Thursday, February 27, 2014


Well, the climbing went too far today.  Ugh. 

For those of you who don't know or haven't heard, Avery is climbing on and in EVERYTHING lately!  This includes on top of our dining room chairs and high top dining room table.  We have tried telling her no, we have removed her when she's been in the process of climbing, we have swatted her for climbing, we have tried to keep the chairs pushed in and the furniture in safe places so that if she does climb and/or fall, she'll stay safe.  We are at our wits end with the climbing!  Most of the time she's not doing anything bad or where she could get too hurt, but today she went too far and I was not a happy camper.

I went into the bathroom this morning to clean out some diapers and put them in the wet diaper bag.  I was only in there for a couple minutes, but when I came out, Avery was on the table.  Not only was she on top of our high top dining room table, but she was squatting on top of Michael's high school shadow box that Linda made for him and brought down this weekend (probably because standing on top of it put her just a little too high for comfort).  Not only was she on top of the table, on top of the shadow box, but she was drinking what was left of a can of Pepsi and spilling it all over the table and shadow box!!  Ugh!!!

So I got her down and began cleaning up.  I swatted her bottom for being up there.  I had to get after her twice not to try to climb up the chair again (and twice more since everything's been cleaned up and settled down).  I cleaned all the soda off the table, I cleaned the soda off the shadow box, and I took Avery's soda-covered clothes off of her.  Luckily Madison and Dayton were in decent moods while all of this was going down, so I could focus on getting things cleaned up instead of calming them down too.

Ugh!  That daughter of mine!  I love her dearly, but the climbing is getting out of hand.  This is why we like to take her to the mall and let her play in the playplace on Saturday mornings.  I'm glad that spring is almost here, we'll be spending a lot of time outdoors here soon!  I know she'll love getting messy at her sand and water table!  I think we all have a little cabin fever.  Bring on the spring and settle down the climbing!  *sigh*

Only 1.5 days until my vacation with my hubby begins.  Looking forward to rest, relaxation, sleeping in, and taking time to take care of myself.

Have a good one!  :)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2 Days Down, 2.5 to Go!!

Well, Michael and I have survived 2 days now.  We have 2.5 left to go (Nathan is going to be here by noon on Friday to pick up Madison so we can leave town on time for our vacation).  Here's how yesterday went and how this morning is going...

Yesterday we ended up taking naps a little after 10 again.  I tried to hold out until 11, but when 2 of the 3 babies are crying inconsolably, I can only hold out for so long.  They all took nice long naps, which allowed me time to get some laundry folded and some breakfast/lunch eaten, as well as doing a little work on the kitchen.  When the babies woke up they were all in a pretty good mood.  I made mac and cheese with mixed veggies and chicken for lunch (I was pretty proud of myself, I don't normally have the energy for all this).  Avery and Madison ate their lunch very well.  Dayton waited until afternoon snacks to eat cereal instead of any lunch.  Madison was pretty crazy about the afternoon snacks too, I actually think she ate more than Avery yesterday!  Which is pretty impressive, because Avery can eat!!  The babies played and the afternoon went on.  Over the last couple of days I have learned that Madison DOES NOT like to be walked away from!  She will scream her lungs out if you turn around and walk away from her.  However, I can't carry 3 babies with me all over the house, so she's learning that I will come back if she will be patient for a moment.  At one point in the afternoon yesterday all 3 babies were grumpy.  We were within an hour of Dayton being picked up and I didn't want to end my day on that note.  I sang the ABC's and they quieted down to listen to me.  Because of this, I continued for about 20 minutes, over and over, until all 3 forgot that they were grumpy.  Glad that worked!!

Last night Michael had the girls again while I went to work.  He fed them mac and cheese leftovers from lunch for dinner.  They both ate very well and seemed to enjoy their dinner.  They began to get fussy and Michael thought it was close to evening nap time, but wanted to get them in the bathtub first.  They both seem to really enjoy baths.  Apparently Madison got a pink bath crayon and was going to town on the tub walls.  :)  Not sure if Michael took any pictures or not, but I would bet not, as I'm sure the two girls kept his hands full.  The girls grabbed the bath letters and enjoyed sticking them to the walls as well.  I was glad to hear that bathtime went so well since Michael was on his own.  We'll see if he gives them another one tonight (to get us back on our regular schedule) or if he waits for tomorrow night when I'll be home again.  After their bath, the girls took an evening nap.  We're a bit at a loss with Madison when she wakes up, she always seems to be so unhappy when she wakes up.  Even when she's gently woken up instead of left to wake up on her own, she wakes up screaming.  I guess everyone's different, it just seems like such a sad way to wake up each time.  :(  The girls played some more and went to bed around 8:30, so they were out cold when I got home.  Michael had survived another shift.  ;)

This morning has been up and down already.  Dayton acts like he didn't get enough sleep last night.  He's laying on the couch resting.  The girls are going back and forth between playing well and being upset with each other.  As usual, Avery is climbing, primarily on the dining room chairs.  It doesn't seems to matter how many times I say no, get down, or remove her from the chairs, she keeps going back to them (not without a momentary meltdown of course).  Both girls are learning a hard lesson of keeping their hands to themselves.  Both struggle with pushing.  Neither of them is hurting the other girl, but everyone is getting upset (insert lots of crying and a Mama with rising blood pressure).  But after a few minutes, everyone is calmed down and they're back to playing.  Madison spent a few minutes spinning around in circles.  Avery thought that looked like fun, so she joined in.  Madison covered her head up in her blanket, Avery got the biggest smile on her face when she saw this.  Of course, to Avery, this meant peek-a-boo and that she needed to "find Madison".  So Avery pulled the blanket (gently) off of Madison's head.  Apparently this wasn't how Madison wanted to play, because she began to cry.  So Avery put the blanket back on Madison and walked away, lol.  So much for that game.  That's more or less, all we've done so far today.  I'll try to write more later, or tomorrow morning at the least.  Your thoughts and prayers continue to be appreciated as I tackle the challenge of 3 one-year-olds on my own this week.  ;)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

29 Week Pictures!

Connor and I are getting bigger!  Only 11 more weeks until he makes his arrival!!  We're getting close to 7 months along!!  Woohoo!!!

29 weeks - Green t-shirt w/ black pants

25 weeks - Black and grey sweater w/ jeans

21 weeks - Grey tank top w/ black yoga pants

17 weeks - Grey hoodie w/ purple pants

13 weeks - Blue hoodie w/ plaid pants

9 weeks - Blue t-shirt w/ black yoga pants

5 weeks - Grey sleeveless shirt w/ black yoga pants

Surviving Day 1, Onto Day 2

Well, we made it through Day 1!  Wooohooo!  Michael and I agree that things are way easier when both parents are home so that one can distract/play with the girls and the other can do things like make dinner or run the bath.  Unfortunately, our work schedules don't allow for that all the time, but we make do with what we have.  Here's how the rest of yesterday went for Michael and me.

