I was thinking this morning as I was laying in bed how amazing everything that's going on with my body and my baby is. :) Very soon she'll be here and it will be up to Michael and I to make sure her needs are met. We will be responsible for feeding her, changing her, making sure she's warm and clean, and putting her down for bed and naps. But until that time comes, my body takes care of all of those things and I don't have to do anything! How cool is that?? I know when she's awake and when she's sleeping, but she's allowed to do either at her leasure. Her nutrition comes from my body and she takes what she needs to grow and be well nurished. All I have to do is eat and take care of myself, and in turn, I take care of her. In her current watery home she doesn't need diaper changes, but her systems are working, teaching her how to swallow and breath so that when she does arrive, she knows what to do. It's absolutely amazing! For the most part, this has been pretty easy. Sure, getting sick in the first trimester was no fun. And the heartburn and shortness of breath lately cause a few problems, especially when it comes time for me to try to lay down and sleep. But overall, making a perfect tiny baby girl has been relatively simple. I hope that when she arrives, her care will go as easily. :) Michael made a really good point the other day... There are so many people who like to say, oh, enjoy your time now, because you won't have any time to yourself anymore; parenting and raising a child is hard work, get ready for it; and things of that nature. But before we got married people said very similar things about how marriage was hard and you'd have to work at it, and sometimes you'd hate each other but you just had to stick it out. We haven't found any of those things to be true. We have gone through some hard things during the course of our marriage (and before, for that matter), but our marriage has never been difficult. In fact, the simplicity and the consistency of our marriage has held us together and kept us strong through those difficult times. Marriage is easy! Life is hard. But since I know that my marriage is one thing I don't have to worry about, it's not something I'm at risk of losing or destroying, it makes those hard times and moments in life a little easier to bear, because I have an incredible partner at my side through everything. So for all those who say that parenting is difficult and that things are never going to be the same, I'm just going to have to see for myself on that one. Because I was told the same thing about marriage and it couldn't be farther from the truth. Maybe the problem is that most people don't have such an exceptional partner and life. I am VERY blessed to have Michael, to have a home, to have my own car, and to have this baby inside of me who really hasn't taken much work at all. But when life gets hard, I know I have a safety net in my marriage that isn't going anywhere. So forgive me for calling you out, but I don't think parenting is going to be so bad. ;) I have 2 dogs who poop, pee, and throw up. I have to clean that up too, why not add an infant to the mix? ;) We are going to do just fine and be great when our little girl gets here! You just wait and see! :)
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