well because then he could take off those 3 days and part of the next week too.  So, as anxious as I am to meet him, we decided to give Connor one more day than we could have, so that he will be a 7th baby.  ;)  Now, of course, all of this is subject to change if I go into labor and Connor decides to come on his own.  And, he could very easily do what Avery did and I could go into labor the night before I'm supposed to be induced, which would be fine by me.  ;)  So our induction is scheduled for Wednesday, May 7th!  Only 2 days before his due date!  :)

Later in the evening Michael asked me about his leave and how many days he should take off.  He's obviously going to take off Wed-Fri next week (or more if Connor comes early), but he was wondering on the next week if he should take off Mon and Tue to go back Wed or if he should take Mon-Wed and go back Thurs.  I told him that he should take the 6 days and go back on Thurs.  It didn't take any convincing at all!  :P  Lol!  I think that's what he wanted to do also, but wanted to see what I was thinking too.  ;)  So that's the plan as far as Michael's work schedule is concerned.  :)

Now, back to the original point I made in this post, Avery and Dayton's care.  Since we know Connor will be coming at least 2 days early, possibly sooner, I wanted to make sure I got some time off to rest.  My mom, of course, is a saint and willing to take over caring for the babies whenever I need her to, so we decided to begin today.  :)  She'll have them today and tomorrow, then all week next week.  The original plan was that once Connor gets here, we would keep Avery for that week so we could have some time as a family of 4.  Well, Michael and I got to rethinking that idea, and we realized Avery is pretty active, and the two of us will probably be pretty tired at that point, so we decided to leave Avery with my mom.  Hopefully Connor will be born on the Wednesday, we'll come home on Thursday, and my mom will watch both babies the entire week.  Then, when the weekend comes, my mom will be ready for a much needed break.  So we'll have Avery at home and we can have our family of 4 time over the weekend (as well as in the evenings the previous week).  Then, when the weekdays come again and Mama is back in town to watch Dayton, Avery will go over too.  That way Michael, Connor, and I will get another 3 quiet days together before Michael has to go back to work on Thursday and it's just Connor and I left at home.  As for when Avery and Dayton will come back to our house, that all depends on how Connor and I are doing.  One thing is for sure though, I owe my Mama BIG TIME for doing all of this for me!  She's the greatest!  :D

So that's what's going on now.  A few plans changing.  Now we just have to wait.  ;)  Either Connor will come on his own or we'll be ready for the induction on Wednesday.  :)  Either way, we are now 6 (or fewer) days until meeting our son!  :D  I can't wait!  Please keep us in your prayers as we get closer to the big day! 

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