Madison finally woke up from her nap and had some lunch.  The babies all played for a while and had some snacks (Kix cereal).  For the most part, the babies seem to feed off of each other mood-wise.  This is probably why we had to do naps early yesterday because Dayton and Madison got upset and the negativity and fussiness just fed off of each other, making them both even more upset.  They all played well together.  We needed a few reminders to share, but that seemed to handle things.  The family dynamic at each home is very different, so it takes the babies some getting used to on how to play nicely together with children their own age.  Dayton and Avery had to be reminded that Madison is much smaller than them, and that they can't rough house around her or they'll knock her over.  Madison had to learn that if you put a toy down and stop playing with it, it becomes fair game for another kid to pick up and play with, and you can't get upset about someone else playing with a toy you were going to play with eventually, lol.  My shift with the babies finally ended and I headed off to work shortly after Michael got home, here's what I heard about his evening with them.

Madison was rubbing her eyes and acting like she needed a nap from about the time Michael got home, but he was determined to keep them up for a while before naptime.  They had leftover Planet Sub sandwiches and corn for dinner.  They both ate very well.  This is a bit of a change for us, because getting Dayton to eat is like pulling teeth.  It's nice that Madison doesn't fight meal times.  The babies played a bit more until they were both tired, then Michael put them down for evening naps.  When they got up from their naps, both were fussy.  Avery wasn't sure she wanted to be awake yet.  So it didn't take much longer before Michael was getting them ready for bed.  We gave them a bath Sunday night, but technically Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are bath nights.  I told Michael that if he didn't feel up to it, I understood and bath night could be pushed back another day.  Since both girls were fussy even after their naps, he decided to wait on the baths, so they should be getting one tonight instead.  Both girls were down for the night around 8:30 and slept through the night great!  :)

Now I'm beginning Day 2 with 3 one-year-old babies in my care.  So far all is going well.  The girls are up and have been changed.  They've had some milk and cereal for breakfast.  Madison is still snacking a little (she got up a little later) while Avery and Dayton are running around and playing.  :)  Here's hoping for a good day with very little fussiness.  :)

Oh yeah!  I forgot to mention this earlier!  Madison went all day yesterday without her pacifier!  This could be part of the reason she had more fussy moments than normal.  :P  We just haven't dealt with the pacifier in quite a while with Avery, so we don't think of it as a soothing technique automatically.  Not to mention, it's packed up in a bag somewhere and I'm not even entirely sure where it is.  :P  So Madison is practicing her self-soothing this week.  ;)  So far, so good!  :)

Well, I'm going to get myself some breakfast and begin my day on the right foot.  :)  Hope you all have a great Tuesday!  Again, wish us luck as I tackle 3 one-year-olds and Michael handles 2 during the evening.  Thanks, guys!  Love you!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Naps and Lunch

Naptime.  Sweet, glorious naptime.  It maintains my sanity.  I love these babies so very much, but I also appreciate the time I can use the restroom without someone crying outside the door, or eat something without having someone else try to take it halfway through my meal.  I also appreciate the calm and quiet for a little bit.

Naptime went great today!  :)  It began earlier than I wanted, but Madison and Dayton acted like they were ready.  Because of that, the 2 of them went to sleep pretty fast.  Avery wasn't quite ready for a nap when I laid her down, so she played in her room for a while before going to sleep.  Madison was the first to start stirring, but when I got downstairs to check on her, she was still konked out, so I let her sleep.  Dayton and Avery got up and had diaper changes, then we had cereal and chicken nuggets for lunch.  Still waiting on Madison to wake up.

Dayton has been doing much better at eating lunch lately.  He eats chicken nuggets well.  I'm going to try cutting them up and adding them to other meals like mac and cheese or rice and see if I can't get him to eat even better.  Wish I had the energy to it every day, but I'm afraid I don't.

Just a few more hours till I'm off to work.  Michael will be here all evening by himself with the girls.  I know he's going to do a great job!  He's such a good Daddy and Uncle.  :)  I love him so much!  :)

Alright, little ones demand my attention and my reading abilities.  ;)  Back to work I go!  Hope you're all having a nice day!  Thanks for you thoughts.  I am, indeed, surviving Day 1 of 3 one-year-olds!  :D

You're okay.

One of my most used phrases.

Avery, you're okay (even though you can't get the blanket on your head).

Madison, you're okay (even though you lost your balance and fell on your well cushioned butt).

Dayton, you're okay (even though you're sitting on the couch where you climbed youself).

Being a baby is so rough.  :P

The "You're okay" and "Why is (the baby) crying" blogs may seem mean, but they are self preservation techniques.  If I get worked up about every little thing that they do, our days would implode.

Everyone is happy for a moment now, drinking their water...  For a moment...

Why is Madison crying?

She wanted to take the pillow off the couch...

Then she did.


8:30 and we have another incident under our belts.  Only 2.5 hours until naptime!

I don't know what it is, but these girls are fascinated with water.  Dayton doesn't seem to be nearly as interested, but I'm not convinced that he's not helping out with the "water exploration" that the girls are going through.

Let me start this story by saying that I hate Dayton's sippy cups.  Sure, they are fine enough for him, but in a house where there are two other babies (or even my one) who are interested inexploring water and how to open containers, these particular cups have no place.  Dayton's sippy cups don't have screw on lids or spill proof tips.  This means he (or Avery, or Madison) can pull the lid right off the cup.  This leaves a full cup of water ready and waiting to be spilled on the floor.  Now, luckily I have learned a few things since Dayton started bringing these cups over...
1- They will get opened and spilled on the floor
2- They may get opened on the carpet
3- Plain water is the ONLY thing I should EVER put in these cups unless I'm giving it to Dayton specifically to lay down for his nap
Having learned these important lessons by having orange juice spill and stain our pack and play, having flavored (and colored) water spill (though not stain) our carpet, and having Avery playing in spilled milk on the fireplace (which can lead to smells if not cleaned up promptly), I am very careful with Dayton's cups.  I ONLY put water in them when Avery (and now Madison) is around, so today's incident was not as bad as it could have been.

When Avery came up to me and asked for a drink, I got her some water.  She doesn't care for the taste of plain water, and tends to make a mess with her cups if I give it to her.  By squirting a few drops of water flavoring into her cup, she gets a little better taste, she drinks water, and I'm not loading her up on sugary juices or too much milk all day.  (Even 100% juices have a lot of sugar, and our doctor recommends no more than 24 ounces of milk/day or she could get too full on milk and not eat.)  Well, when I gave Avery her cup, Dayton got upset and wanted one too.  Unfortunately, the only clean cups in the cabinets were Dayton's.  Ugh.  That's because I avoid them at all costs.  So I fill the cup half full of water, no flavoring, and I give it to Dayton (he and Avery share cups back and forth anyway, so if he wants something flavored, it will only be a minute before she's snatching his cup and he can nab hers).  Well, a few minutes later all 3 babies are sitting on the floor in the breakfast nook.  For a minute I believed that they were playing with Hotwheels, drinking their water, and having a nice little time together.  And while yes, they were playing with Hotwheels, and they were having a nice time, they were most definitely NOT DRINKING their water.  I cannot say who opened the cup, only that it got opened.  This resulted in half a cup of water being spilled on the breakfast nook floor (thank goodness for tile).  That's where I found Madison, sitting and splashing in the water, moving it all around the floor.  Now, while I would have normally pointed at Avery for such a crime, I found out this weekend when Glenn and Linda were here, that Madison is notorious for the same thing, dumping her cup out and playing in the water.  So now, all bets are off.  For the time being, Dayton seems to be in the clear, as I've seen little to none of this type of behavior out of him.  ;)  For now...  :P

This little ordeal prompted me to change Madison out of her (wet) PJ's and into her outfit for the day.  This is one of the reasons you see so many pictures of Avery in her PJ's all day.  Because sooner or later, she'll end up getting dirty or wet, might as well use the outfit until we're forced to change it.  I do enough laundry as it is.

