Friday, December 28, 2012


Some of you may have heard, but I had my phone stolen from work.  I was selling and while I was distracted with one customer, another stole my phone off of the counter in the back.  It really stunk.  I lost my sd card that had all of my pictures of Avery on it.  Luckily I had uploaded the pictures to my computer fairly recently.  For the most part all I lost was my Christmas pictures.  Another lucky twist of fate is that I constantly upload pictures of Avery to facebook, so I was able to keep quite a few of my pictures.  I have a new phone now, but that last couple of days have been stressful and expensive.  I'm just glad that they were able to just quietly steal the phone and not try to hold us up and use violence to get it.  Silver lining, right?  Ugh.  Oh well, we survived, like we always do.  Just glad I can hug and hold my family safely.  Crazy stupid world we live in.

On a happier note, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas.  :)  We did.  :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Phone

Well, I finally got my new phone!  I'm loving it!  I was able to find another one with a slide out keyboard.  The girls at work think I'm silly for wanting one, but I just can't go over to the on-screen keyboard yet.  My new phone has some neat features like burst mode on pictures.  It will take 6 pictures all at once, so if Avery smiles or makes a cute face a split second after I hit the button, I still capture it.  I'm enjoying it.

Also, Michael and I are feeling much better.  It was a rough weekend on both of us, but we got through it.  Avery is still very healthy so far.  Praying she stays that way.  Michael and I were both as sick as we've been in a very long time.

Christmas is coming up!  I can't wait!  Our house is decorated except for the lights outside.  We have a beautiful new baby girl in our home to love on this holiday season.  We're living in our amazing new house, so we're not throwing away money on rent anymore.  Life is so very good right now.  We couldn't ask for more.  The Lord has blessed us in big ways in 2012.  I can't wait to see what He has in store for us in 2013.  :)  Maybe start baking another baby.  ;)  We shall see.  ;)

Well, I hope you all are well.  Sorry for the infrequent updates lately.  With Avery finally here I don't have a bunch of time to blog anymore.  But I do have plenty of time to take lots of pictures of her!  Enjoy!  :D

I also added a picture of my new wedding set.  :)  We finally got the band paid off and now I have all of it.  It's beautiful!  My hubby is amazing!  I am in love with my beautiful new set (and still in love with my gorgeous original diamond).  Thanks, Love!  :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Mostly Pictures

Not much new to report, but lots of new pictures!!!