So that's the recent update.  Since I began typing this little update, 30 more minutes have passed and now we're down to 2 hours until naptime.  Dayton already acts like he's ready to nap, he's currently laying on a pillow on the floor here in the living room.  The girls are still going.  ;)  That's all I have for now.  Stay turned for more adventures of 3 one-year-olds and one apprehensive Mommy.  ;)

Day One...

For those of you who don't know, Michael and I are watching Madison this week.  Chelsey had surgery on Friday and she and Nathan would be very hard pressed to take care of themselves and their kids.  So Madison is going to be here for the week.  That means that during the day I will have 3 babies between the ages of 15 and (almost) 23 months to care for.  While this doesn't sound like too much, it's not like I'm running a daycare or something, 3 one-year-olds seem like a lot to me, especially being (almost) 7 months pregnant.  But, we'll get by.  ;)  For those of you interested in how my week is going, I'll try to keep you updated with the play by play on here.  :)  I suppose this will be good practice for when Connor gets here.  I thought it would be pretty uneventful, as the 3 of them are pretty close in age, but I'm quickly realizing, there are a lot more differences between a 15-month-old and a 23-month-old (even a 15-month-old and a 17-month-old) than I thought.  ;)  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we take on this week!  It's sure to be an exhausting one, lol!

Day 1 w/ three babies:
-Breakfast: Dayton came over with Peanut Butter on Cheese crackers.  He shared well with Avery without any fussing.  I made waffles for Madison and Avery.  They are eating them well while they play.  Dayton is sharing in the waffles as well.  Since Dayton and Avery are used to our morning routine, they are running around and playing a lot more than Madison, who is still observing a lot.  Madison is also playing scavenger, as Avery and Dayton drop pieces of waffle, she is right behind to clean things up.  Her hands are full of cinnamon toast waffle pieces that she's munching on.
-Play: The 3 babies seem to be playing really well together.  Like I said, Madison is watching a little more, but she is following Avery and Dayton around and is interested in being with them and seeing what they're doing.  We've had an incident already, but it's the same type of thing we always have.  Dayton and Avery both wanted inside the toy car (Avery and Madison ran into this same problem over the weekend), neither of them wanted to get out or share, both of them were fussing, so I took the car away.  Problem solved.  :P  This is a weekly problem with Avery and Dayton.  I get tired of fighting the battle, so I put it away.  About the time I get it out again, we struggle with sharing again.  We'll get there eventually.  Madison seems very chill and relaxed like Avery.  As long as she has something to distract her/play with, she's fine.  She has no problem being accidently shut into the bedroom by her cousin, shutting the door, because there are books and toys in there.  Dayton is less enthusiastic, lol.  All in a days work.  ;)

Well, it's 8am now.  Only 3 more hours until nap time!  Here's hoping everyone gets along great for the next few hours and my blood pressure stays down, lol.  I'll try to update more later.  Again, thanks for your positive thoughts this week for Michael and I as we take on this task.  ;)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pregnancy Update - 29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks

Due date: May 9, 2014

Next doctor's appointment: March 5

Our baby is the size of a veggie/fruit/food: Butternut Squash or Acorn Squash (He's around 15 inches long and around 3 pounds right now!!)  :D

Our baby in man terms: A Kettleball (though not as heavy) or a loaf of bread (though not as light)  ;)

Total weight gain/loss: +12.8 lbs!  Really packing on the weight now!  But the way I figure it, being almost 3/4 of the way done and only having added a little under 13 pounds is not so bad.  As long as Connor's healthy.  I have the rest of my life to get back in shape.  ;)  Here's hoping the pounds melt off with nursing like they did with Avery!!

News: No news this week.  He's growing and wiggling.  :)  I thInk I passed my glucose test.  They told me they'd call if anything was abnormal.  It's been over a week and I haven't heard from them, so I'm assuming that means good news.  ;)  They called when I was pregnant with Avery to tell me my hemoglobin was low and that I needed to start taking extra iron (I've struggled with needing more iron all my life), but they didn't even call to tell me that this time.  So hopefully all is awesome on my bloodwork!  :D  I'll know for sure in a week and a half when I go back to the doctor.

Best moments this week: I got a massage!!  It was probably the most relaxing massage I've ever had!  I nearly fell asleep!  It was amazing!  I needed it!  The babies and work have been wearing me out.

Milestones: Nothing super special this week.  Just 1.5 weeks until we see the doctor again.  :)  Getting more anxious for the end to meet our little guy.  :)

Symptoms: Shortness of breath, fatigue, heartburn

Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? Yes, I'm admitting it.  My old stretch marks are getting bigger.  Don't think I'm getting any new ones yet.  Also, the marks that are expanding are very low.  I think Connor is staying very low for the moment.

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement: Yes

Gender: Boy

Sleep: Off and on.  :\

Food cravings: Not much

Food aversions: None

What I miss: Being able to roll over and breathe easy

What I'm loving: Preparing Connor's room, getting things checked off my list, making plans for the time right around when Connor will be arriving

What I'm looking forward to: Hopefully delivering in the Birthcare Center, getting to see Avery's reaction when she meets Connor for the first time, new baby snuggles  :)

Thoughts and feelings about Michael: Well, it's going to be the same thing I say every week, lol!  I love my husband!  He's incredibly helpful, loving, and caring.  He's an amazing father and husband.  Avery, Connor, and I are blessed to have him in our lives.  :)

Thoughts and feelings about Avery: Avery is going to be an amazing big sister.  It's so cute to watch her play with her baby dolls.  She likes to put hats on them, wrap them up in blankets, cover them up in bed, and give them bottles or drinks.  She's awesome!  It has been such a joy watching her grow up!  I'm anxious to see her grow into her new roll of big sister.  :)

Labor signs: Nope

Goals: Get the house picked back up before Glenn, Linda, and Madison get here on Saturday.

Weekly Wisdom: Just take it one day at a time.  Don't worry about tomorrow until you get there.


Sharing is a tough and frustrating concept when you're only a year old.  I just wish it wasn't so darn fussy.  The fussing is getting pretty old.  She can sit on the bed with you.  It's her bed.  She's not even touching you.  Get over it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

80 Days...

One of my pregnancy apps told me this morning that there are only 80 more days until Connor is due!  How can that be possible?!  Seems like just yesterday we were cautiously excited and anxious to finish the first trimester.  :P  Can't believe that in less than 3 months we'll have another man in our family!  That's so crazy!!

I was talking to a pregnant friend yesterday and was asking her if they wanted a boy or a girl.  I know that the politically correct answer is always to say, we don't care, we just want a healthy baby.  That's true of everyone, I think it goes without saying.  Truth be told, if you asked me at the beginning of this pregnancy if I wanted a boy or a girl, I would have told you a girl.  Does that mean I'm disappointed to be having a boy?  Absolutely not!!  I'm sooooo excited to be able to have one of each and get to experience all the differences in having a little boy and a little girl.  :)  Since finding out that we are having a boy (which I thought all along that I was) it's been difficult to imagine things any other way.  Though he's not here yet, Connor is very much a part of our family already.  :)

When Michael and I were giving Avery a bath last night (well, let's be real, when Michael was giving her a bath and I was enjoying watching her play) we were talking about how small she used to be and how much she's grown in the past 16 months.  Michael was showing me on his arm and finger how she used to fit between his hand and elbow, and how her foot was the size of one digit of his thumb.  It's so crazy how big she's gotten! 

It has been a delight watching her grow and learn.  She is so much fun!  I get giddy as she learns new things!  I truly have the best job ever getting to care for her each day!  And yes, it can be exhausting (especially while I'm pregnant) and I can be ready for a break by the end of the day, but it is such a wonderful experience getting to watch her grow up each and every day!  I am so thankful for Michael and his job.  He makes enough that our family can survive.  He allows me the opportunity to stay home with our babies.  I'm also thankful for my job.  It gets me out of the house here and there, it gives our family a little extra income, and my bosses work so well with me and my schedule.  :)  Everything has lined up perfectly to allow me this chance to raise my own babies.

I feel like I'm not prepared for Connor's arrival.  His closet is still virtually empty.  Sis and Adam said we can borrow Dayton's old baby clothes since the seasons will match up appropriately.  But we haven't gone over to get them, and they haven't brought them over.  So poor Connor has 4 little outfits in his closet.  Avery's closet was overflowing around this time during my pregnancy with her.  But with 2 babies here at the house to watch, I don't have nearly the opportunity to get out and get Connor's clothes taken care of.  *sigh*  Oh well, 80 more days, right?  ;)  I'm sure I'll find the time eventually...  :P

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pregnancy Update - 28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks, 3 days (Oops!  Thought I finished this on Friday!  Guess I only started it!)

Due date: May 9, 2014

Next doctor's appointment: March 5th, only a 3 week wait between appointments this time!  We're in the home stretch!!  YAY!!!!!  :D

Our baby is the size of a veggie/fruit/food: Iceberg Lettuce, Chinese Cabbage, or Eggplant

Our baby in man terms: Fully inflated football or a child's lunchbox

Total weight gain/loss: +10.8 lbs, finally went over the 10 pound mark.  *sigh*  I knew it was coming.  I'm hoping not to gain more than 20 lbs with Connor.  That's what I gained with Avery and it wasn't to hard to get it off.  I'm scared that if I gain more, I won't get it off.  Only 12 weeks to go!  I've heard that you don't put on much the last few weeks...  Here's hoping, because I'm staying pretty constant at 1 pound/week.  Oh well, come what may, as long as he's healthy, I'm happy.  :)

News: Went to the doctor this week, everything went great!  Little man's heartrate was at a healthy 134 bpm.  :)

Best moments this week: Not pregnancy related, but it was pretty awesome being there for K-State beating KU in basketball on Monday!  :)  It was a great game and I was excited for the students to be able to rush.  I got the chance once and it was really fun!

Milestones: 28 weeks means we're 1 week closer to our little man being here!  Since we're not into the 3rd trimester, we get to see the doctor more often.  First, in 3 weeks, then every 2 weeks for a while until we're in the home stretch and get to go in once a week.  :)

Symptoms: Heartburn, shortness of breath

Maternity clothes? Yup!

Stretch marks? I think some of Avery's stretch marks might be spreading just a little bit.  I can only really notice it on my right side on about 3 marks.  I don't notice them getting longer, but maybe a bit wider.  Here's hoping Connor's growth comes at a steady (not too fast) pace, so he doesn't stretch my poor stomach too bad.  :P

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement: Tons!  He is especially wiggly in the morning.  A lot more than I remember from Avery.  She was more of a night owl.  ;)

Gender: Boy!

Sleep: Sleeping is just ok.  Getting comfortable is difficult.  Breathing is difficult.  But I'm getting by.  I know it will only get worse.  No need to complain too much yet.

Food cravings: Ice cream, chocolate, and other sweets!

Food aversions: None.

What I miss: Breathing easily

What I'm loving: All the movement!  Especially when Michael cuddles with me and wraps his arm around me when we're falling asleep and lays his hand on my stomach to feel all of Connor's kicks and wiggles.  :)

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting my little man, packing my hospital bag, buying Connor's "coming home" outfit, and having an immobile cuddly baby again!

Thoughts and feelings about Michael: Michael has been a great help lately (as he always is) especially with Avery and the house.  I worked a lot the last few days and Michael got the house in tip top shape for guests to come over.  He also took great care of Avery.  I'm lucky to have such an amazing partner in life.

Thoughts and feelings about Avery: Avery has been getting more words and working harder on communicating lately.  Her own little personality is shining brighter each day.  It's so fun watching her grow up!  She loves children and her baby dolls, I hope this will transfer well and that she'll be happy and excited when her brother arrives.  :)

Labor signs: Nope

Goals: Keep the house picked up, make a list of stuff I need to pack in Connor's, Michael's, and my hospital bag, and get Avery's newborn and 0-3 mo. clothes out to take to Kid to Kid and exchange for some clothes for Connor.

Weekly Wisdom: Surround yourself with people who make you happy, it makes the daily grind so much easier when you've got people who love you in your corner.  :)

27 Week Pictures!

Here are some more pictures!  27, 23, 19, 15, 11, 7, and 3 weeks!  :)  7 months worth!  Enjoy!  :)

Week 27 - Red 3/4 sleeve shirt with grey sweat pants

Week 23 - Blue flower shirt with jeans

Week 19 - Blue hoodie with plaid sweat pants

Week 15 - Red shirt with black yoga pants

Week 11 - Grey hoodie with black yoga pants

Week 7 - Black t-shirt with black yoga pants

Week 3 - Sleeveless shirt with red gym shorts

Doctor's Appointment Details - 27w5d

Good Morning, Everyone!  I hope you're having a nice morning.  :)  I'm here to tell you how our doctor's appointment went yesterday.

My doctor called the appointment my 27 week appointment, even though I was actually 27 weeks and 5 days.  He just counts from the week I've completed.  Starting at 30 weeks (I will go back in 3 weeks) I will see him every 2 weeks until I hit 36 weeks, then I'll see him once a week.  This is one thing I love about the 3rd trimester is going to the doctor more often.  It makes the time pass faster, meaning our little boy will be here very soon!!

Back to the appointment...  I had to do my glucose test, so first I went upstairs to drink the glucose.  Then, I went back downstairs for my appointment.  I think I had my scale on a crack in our bathroom tile, because my weight from my update last week and my weight at my appointment yesterday were pretty far apart.  I'm still in a healthy range and my doctor didn't mention my weight being good or bad, so I will assume it's fine.  :)

My blood pressure was good, 120/80.  Normally it's closer to 120/60, but I was running a little late and getting frustrated with myself for not planning ahead better, so I think that's part of the reason it was a little higher.  Or it could have had something to do with the glucose.  Who knows.  Either way, I was still in a healthy range, so no worries.  :)

My urine dip was normal, no signs of proteins or sugars.  This makes me think that my gestational diabetes test will come back just fine.  No call is good.  If everything checks out well at the lab, they won't bother calling me, they'll just tell me at my next appointment that everything was fine.  If there's something to be concerned about, they'll call.  With Avery my gestational diabetes test came back fine, but my hemoglobins were low.  I can't remember for sure, but that might have been when I started taking extra iron.  I can't remember...

Connor was on the move yesterday, he made the nurse look around for a while for his heartbeat.  She kept having to adjust when he'd turn away from her.  Finally, she got settled on his heartbeat.  That's when we heard some other sounds.  Our little guy had the hiccups as well, lol!  Again, not sure if he just had them or if it was another effect of the glucose, but he was aweful squirrely through the appointment, lol!  He had a healthy heartrate of 134 beats/min.  :)  I expected it to be a little high since he was so wound up, but I guess that's a boy for ya.  ;)

After that, the nurse left and our doctor came in.  He did all his normal stuff, checked my stats, measured my belly, asked how things were going.  Everything went well.  We talked to him about permanent birth control options after Connor is born.  We found our what all our options were, recovery times, and procedures.  He seemed content with our decision to have no more kids and said that we could make our decision at the time of the birth.  So Michael and I have some things to roll over in our heads, then when Connor is born we'll make our final decision and have it done.  So there will be no doubt, confusion, worry, or wonder on whether Michael and I will be having anymore children.  ;)  These two will be all we need.  :)

My doctor was going to schedule our next appointment for 2 weeks instead of 3, because in 5 weeks he'll be gone.  However, he decided to go ahead and schedule us for 3 weeks out.  We'll see him then.  Then 2 weeks later (at 32 weeks) we'll see the nurse for our regular appointment instead of him.  We saw her earlier in the pregnancy when Dr. Kauffman was pulled away for an emergency delivery.  We told him and the nurse that we were fine with that, because if the moment comes and we need an emergency delivery, we want him to be available for us.  ;)

After we got done seeing the doctor, Michael went back to work.  I had to stay 30 minutes longer to wait for my glucose test to be done and to get my blood drawn.  The nurse taking my blood did great!  Sometimes they have problems with my veins, finding them or them rolling or having to adjust the needle once they find them, but she did great!  I was very impressed!  I was in and out quick!

After having my blood drawn, I left the office thinking about the last few things I needed to pick up from the store so that Mama and I could begin our freezer meal assembly day.  I completely forgot to go back and get my Rhogam shot.  So when I was a few blocks away, I remembered and went back.  Luckily, getting in for my shot was very quick.  It didn't hurt either (but then again, shots have never bothered me much).

That's about all from my doctor's appointment.  Things went well and we look forward to going back in 3 weeks.  :)  Connor's arrival is getting closer and closer!  :)  I'm having so much fun getting ready for him and enjoying my time being pregnant.  :)  The biggest thing I need to get done next to prepare for his arrival is to get him some clothes.  I'm pretty busy this weekend, but maybe next weekend I'll be able to get over to kid to kid with some of Avery's old clothes and trade them in for some new stuff for Connor.  :)  Only 85(ish) more days until he gets here!!  I can't wait!!  :D

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday - A Day in the Life of a Mommy

Good morning, all!  We begin a new week again today!  I've got 2 babies up and playing, both have drinks and toys, one is dressed (because his parents make sure to dress him every morning) and one is still in her jammies (because I'm lazy and have only been out of bed for half an hour, we'll get there).  ;)  It seems that the week is starting off on a good foot.  :)

Here's a little about my weekend and how it went.  :)  There were only 4 of us at work on Saturday (the last Saturday before Valentine's Day), which means we were on our toes!  We stayed busy most of the day and the 4 of us split all of our sales, which made for a really nice team attitude and feel.  It was a good sales day.  We didn't have the large sales, however, that we needed to hit our high daily goals.  Our store goal for the day was somewhere around $11,000.  We have between $7,000 and $8,000 when I left.  So I'll have some work to do this week to catch up my numbers.  Hopefully I'm able to do that before Friday (Valentine's Day), because after that our sales drop off significantly.  We'll see...

Alia got to feel Connor kicking while I was at work on Saturday.  She's been excited to feel kicks, probably since she found out I was pregnant, lol.  He was VERY active all Saturday morning (maybe it was the Starbucks).  ;)  Finally, when he'd been kicking for a bit, I grabbed Alia's hand and she got to feel about a half dozen good little kicks, right there in a row.  :)  It's always fun getting to share that with people.  :)  I know I liked feeling other people's babies kick while they were pregnant.  The movement is probably one of the things I'll miss most about pregnancy when we're done.  But at least I'll have a handsome baby boy in my arms to snuggle with.  ;)

I had Sunday off of work again!!  I only have to work one Sunday this month, and that's next week.  I have enjoyed those days with my family.  Yesterday we went to church and Sis and Adam joined us!  It was nice to see them!  :)  After church we went home and put Avery down for her nap.  She got out of bed and played for a while before finally curling up on the floor on top of a pillow to sleep, lol!  Silly girl!!  Sis and Adam brought lunch over and the 4 of us played board games on and off around the babies eating, napping, and playing.  It was a very nice day.  :)

Now Monday has finally arrived, and we have more snow.  Didn't know that was even coming!  This means more work for Michael shoveling the sidewalk and driveway again.  I feel bad for him, he's had to do it so many times.  But he's a good hubby and homeowner and he keeps at it.  :)  I love him so very much!

We've got an exciting week ahead of us!  Tonight, Michael and I are going to Manhattan for the K-State vs. KU basketball game.  :)  I'm excited to go to a game, I've had to work during a lot of them lately, so this will be the first one I've been to in close to a month.  It will also be nice to just get out with my hubby for a bit.  :)  Beth is going to watch Avery tonight, which is good, because no one else will have to drive in the dark and bad weather back home late this evening after we get home.

Wednesday is our next doctor's appointment!  Yay!!  I love going and checking up on Connor!  :)  Our appointment is in the morning this time because I'll need some lab work done, and they don't like to do that in the late afternoon when we usually schedule our appointments.  This week I'll do my glucose test to check for gestational diabetes.  I didn't have any problems with this during my pregnancy with Avery, and I haven't had protein or sugars in my urine dips thus far, so I think the test will come back normal.  When I get to the doctor Wednesday I'll have to go upstairs and drink the glucose.  It tastes like very sugary, flat orange soda.  It's not a big deal.  Then I go downstairs and see my doctor.  After my appointment I'll go back to the lab to have my blood drawn to see how my body processes all of the sugar in my system.  Finally, after the blood draw, I'll go back downstairs to get my Rhogam shot.  I didn't know much about blood types and the way they can be impacted and effected during your pregnancy.  I probably still wouldn't if Michael had had a negative blood type, because then I wouldn't have to worry about it.  But I've enjoyed learning about these things.  Just one more thing pregnancy has taught me.  ;)  I'm curious to find out what blood type Connor is.

My mom is going to come over on Wednesday and watch the babies while I go to the doctor.  Then, she's going to stick around throughout the day and she and I are going to make freezer meals to try out some new recipes.  This will give me an idea of what I want to have in the freezer before Connor is born.  We probably won't get those into the freezer until closer to a month or so before his arrival.  I'm looking forward to trying some new recipes and having another cooking day with my mom.  :)

I'm working a lot this week before Valentine's Day.  I'm hoping that we'll sell a lot.  I also work on Saturday, we'll see if it's very busy being the day after Valentine's Day.  No big Valentine's Day plans for Michael and I are in the works, but at the end of the month we're going to KC for the weekend to celebrate Valentine's Day and our 5 year anniversary, so we'll have a nice romantic weekend then.  :)

Next week I'm looking forward to my massage!!  Michael got me a massage groupon for Christmas at my favorite massage place here in town, Massology.  :)  I love going to them because they work the package around your needs instead of pre-determined packages and your stuck with the wrong thing if you purchase one that's not right for you on accident or out of ignorance (just not knowing what you need).  So in 1.5 weeks I'll head over there for a nice relaxing massge.  I think included in my groupon is a foot scrub and either a back or face treatment as well.  But no matter, A.Jay, my massuse, is good about picking good add-ons for me.  I especially love hot stones.  :)  I might have to make a request.  :D

Meanwhile, back here at home, I'm still working on my "list", trying to earn myself another massage or a pedicure.  I have 11 items left on my list.  Michael has agreed to do 3 of those items.  This leaves only 8 more things for me to do before Wednesday night.  Here's hoping I'll be motivated to get them done.  ;)  I'm feeling pretty good this morning, so hopefully I can knock out a few more things today.  :) 

This Sunday the girls from work are coming over again, so I'd like to have the house all finished by then so everything will be in good shape when they get here.  Also, if everything is cleaned up beforehand, it leaves far less for Michael to have to worry about picking up on Sunday when I'm at work.  ;)  And since he works so hard during the week and takes such good care of Avery while I work, I would like to keep from adding any more to his plate than I need to.  :)

Well, I think that's more than enough for this morning.  Hopefully this week is a good one.  The babies are doing well, so far.  For the first hour of the week, I'm thankful for pleasant and happy behavior.  Here's hoping it lasts all week!  :)  Wishing you all a pleasant week as well!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Pregnancy Update - 27 Weeks!!

How far along: 27 weeks!

Due date: May 9, 2014

Next doctor's appointment: Feb. 12 - Just 5 days away!  Can't wait to have my appointments closer together here very soon!  :)

Our baby is the size of a veggie/fruit/food: Cauliflower or rutebaga

Our baby's size in man terms: Partially deflated basketball or a child's lunchbox

Total weight gain/loss: +8.6 lbs.  I keep hovering around this 8-9 pound range.  But I'm not complaining!!  I know to expect between 10 and 15 pounds more during the 3rd trimester, so I'm sure it will start adding on quick.  Going to enjoy this stagnant time while I've got it!  ;)

News: Nothing much to report this week.  I'll have doctor stats to report next week, but for now, all quiet.  :)

Best moments this week: Michael agreeing to give me a back/foot massage after a very long day of working on the house!  It was soooooo nice!!  30 minutes long!!  My hubby rocks!!

Milestones: We hit 27 weeks today, which means we are officially in the 3rd trimester!!!!!  Woot woot!!!!!!  It's crazy how fast this pregnancy seems to have gone by! 

Symptoms: Heartburn, shortness of breath, irritability, discomfort (especially when sleeping or laying down), nesting urges  ;)

Maternity clothes? Yup, they're getting tighter every day...  I hope they hold out for 3 more months!

Stretch marks? I haven't seen any new ones, but my marks from Avery are getting restretched and a little darker.  I think Connor's marks are just around the corner.  *sigh*  With Avery they didn't start until 34 weeks, but they came with a vengence when they did.  This time, I'm doomed.  :P

Belly Button in or out? In.  Still not seeing any signs of it going out.

Movement: Tons!  Connor loves kicking my arms when I rest them on my belly.  However, I don't think he's nearly as fiesty (yet) as Avery was when I was pregnant with her.  Maybe he plans on being a nice chill baby like his sister.  ;)  (Hey, I can hope, right?  All I've heard is that after your good baby the next one is terrible.  I'm wishing for 2 perfectly chill babies!)  :D

Gender: It's a boy!!

Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty decent.  It takes a while to get comfortable, even with our new pillows, and I wake up several times a night to readjust, but not too bad.  The heartburn has died down a little (poor bald baby, lol), so that helps, but as we enter the 3rd trimester, I expect it to get bad again.  And so far I'm not getting up in the middle of the night to use the restroom more than once or twice a week.  Usually I can wait until morning, but then I REALLY gotta go!  ;)  Also, Connor kicks pretty gently so far, *knock on wood*, so his kicking isn't keeping me up either.  We'll see how I do for the next 3 months...

Food cravings: Taco Salad!  It's sounded good since I made it a couple weeks ago!  I had ground turkey in the freezer that needed to be used, and I didn't have taco seasoning, so I looked up a recipe online and made my own.  They turned out GREAT!!  It was delicious!  Taco Salad may become a regular dinner rotation item!  :)  Also last night I wanted to go out and get appetizers with Michael, but Beth wasn't home to keep an eye on Avery.  So instead, I went to Wal-Mart and got donuts, veggie stick chips, and chicken egg rolls.  That's what sounded good for dinner, lol!

Food aversions: Not much.  I even cooked this week after a long hard day of cleaning.  I'm hoping the energy I missed out on in the 2nd trimester will catch up with me in the 3rd.  ;)

What I miss: Being able to roll over easily in bed and having more energy to play with the babies.  Soon though, very soon, I'll be back to normal.  :)  I also miss wine.  A sip or two here and there just isn't cutting it.  ;)

What I'm loving: My growing belly, Connor's kicks, Avery pointing to my belly and saying "baby", when Connor kicks Michael, getting a little free reign on my food intake (don't worry, I'm not getting too crazy), and the "pregnancy" treatment at work and home where all the wonderful people in my life take extra special care of me.  :)

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting Connor!!  Every time I get another item ready like his nursery reorganized, his bedding washed, his crib raised, or his carseat cleaned, I get more and more excited for his arrival!  But I still have so much to do!!  *Nest nest nest*

Thoughts and feelings about Michael: My wonderful hubby takes such good care of me!  I really appreciated my wonderful massage this week!  Especially after so much cleaning!  Michael just blesses my life in so many ways!  He builds me up and celebrates me and my accomplishments (little though they may be).  He makes me feel important and like I'm really contributing.  He makes me feel loved and appreciated.  He's truly a dream come true.  :)  Pregnancy is so much easier with him at my side.

Thoughts and feelings about Avery: Avery is such a sweet little girl!  She's so curious and full of life.  I don't know how much I care for her new obsession with climbing, but I sure do love her.  :)  She can be ornery as I'll get out, refusing to give Michael or me hugs or kisses, but then she also has a very sweet and cuddly side, especially when she's getting sleepy, that I love to exploit.  ;)  She and her Daddy make it worth getting up in the morning.  I'm so incredibly in love with this perfect little life I'm living.  I am one lucky woman to get to do this with my life.  So blessed!

Labor signs: Nope, just Braxton Hicks

Goals: Finish my cleaning list

Weekly Wisdom: My wisdom for this week isn't really pregnancy related, and if you read my blog from yesterday, you know all about it already.  I had a huge list of things I wanted to get done around the house, but no motivation.  So, with Michael's help and approval I came up with a reward system to help motivate my lazy pregnant body into working through my list.  It helped TREMENDOUSLY in getting things done!  Now, my list isn't done yet, but I'm over halfway done with my 41 item list in just 2 days.  So when you're feeling discouraged over the housework and need some motivating to get your tail in gear, set some goals and reward yourself for achievements.   :)  You'll be amazed at what you can do with the right incentives pushing you to complete your work.  :)  Also, making any boring task into a game (especially one you can play with your spouse) makes the time and tasks go by quicker.  :)  Michael and I have come up with several different cleaning games over the years to make the tedious more fun.  It really does work!  And competition is always a fun motivator!  :D  Happy cleaning!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Housecleaning, Sharing, and Playing Nice

Yesterday was an INCREDIBLY productive day for me thanks to my husband for cheering me on and tempting me with prizes for accomplishing household cleaning goals.  ;)  I loooooove making lists when it comes to cleaning.  However, I usually don't get as far into my lists as I would like.  Yesterday I knew I needed to do housework, but as usual, I was tired and unmotivated to get up and work.  I made a list and sent it to Michael.  I told him, these are the things I want to get done.  Some of these items were bigger and more time consuming, others could be done quickly and were merely another item on my to-do list.  I asked Michael to help me come up with some incentives to encourage me to get the work done.  While having a clean home is a pretty good incentive, it's hard to see the light that far at the end of the tunnel.  So Michael and I devised a system to reward me along the way to my goal of completing the entire list.  In all, there were 41 items on my to-do list.  So here is the reward system we came up with/agreed to.
Complete 15 items - Receive a 30 minute massage from Michael
Complete an additional 10 items (25 total) - Receive a night out (with or without Michael and/or Avery), $25 limit
Complete an additional 5 items (30 total) - Michael agrees to complete 3 remaining chores from the list
Complete the entire list (41 total) - Receive one service (ie: pedicure or massage), $50 limit
Michael and I aren't really in a position to be spending a lot of money, so I tried to keep the cost down by only having 2 prizes that could actually cost money.  The other 2 prizes were free labor out of my great hubby, which he agreed to do.  I was very proud of myself yesterday!!  I managed to complete 15 items on my to-do list!!  :D  I felt very accomplished!!  Today, I'm paying the price for all of my hard work yesterday, and I'm moving a little slower, lol.  ;)  But it's worth it!  I have a great start on my house and fulfilled that nesting/cleaning instinct that's been getting stronger.  :P  I plan on doing more today, but I don't think I'll be quite as productive as yesterday.  As I mentioned before, I'm pretty wore out now.  ;)

A reason I may be worn out right now is that I'm ending my 2nd trimester!!  As of tomorrow I will be in the 3rd and final trimester of my pregnancy!  Yahoo!!  :D  I'm looking forward to meeting my baby boy, but I know I'm going to miss pregnancy.  It's been a fun chapter in our lives.  I'll miss the feeling of a growing baby inside of me.  I'll miss the wonder of his or her face and the excitement of setting eyes on my child for the first time.  But we'll get so many wonderful things in return!!  We'll get first smiles and steps, I'll get the intimacy and love in a nursing relationship, we'll get to enjoy learning his personality and seeing how perfectly he fits into our family dynamic.  :)  It will be wonderful welcoming Connor into our family.  3 months and 3 days (ish) to go and we'll be a family a 4!  Where did time go?

Avery and Dayton have been doing very well together lately!  It seems like we've been through a rocky stretch of late and they have been bumping heads a lot.  However, in the last couple of weeks, things have turned around for the better and they are getting along quite well.  :)  Avery, who's usually very possessive of her food and drinks, has been offering to share (specifically her drinks) with Dayton.  Dayton has been giving hugs instead of shoves to Avery.  It's refreshing to see them playing cooperatively together instead of fussing at each other about every little thing.  Now, that's not to say that everything is perfect yet.  The firetruck is a constant struggle/fussing point.  It's a comfort object for Dayton, but just another toy for Avery.  So when Dayton puts it down, Avery picks it up to play with it.  This sends Dayton off the deep end.  He gets hysterical in a matter of seconds.  If he would go up to Avery, stick his hand out, and ask for the truck, she would happily give it to him (they've done this a time or two before).  But having a meltdown doesn't entice her to give it back, or me to insist that she does.  :\  Right or wrong, that's how I feel about the thing.  There is far less fussing when there is no firetruck at my house.  *sigh*  However, when Avery gives the truck back, or shares some other toy or drink, Dayton is very good about saying 'thank you'.  I appreciate that kindness.  For 1 year olds, I would say that these babies are not too bad.  ;)

In just a few more weeks, we'll have three 1-year olds at my house!!  It will be QUITE the adventure!!  For those of you who haven't heard, at the end of February, Michael and I will be babysitting Madison for a week.  Chelsey is having surgery and thought it would be easier on Nathan to old have to care for her instead of the kids too.  So Madison is coming here Feb. 23-28th.  Having her here will make an extra full house, but I'm sure we'll have lots of fun!

At the end of that week Nathan will come and get Madison, Michael will take a half day, and Michael and I will leave for Kansas City for our Valentine's Day/Anniversary weekend together!  Our anniversary is actually towards the end of May, but by the time it gets here we'll have a 2 week old infant.  :P  So we planned a little getaway for the end of February, after the Valentine's Day craziness passes at my work, before we get geared up for Easter and Mother's Day, we'll have a weekend to ourselves to enjoy each other and celebrate our story thus far.  I can hardly believe we're about to celebrate 5 years of marriage!!  It seems so crazy that it's been that long.  I'm feeling nostalgic, so for anyone who cares, here is a quick rundown of the significant moments in our relationship.  :)

Jan. 5, 2007 - We met at DCC
Jan. 18, 2007 - We started dating
July 18, 2008 - We got engaged
May 23, 2009 - We got married
June 1, 2011 - We moved to Wichita
Feb. 4, 2012 - We bought our house
Oct. 5, 2012 - Our daughter was born
Sept. 1, 2013 - We found out we were pregnant (we wouldn't find out until later that we were having a son)
May 9, 2014 - Our son is due
May 23, 2014 - Our 5 year anniversary

It's been a wonderful and amazing journey.  I feel like after Connor gets here, our lives will slow down for a bit (as far as significant, note-worthy events go), as much as they can with a 1-year old and a newborn.  I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us.  He has blessed us in great ways so far in our relationship and lives.  We are humbled and honored to be covered in His generosity.  :)  Life is good.  :)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Baby Prep

Well, maybe it's nesting, maybe it's excitement that our baby boy will be here in just a little over 3 months, but I'm getting excited to prepare for his arrival!! 

As you know, Avery began sleeping in her big girl bed and room about a month ago.  We did this so that she would be well acquainted with her new room and sleeping arrangements by the time Connor got here.  That way there would be no jealousy or frustration that he was sleeping in "her" crib.  The transition has gone very well.  She's been sleeping in her bed at bedtime for a month, and in her bed for naps for a week.  We have had a couple hiccups along the way, but overall, she has done remarkable!  :D  We're very pleased!

Moving Avery out of the nursery was one of the last things we needed to do to REALLY get Connor's room ready for him.  I have already removed all of the girly blankets, toys, and clothes.  I am in the process of washing the last bit of bedding that was in the crib when Avery was using it.  My step for today is to raise the crib height back up to the high newborn setting, put the waterproof pad and sheet back on the matress, put the matress back into the crib, add the bumpers back into the crib, put the mobile back up on the crib, and wash the gender neutral stuffed animals to lay in the crib until Connor arrives.  It seems like a lot, but mostly it's just getting the bed ready, and it's all that I feel adventurous enough to tackle today.  ;)

Here are a few of the finishing touches I need to do on Connor's room:
-Make his "Snakes, Snails, and Puppy dog tails" art
-Get and hang a shelf or two
-Vaccum the floors, rug, and chair
-Decide on final room arrangement
-Stock diapers (cloth and disposable), wipes, and trash can near changing table
-Make sure closet is completely clean of Avery's stuff and ready for Connor's

Those are most of them anyway....  There are other things I need to do/get ready before his arrival.  I need to start making lists so I can keep myself organized and continue working down the number of to-do items.  My energy is so fleeting, I need to capitalize and make the most of the energetic moments I have (and make the most of nap time).  Here are some of the other items that need done before Connor's arrival:
-Go to Sis and Adam's to get baby clothes and gear (play mat and bath sling)
-Go to Kid to Kid with a load of Avery's newborn/0-3 month clothes to trade in for new clothes for Connor
-Buy Connor a new (or several new) outfits to come home from the hospital in
-Get boy receiving blankets, regular blankets, and hooded towels
-Pack Michael's, Connor's, and my hospital bag
-Make final arrangements with Sis, Adam, and Mama about Avery's care while we're in labor with Connor
-Schedule maternity photo session with Courtney
-Clean the never-ending mess that is my house
-Plan, cook, and freeze meals for Connor's arrival
-Make final arrangements with Sis, Adam, and Mama about Dayton's (and Avery's) care while I'm on "maternity leave"
-Clean out the carseat that Connor will use
-Install carseat and base in my car
-Stock up on (Free!  Thank you coupons!) formula
-Get out, wash, and sanitize bottles
-Get a good pump

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I've got at the moment, lol!  There's so much to do!  But I'm sure we'll get it all done.  :)  Call me crazy, but I enjoy the nest/cleaning/preparing stage.  :)  I'm just trying to soak it all in and enjoy everything about this pregnancy since I know it will be my last.  Planning for a new baby is so very much fun!  Can't wait to experience the differences in having a little boy.  :)  I feel so blessed to have the perfect family of 4 with a little boy and a little girl!  Does life get any better than this??  Because this is awesome!  :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pregnancy Update - 26 Weeks

How far along: 26 weeks, 3 days

Due date: May 9, 2014

Next doctor's appointment: Feb. 12th (Only 9 more days!  Then we get to start checking on our little guy more often!  Yay!!)

Our baby is the size of a veggie/fruit/food: Eggplant, Hothouse Cucumber, Scallion, or Lettuce (All 4 of my apps had different sizes this week!  Crazy!)

Our baby in man terms: 14 inch trout or the size of a kid's lunchbox (My original men's size website still isn't working.  I think it's a gonner.  :(  Oh well!  These 2 seem to be fun sites as well!)  ;)

Total weight gain/loss: +9.8 lbs (going back up, and making up for the loss from last week, lol)

News: Not much to report this week.  Had a few Braxton Hicks contractions.  They were a little more painful than I remembered them with Avery.  But nothing too bad.  :)  Just one more reminder that my body is getting ready.

Best moments this week: Avery pointing at my belly and saying "baby" (or pointing at her own belly), Connor giving Michael lots of good hard kicks while we're laying in bed in the evening, and of course, lots of movement from my baby boy!  I love it all!

Milestones: We hit 26 weeks this week.  Only 1 more week in the 2nd trimester.  It's going by so fast!

Symptoms: Heartburn, fatigue, starting to get the dark line down my belly, shortness of breath, trouble rolling over and sleeping, big 'ol belly...  I think I may be pregnant...  ;)

Maternity clothes? Yup!

Stretch marks? Nothing from Connor yet

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement: Tons!!

Gender: Boy

Sleep: Getting tougher, laying flat makes it harder to breathe, heartburn isn't too bad yet, but does occur on occassion, rolling over in bed is getting a little cumbersome, and I get up either in the middle of the night (once) or very early in the morning to pee.  ;)  The joys of pregnancy! 

Food cravings: Wings, chocolate milk, ice cream, chips

Food aversions: Cooking aversions

What I miss: Energy

What I'm loving: My perfect bump!

What I'm looking forward to: Having Courtney with us to take pictures before, during (nothing graffic), and after Connor's birth.

Thoughts and feelings about Michael: I love my hubby.  He was looking out for me this weekend as we walked across icy parking lots.  He cares for me so dearly.  He is a dream come true.  :)

Thoughts and feelings about Avery: Sweet Avery has truly been a monkey lately.  I love her ornery, squirrely side.  She's a great baby.  She tried to "feed" Connor her waffle this weekend by pushing it at my belly button, lol!  She's just a doll!  :)

Labor signs: Braxton Hicks

Goals: Keep things clean

Weekly Wisdom: Do a little each day to help.  Then, at the end of the week, when you're worn out, the task isn't so daunting.